Why is the right wing media on cue sh1tting on Simone Biles?

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Aug 2, 2001
Or it could be that a lot of people don't like quitters. Grim determination goes a long way in building respect.
Personally, I don't care. She had a bad day, decided she couldn't cut it, and quit. That's her right, it's her decision to make. I have to assume she considered the effort and cost of making it to the Olympics, and decided quitting was the best answer.

It's a sad that she'll always be remembered as the one that gave up. That decision, right or wrong, is the difference between being remembered as a hero, or a zero.

It's sad you twats will remember her that way.

The normies will remember her as the goat


Oct 15, 1999
a lot of people think they dont like quitters but this goes way beyond that.

She is not a quitter.

The conservative propaganda people have decided to target her for a multitude of reasons not the least of which is its a good distraction from whatever the republican party is doing wrong at the moment. They know their fan base is easily distracted and a black woman doing something for herself is perfect news fodder.
She removed herself from the competition. She quit. That's undeniable. But this conspiracy thing you have going on is pretty weird.


Golden Member
Oct 30, 2011
Or it could be that a lot of people don't like quitters. Grim determination goes a long way in building respect.
Personally, I don't care. She had a bad day, decided she couldn't cut it, and quit. That's her right, it's her decision to make. I have to assume she considered the effort and cost of making it to the Olympics, and decided quitting was the best answer.

It's a sad that she'll always be remembered as the one that gave up. That decision, right or wrong, is the difference between being remembered as a hero, or a zero.
What SteveGrabkowski said. Educate yourself:


She'll be remembered as the one of the greatest athletes in human history by anyone who who has an opinion on her and isn't a complete clown.


Jun 30, 2003
so not only do i think there's plenty of racism/misogyny tied into this, but it occurred to me that there's plenty of fascism(?) too.
you must sacrifice yourself for the glory of the state, lest you disgrace yourself on the world stage.

fuck that.


Oct 18, 2005
Or it could be that a lot of people don't like quitters. Grim determination goes a long way in building respect.
Personally, I don't care. She had a bad day, decided she couldn't cut it, and quit. That's her right, it's her decision to make. I have to assume she considered the effort and cost of making it to the Olympics, and decided quitting was the best answer.

It's a sad that she'll always be remembered as the one that gave up. That decision, right or wrong, is the difference between being remembered as a hero, or a zero.

This post says nothing good about you.


Apr 8, 2013
so not only do i think there's plenty of racism/misogyny tied into this, but it occurred to me that there's plenty of fascism(?) too.
you must sacrifice yourself for the glory of the state, lest you disgrace yourself on the world stage.

fuck that.

Yes and consider the irony of American conservatives arguing that responsibility to a collective must outweigh the needs and wants of the individual. Hmm. How well, for example, does that harmonize with their refusal to wear masks and get vaccinated?


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Or it could be that a lot of people don't like quitters. Grim determination goes a long way in building respect.
Personally, I don't care. She had a bad day, decided she couldn't cut it, and quit. That's her right, it's her decision to make. I have to assume she considered the effort and cost of making it to the Olympics, and decided quitting was the best answer.

It's a sad that she'll always be remembered as the one that gave up. That decision, right or wrong, is the difference between being remembered as a hero, or a zero.
Lol at the internet rando who just called someone with 6 Olympic medals a quitter. What the fuck have you ever done in your whole pathetic loser life that even comes close? Seriously, get the fuck out of here, loser.


Oct 15, 1999
its not a conspiracy. its the way things are.
and its obvious to the people who can see it from the outside.
but if you are inside the horse shit cafeteria you will never know.
And that right there truly is the crux of the issue. You think your outside looking in, I think you can't see the forest through the trees.
I don't think your brand of stupid is any better than any other.
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Oct 15, 1999
What SteveGrabkowski said. Educate yourself:


She'll be remembered as the one of the greatest athletes in human history by anyone who who has an opinion on her and isn't a complete clown.
Educated, doesn't change a thing. This is about the "feelings" of the unwashed masses. As I've said two or three times, it's her decision to make. I don't get to gainsay it, and I didn't try.


Jun 23, 2004
Why is the right wing media on cue sh1tting on Simone Biles?

I would love to hear other theories.

Because lies. Media headlines told them what "happened". That she "quit" over "mental illness". AKA, she's a faker and a quitter, etc. etc. Maybe she hates America too.

The truth did not reach them, and so on their platforms they repeat those lies. And they spew filth at Simone. Because spewing filth is what they do. Every day they bake a !@#$ pie, today it has her face on it. Tomorrow someone else will be the target of their abuse.

Until now I had never heard of the condition Gymnasts face and often suffer. The physical inability to perform due to losing positional awareness / balance in the air. To no longer "feel" the necessary cue with their body. The media described it as mental illness and that was that. A house built upon lies, AKA right wing media.
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Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
And that right there truly is the crux of the issue. You think your outside looking in, I think you can't see the forest through the trees.
I don't think your brand of stupid is any better than any other.

There must be something out there convincing fat old losers who can barely get of their recliners that they're better than one of the world's greatest athletes. Because that is a truly exceptional brand of stupid.


Jun 23, 2004
I’d hazard to guess that most righties fail to see people as actual human beings. It’s why they typically are against policies that help people until they experience the need themselves for such policies.

No one, and I mean NO ONE who spoke ill of her has ever heard of her condition. Or (if in the minority they did) accepts it as being real. They just think she quit for no good reason.

The existence of the condition is too much for their pea sized brains to comprehend. So instead they hate the quitter.

Also, the media has done an absolute shit job of explaining it to anyone.
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Nov 8, 2012
It's hilarious because everyone here is speaking on behalf of conservatives.....inyet... Conservatives just don't give a shit lol.


Jul 13, 2005
Like a starved pack of dogs in a pit and someone threw in a pork chop. It's as if they've been waiting for something like this to pounce. I could understand if she has a history of being a bad person and a horrible influence on the country however she has been anything but.

My theory. Laura Ingraham said it best when LeBron James spoke up for BLM and against police misconduct. She told him to "just shut up and dribble" I think it's the attitude that successful black people are just there for the amusement of the country and speaking out when you have a public forum is uppity. "How dare she do anything for the USA besides jump, spin twist and smile". "You don't get to speak out, that's a privilege reserved for the majority". The same majority that has ruled this country since it's inception.

We allow you to shuck and jive (mataphor) for us and make money but that's all you get to do or we will slap you down. Having an opinion is fine but this is too timely, too coordinated, too uniform coming from the same group of people. Did they have a meeting in advance to plan this? That's not how it works. A few of them put the idea in the blogosphere, the rest of them see it and say to themselves, "we get to demean a successful black person and make our white base feel good about themselves.

Right-Wing Media Launches Unhinged Attack on Simone Biles (thedailybeast.com)

Of course Aunt Thomasina the worst self loathing black woman in the country must also pile on
Candace Owens Throws Shade At Simone Biles For Withdrawing From Olympics (yahoo.com)

I would love to hear other theories.
She is black there are no other theories.....


Golden Member
Jul 11, 2016

We both know damn well that there is no such thing.

What SteveGrabkowski said. Educate yourself:


She'll be remembered as the one of the greatest athletes in human history by anyone who who has an opinion on her and isn't a complete clown.

This 1000%, I have never seen anyone like her. She had to be created there is no way that she was born, the fast-twitch muscles in her legs are like springs.
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Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2002
It's hilarious because everyone here is speaking on behalf of conservatives.....inyet... Conservatives just don't give a shit lol.

Traditional conservatives would not care much. Even a past type of Republican wouldn’t care much. But the current crop of shit flingers that make up the Republican base are unreasonably angry at her and while we might hear a bunch of excuses made, it’s racism and sexism driving it. She was highly successful at an elite level at the end of a traditional career in gymnastics. She withdrew for entirely valid reasons, ones that a lessor competitor would have withdrew long ago for. She might have personally just discovered her limit after a career of always being on the bleeding edge.

The people calling her a quitter would have stopped showing up two days into a commitment of the same scope that she made for the last decade. A reasonable human being admires what she accomplished. Anyone mad at her is just telling on themselves about what a weak joke of a person they are.
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Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Why is the right wing media on cue sh1tting on Simone Biles?

Please don't ask me that. The answer is really unpleasant.

When I was a child my parents were terrified I would be exposed to the kind of hatred Simone Biles is experiencing. The had to destroy any tendency I had to do my own thing, to be who I am, and not to care what anybody thinks. And I was so insistent on being who I am they had to kill me psychically and convert me to thinking just like they do. I learned to hate and fear anybody who was different or did not toe the line, stay in my court, and obey all the social rules and etiquette. And so I became just like them hateful and terrified of anybody different and especially anybody who showed even the slightest signs that they might break free of the program. Have you any idea how deeply I suffered having to abandon my real self and become a walking zombie, a robot, a machine pretending to be alive?

Oh yes, I know why I hate her and condemn her to hell. She has said hell no to my prison. She might even become happy to be who she really is, selfish, the bitch, to make herself and not everybody else happy, to put her welfare above me and my holy prison, to shit on everything I was told I had to believe is sacred. You have no idea how deep that hate I have for self actualized people, people who simply do not care, who would spit in the face of my parents. Nobody but nobody, after what it cost me to conform is going to tell me I'm not the 'good one', the dutiful and obedient son, the apple of my parents' eyes, their perfect mirror.

Trust me, you people are never going to figure this out. You will never notice you are just like me, full of envy, jealousy, and hate for everybody.

Boy, a flock of 'em flew over that time. I just need a cookie and I will forget everything.
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Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2020
Why is the right wing media on cue sh1tting on Simone Biles?

Because they are evil.

Not shades of grey. Not pro and con. Not both sides. Just straight up pure evil.

We saw from the whole vaccination threads they do not believe what they say. They all personally were vaccinated as fast as they could, and then implemented a vaccine passport system to work with them.

They are just stirring the pot because they make money on the froth. They do not care they are destroying the country. They do not care that they are empowering the KKK. They do not care they are getting people killed and maimed by the 100,000s of thousands. All they care about is their paycheck.

Pure unadulterated evil.