Sociopaths are always charming and really good at manipulation.
I don't agree. Its just that most people don't want to call shitty people out, largely because of the hassle or it causing the shittiness to get redirected their way.
I've experienced this first hand with friends and family where they refuse to believe someone is lying or worse and I have to prove it to them and they still refuse to believe it or hold the people accountable. Stuff like lies (and being caught blatantly doing so in ways that can be irrefutably proven), and stuff like stealing thousands of dollars and again being caught red handed and people just do not want to accept it or deal with it.
These people aren't charming or good at manipulation. Its much more that no one wants to have to deal with such bullshit. In some instances they can't because people will report the stuff but some other idiot decides they'd rather look the other way, or the person has enough power/money so that it doesn't go anywhere.
This opinion isn’t popular however many respected people have said the Former President is a very charming guy in person. People such as Joe Scarborough, Racheal Maddow and even Howard Stern. The man is good at talking and probably really good at complimenting. His true self which he doesn’t show until he has power is shitty.
People say the same thing about serial killers and other monsters and its always baffling to me. They aren't charming (they overhwelmingly show their true selves such that even the most naive person sees who they are), its just that most people don't actually want to believe people are lying to them or worse, or no one wants to really call out their bullshit because society at large doesn't hold monsters accountable until they do something truly monstrous (and the more of a monster they are the more proof they need to do that), so you put yourself in harms way by calling it out.
Its true whether its shitty spoiled rich kids (who rarely face any consequences), power tripping asshole cops (who shuffle around to different precincts), child molesting priests and others (that get shuffled around to different places instead of held accountable), dipshits that get into the public sector (where they fail their way upwards), and its true on financial scammers (ponzi schemes, etc) where it simply just comes down to them running out of money to keep the charade going that does them in. Oh and same with abusive partners.
I don’t know. Cult members typically struggle to say something negative about their cult leader. Usually they’ll make excuses for why they would still vote for them or why they think he’s fit for office.
I think its worse than that. Most people can't/don't want to be bothered or don't want to have to accept that someone could be shitty and people overwhelmingly don't want to be the ones to do something about it because its a giant pain in the ass to deal with such people because of how ridiculous they are in their lies and other bullshit. And if they have any sort of power or money it can be near impossible to actually hold them accountable for their behavior.