Originally posted by: jpeyton
Originally posted by: BigJelly
Did the author make up the facts about the story? Maybe the mainstream media is afraid of being hunted down and beheaded. Or maybe the media can't bring itself to agree with Bush on the simple fact that we are at war with radical islam. Probably both but you decide how much those determined their inability to point out the radical nature of the islamic extremists.
Don't fool yourself into thinking Bush ever stated he's at war with any kind of Islam.
He has better speech writers than that.
Besides, you can add up all the Christians that Islamic terrorists have killed in the last 5 years, and that total would be surpassed in two days by the number of Muslims killed by Islamic terrorists.
Looks like they are taking care of the problem internally. Do you guys really have that big of a hard-on for another trillion dollar war/occupation with the bodies of our dead soldiers paving the way?
Better yet, I have yet to see one of you show evidence of exactly how prevalent fundamentalism is in Islam. How many people? 10,000? 100,000? 1,000,000? What percentage is that of Islam as a whole? This country is in for a sad future if you guys think war will lead to your salvation when you're dealing with a religion that has 1.4 billion (and growing) followers worldwide, because they can wage war a lot cheaper than we can. They only needed 19 men and $500,000 to scar our country permanently.
Even if we elected some backwoods, gun-toting 'kill-em-all' cowboy as President who decided to nuke the entire middle east, they'd only need 20 men and $500,000. We could nuke North Africa, and they'd only need 20 men and $500,000. Do you see a pattern here? They'll always have their numbers, and they could really care less (or rather, they're probably cheering us on) as we dig ourselves into a financial and physical hole fighting people who have nothing to do with the enemy.
9/11 was really just the catalyst; Osama is probably more proud of Iraq than anything. We've doubled the body count of 9/11, we're bankrupting our children's future, we're swelling the ranks of terrorists groups, and we've given them a playground to practice in. Bravo!