why do people get mad and/or speed up when you pass them on the road?

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Golden Member
Nov 19, 2010
ive seen this a lot recently but have ALWAYS noticed this, but why the hell do people tend to get offended and speed up when you go to pass them?
i really don't have an idea other than they feel 'defeated' so they want to try and speed up to not feel that way. i also just chalk it up to them being idiot/bad drivers in general, since they are in the left lane with people riding right behind them when that means they should be moving over.
You already answered your own question. That is one of the main reasons why people with mental issues do.

I have tip for you. Don't pass them slowly. Don't show them you are planning for a pass. Charge up your car (downshift to lower gear for high RPM) and pass suddenly. The idiot in front of you has no clue what the hell just happened. I do this all the time and works.

another reason that they might catch up behind you is that people generally like to pace with others.
That is reason #2 but not common. They use you so if cops are ahead they will likely catch the car you were following. This is more of smart bastards. But the reason #1 above is most common.



Golden Member
Nov 19, 2010
it's human nature to compete.
I try not to do that in traffic as it cause more congestion and increase chance of getting accident. For example, I am in the left lane passing slower cars in the middle because of traffic jam / rush hour. One of the cars gave turn signal and attempt to change over to my lane front of me. I don't speed up. I let the car move over to my lane. I maintain my speed I was traveling. This saves brakes and gas because the car in front of me will slow down because of traffic jam anyway. WHY DA HELL WOULD YOU NEED TO ACCELERATE WHEN YOU WILL HAVE TO SLOW DOWN AGAIN FOR RUSH HOUR TRAFFIC? ahh ha ha ha.

that's why you're useless at your job until they hire a younger better and maybe even prettier version of you
Yes looks does count pretty seriously. No wonder we have quite a few pretty blondies at our work place. P.s. I think OP is a guy not a girl though.

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Sep 11, 2005
How come there was an open lane to your right that you weren't in to begin with?

Random lane drivers (that cause you to have to pass on the right, or in arbitrary lanes) are the worst.

I so often see, in a section with 4 lanes traveling the same distance, not a lot of traffic, but a scattering of people going the same speed in every single lane when there is room for them all in 1 or 2 lanes, causing you to have to do what this guy is calling "random lane changing" to pass.

Even if I am traveling faster than the flow of traffic, I continue to keep right, being respectful of anyone wishing to travel faster than I am.

I was in the middle of three lanes, passing some drivers in the right lane that were going below the speed limit of 65mph. I moved to the right about a minute after this guy almost rammed me, once I was clear of the slower drivers.


Jan 29, 2004
I have tip for you. Don't pass them slowly. Don't show them you are planning for a pass. Charge up your car (downshift to lower gear for high RPM) and pass suddenly. The idiot in front of you has no clue what the hell just happened. I do this all the time and works.

I'd likely take a sudden surprise maneuver like that as an aggressive action and respond accordingly.


Oh everyone is a mile back now, I should probably slow down...

Have a better chance of passing if you just stay in your lane, maintain a faster cruising speed and just pass without making a scene. 99% of the time people who ride my ass, despite 2 open lanes to the left, and attempt to surprise me suddenly when its uncalled for are just being competitive dicks trying to get a jump on me to prove their superiority or something. These same people almost always swerve in front of me to 'claim victory' and immediately take the next exit they almost missed, so I dont let it happen anymore.

Passing is allowed. Posturing and attempted displays of dominance are not. There IS a difference.
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Golden Member
Nov 19, 2010
I'd likely take a sudden surprise maneuver like that as an aggressive action and respond accordingly.

People blocking traffic in the left (passing lane) lane deserve surprises. Are you a left lane camper?

Oh everyone is a mile back now, I should probably slow down...
It's about keeping the traffic flow smooth. It's the left lane slowpokes that cause traffic jam/ accidents / road rage.

Have a better chance of passing if you just stay in your lane, maintain a faster cruising speed and just pass without making a scene. 99% of the time people who ride my ass, despite 2 open lanes to the left, and attempt to surprise me suddenly when its uncalled for are just being competitive dicks trying to get a jump on me to prove their superiority or something. These same people almost always swerve in front of me to 'claim victory' and immediately take the next exit they almost missed, so I dont let it happen anymore.
I am not one of those people. Don't include me in that category... If you are going with the traffic in the middle lane and someone's riding your ass that's totally dumb. But usually the soccer mom's do that not cool guys like myself. I claim victory only when I am engaged for racing with other opponent in a reasonably safe condition in open highway. I use emergency blinkers when I take victory..... but I don't use it for everything.

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Jan 29, 2004
Are you a left lane camper?

Hell no. I'm only in the left lane if I'm going faster than everyone else.

Which despite how my posts appear is seldom. I'm actually an extremely courteous and cautious driver unless someone is deliberately trying to be a bad ass for no reason. Zs and Gs are some of the worst offenders.

Pretty much any car with blue headlights is almost always guaranteed to be a dick. If there are a dozen cars in my rear view 1 mile back and one of them has blue headlights, guess which one is changing lanes constantly, cutting off and squeezing between other cars, bouncing around on slammed cut springs, leaving the pack, and manages to catch up to me and get in my ass even when I'm doing 10-15 over and had a mile lead? Sometimes they go for it, sometimes they sit there in my ass like a little pussy and won't even try to pass once they see/hear what I'm in.
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Nov 29, 2006
Ignoring who is riding ass is always fun to. Just act like you don't notice them. They will eventually get the hint they are wrong and pass as they should have long ago.
Oct 20, 2005
If a bunch of people are passing someone on the right, then the guy being passed is probably an asshole. If one guy passes someone on the right, then the passer is the asshole.

What if there are only two lanes and the guy who is driving slowly is in the left lane with you behind him? The right lane is the only lane available for you to pass the fella. Why would that make you an asshole?


Nov 18, 2005
so you are passing on the right? That's not cool.

The last time I asked this question the answer was that some people don't like to drive behind other cars. I don't get it..but ok.

ooooh gotcha. Was thinking a regular 2 lane road.

Rule #2 in life: People are assholes.

What's the difference?

If someone is going slow in the left lane, and after tailing them waiting for them to be an intelligent human and move into the right lane so that we can pass them properly, and they just sit there in the left lane... yeah, I'll pass on the right.

I usually only resort to that after I've sat behind them for awhile, flashed my brights, and maybe even put a turn signal on/off a few times without moving.
Sometimes, after a few of those steps, people finally get it. They probably think I'm an asshole - but I'd much, much rather pass on the left than on the right. On the right is introducing safety risks for everyone involved, and re-enforces a very very bad precedent.

I drive a car, but I do watch out for all types of motorists. Forcing bikes to pass on the right is one of the most dangerous things, and I'd rather not ever see it. It's still dangerous for a car, but it's something bikers should never HAVE to do. If they choose such, it's their personal choice of risk. But left lane travelers establish nasty precedents that is also against written law in some states, and against code in most others.

Sometimes I get caught just sticking in the left lane too, but I also ALWAYS cede the lane and move over once I notice someone closing gap with me, which obviously means they are moving faster and will eventually want to pass. Why force them to pass on my right when I can easily make everyone do it right by moving over?

Sorry - a majority of Ohio is two-lane roads, and every month I spend a few hours one-way and get extremely angered by all the clueless, ignorant self-righteous morons on the road who can't be bothered to have a) even a hint of situational awareness, b) courtesy, and likely c) not even a decent understanding of state driving regulations.

I absolutely, thoroughly enjoy driving. I respect the car, the road, the capabilities and limits of the tires, the road and atmospheric conditions, other drivers - I like to open it up or at least enjoy some spirited acceleration and especially cornering (at the protest of said tires), but not at the expense of others and/or safety.
Those long highway drives, however, more often than not leave me frustrated and wishing I was doing anything, anything, other than driving. And while I would rather be doing much as opposed to driving to a place/for purposes I'd rather not, I rarely dislike the driving part itself.
When I encounter a high number of people who appear to be practicing their zombie performance behind the wheel, I get frustrated. :(


Nov 18, 2005
Ignoring who is riding ass is always fun to. Just act like you don't notice them. They will eventually get the hint they are wrong and pass as they should have long ago.

If they are on your ass because you are in the left lane, and a lane to the right is wide open - the person on your ass is on in the wrong. They'd be more wrong to make that pass. They are trying to communicate to you that YOU are wrong and need to cede the lane so that everyone can continue according to the regulations (which in this case, is entirely about safety, not just something random).

If a bunch of people are passing someone on the right, then the guy being passed is probably an asshole. If one guy passes someone on the right, then the passer is the asshole.

What if there are only two lanes and the guy who is driving slowly is in the left lane with you behind him? The right lane is the only lane available for you to pass the fella. Why would that make you an asshole?

in addition, if there is an open lane to the left, moving right to pass on the right is a ginormous dick move.

Let's put it this way: if it's a two lane road, or someone is in the furthest left lane and either A) one person, or B) the majority of traffic, is passing to the right - the person still in the left lane is wrong.

What if the first person quickly approached, and then camped, behind the person in the left lane? How is it an asshole move to either) pass on the right, or b) tail his ass? The person in the left is wrong, but there is nothing the person wishing to pass can do to be "in the right" and "not an ass" UNLESS the other car cedes the lane.

If I approach someone in the left, and it's mostly empty traffic, and they aren't moving... half the time I immediately just pass them because I'm already fed up with morons like that person, or I end up tapping brakes, matching speed within their comfort bubble zone, and if nothing seems to change, I'll flash my lights. Are these asshole moves? Yeah, I admit that. But what am I to do? I'm wrong and an asshole no matter what I do, since someone is entirely in the wrong and all my decisions/options revolve around this person's actions.

I LOATHE passing on the right - sometimes, there's no choice because some people refuse to acknowledge that they are wrong. Some are so clueless they don't even SEE the person tailing them... and some are so clueless they don't even know they are wrong. I find both appalling, and which that they'd promptly remove themselves from the streets due to the danger they present by having that condition which is so accurately labeled extreme ignorance.


Senior member
Feb 3, 2011
I am pretty sure everyone speeds up just a little bit when we notice someone is passing us. Maybe I'm wrong, and I know that there are people who really stupid about this as well.

I think the best thing to do is pass with authority when you need to pass, and if the other car speeds up shrug and let them stay ahead. Its best to always been calm on the road, it is at least a little dangerous out there.

That being said, maybe I'm reading some of these posts wrong, but man it sounds like a lot of you guys are left lane campers. If you're frequently being passed on the right, then its time to move over to the right lane.

Legally slower traffic needs to move right. If you're being passed on the right frequently you are the problem, not the people trying to get down the road.


Oct 9, 1999
I'd likely take a sudden surprise maneuver like that as an aggressive action and respond accordingly.


Oh everyone is a mile back now, I should probably slow down...

Have a better chance of passing if you just stay in your lane, maintain a faster cruising speed and just pass without making a scene. 99% of the time people who ride my ass, despite 2 open lanes to the left, and attempt to surprise me suddenly when its uncalled for are just being competitive dicks trying to get a jump on me to prove their superiority or something. These same people almost always swerve in front of me to 'claim victory' and immediately take the next exit they almost missed, so I dont let it happen anymore.

Passing is allowed. Posturing and attempted displays of dominance are not. There IS a difference.

Do you even see the irony of your statement? Can you honestly say that you do not see your own hypocrisy? Ok you own a Mustang, maybe it's a Terminator, sure it's probably fast I'll grant you that. But in the first sentence, you explicitly explain that you WILL display your dominance, and in your last sentence, you explicitly decry that exact behaviour. You are the exact guy you're talking about!

As for not passing on the right - if I didn't pass on the right around here, I'd never, ever pass anyone. People in this area are simply the absolute worst at driving in the left lane. It is astounding. I will pass on the right after a brief pause to see if they get over. They never do.


Jan 29, 2004
Do you even see the irony of your statement? Can you honestly say that you do not see your own hypocrisy? Ok you own a Mustang, maybe it's a Terminator, sure it's probably fast I'll grant you that. But in the first sentence, you explicitly explain that you WILL display your dominance, and in your last sentence, you explicitly decry that exact behaviour. You are the exact guy you're talking about!

As for not passing on the right - if I didn't pass on the right around here, I'd never, ever pass anyone. People in this area are simply the absolute worst at driving in the left lane. It is astounding. I will pass on the right after a brief pause to see if they get over. They never do.

Being "provoked" and "defending yourself" is different from instigating yourself and being a dick just because you can. Speak softly and carry a big stick?


Nov 18, 2005
So much so that when I actually see someone driving well and courteously I feel kinship with them like there's hope. Then someone sweeps across three lanes without signalling.

I have felt the exact same thing. It's such a wonderful feeling, yet hopes are always dashed so quickly.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
My pet peeves are the ones that tailgate you in the left lane when you cannot merge right and then back off once the right lane is open as well as the people that keep passing then slowing back down.

Of course the worst are those that don't merge behind someone even though their is like 10 car lengths open, but want to race up the right shoulder to squeeze into a slot barely 1 car length.


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2000
My pet peeves are the ones that tailgate you in the left lane when you cannot merge right and then back off once the right lane is open as well as the people that keep passing then slowing back down.

Of course the worst are those that don't merge behind someone even though their is like 10 car lengths open, but want to race up the right shoulder to squeeze into a slot barely 1 car length.

it's supposedly better to merge at the last minute (it's called zipper merging). early merging causes more of a delay.


Of course we're assuming people are cordial enough to alternate turns at the zipper point.


Platinum Member
Jan 3, 2010
I decided after I got back from Afghanistan that I was going to set the cruise control to the speed limit, stay in the right lane whenever possible, and to hell with everyone else.

I have much less road rage now and I laugh at those that still do. If they glare at me as they pass me while they're speeding, I smile back politely and keep on driving.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
it's supposedly better to merge at the last minute (it's called zipper merging). early merging causes more of a delay.


Of course we're assuming people are cordial enough to alternate turns at the zipper point.

This is not zipper merging though, they have gone beyond the merge lane and are on the shoulder of the road.

Which reminds me of another pet peeve of drivers in the left lane dipping a wheel onto the shoulder throwing up gravel and rocks.