I guess what halfpower is trying to ask people is if the proprietary software wil swallow linux over the years. Well, Apple didn´t make any big movement over linux to blame it for it´s problems. Microsoft is always trying to Blame Linux every time. We all know that Ballmer continuously tell stupid things about Linux that aren´t true. And Microsoft sued Linux users telling them they are using their codes, but there hasn´t any prooves about that.
In Fact, NT 4.0 is a Modified BSD with all restrictions only Microsoft bring. And the evolution of this behavior with Abusive EULAS, prices and restrictions culmine with the remote atestation, wich is in it´s way to be used first from BBC, London, as EFF publicized.
The problem, is the consumers are on their limits to so much rules to simply use software on their computers. And the software made by Microsoft continuously suffer from high prices. Outside of USA the problem get so bigger that nations worldwide embraced Linux. The other problem is Microsoft uses government to represent their interests over the users, generally enterprises that can be sued for money.
They don´t simply have a new software unsupported to people who don´t want to pay, that´s one problem, and Starter Edition is so much limited. The CALs are an abuse. you have to pay for connections or users for a product that you already paid. Pay twice, Or, if you don´t know nothing about computers , you can be sued like Julie Amero.
The pirates never asked Microsoft about nothing, they simply never used their support, but not because the software is perfect, but because they know that their software is pirated. They help each others.
Home, Starter are Limited ? XP Pro corporate XPirated Version solves it for all.
Here in Brazil, in the black market, only the Vista Ultimate is being seem. All of the Journals already announced the " crime ". No others Vista are pirated. Why ?
What I´m telling is when they are spending most of their " precious " time to promote limits to the users, Pirates are saying that there is no limit .
What will you choose, a complex activation with rules, rules, and more rules, or a simply " Press enter message " ?
For the average Joe, whose don´t know nothing about consequences of what they are doing, they only want a simple solution. Not to tell Microsoft what is going on their computers. They think " The computer is mine ". Well. I guess Microsoft doesn´t think this way if you use their software.
And MAC ?
MAC is closed source, but is not atacking other initiatives, but there is technical restrictions too.
A Sample for this, is recently I bought a 1gb MP3 player/pen drive, what I asked to the dealer ?
Is restricted to an vendor of software ?
He says a great " NO "
Well, I´m happy, now, use any software to decode my CD´s to MP3 without spywares and simply copy and paste to my device like if it is a simple pen drive.
I don´t need much. It simply function.
If in the same place there is a 8GB for the same price, but telling that I have to register to use, and have the obligation to use only the vendor´s software to transfer my music to the device. connected to the Internet. F***k devil device, I´m out .
That´s the problem we are facing, the problem of the "fair use".
Pirates haves the "fair use" of the software.
But Linux have the legal fair use of the software.
Honest people have to register and a bunch of burocracy to simply use Microsoft things...
But, returning to MAC, they do wrong things too, but Steve Jobs said that isn´t what he want´s. He perceived Fair use will rule the world.
That´s the point. As far as any proprietary software goes on with burocracy, invasion of the user´s life, or price, they will loose for free and fair use stuff. An mid point is required for them to survive. Ballmer is desperate to do such crazy things, but look at what Vista is with their remote atestation, new drivers, video loss quality and registration...
As far as they try to push Linux to the ground with offenses, the most users will see that they are paying much for less with proprietary systems.
Will you pay for live in a jail ?
The problem is that they always stay behind the lawyers.
Open source opens the gate between you and persons that understand the technology and make it not only for free or liberty, but for "fair use" too.
Linux is "fair use" of the software. That´s the point.
That´s what users are claiming for, and Linux is getting famous by it every day. The self propaganda of Linux is Fair use. It´s invincible.
This way, they will never knock out Linux.
Linux will always survive with proprietary software, wether if will be bigger or not, the "fair use" will dictate for users more than publicity or sues by now. I don´t know what will be the next challenge for Linux, But depending on Humans love he certainly will win.
Apple closes their mouth and tries to push that game to the quality, silently gaining consumers from Windows systems.
Well, in the final act, I can see Microsoft Windows being a limited platform for games. Nothing more.
The OSes all do near the same things.
If you want to work very well and be very productive with the fair use and
specialized tasks ( without video games ) . Choose Linux
If you want to turn your computer into a Video Game . Choose Microsoft
If you want to edit your Videos and have cool sites . Choose a MAC
Other Specialized Tasks .Choose others