What Grade Do you Give Mr Obama for His First 100 Days?

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Oct 30, 2004

I'm going to give him a D+ because he's a likable guy and I think he wants to help the populace even though he doesn't understand what needs to be done (end Global Labor Arbitrage and Mass Immigration). Of course, a D+ is better than what Bush earned, which was an F, and I doubt McCain would have done better than a D-.
Jun 27, 2005
We need earmark reform, and when I'm President, I will go line by line to make sure that we are not spending money unwisely.
- Barack Obama

What Washington needs is adult supervision.
- Barack Obama

And in one year he managed to quadruple the deficit. Yeah... gonna have to go with F


Golden Member
May 15, 2009
F for economic decisions -- Total and complete trainwreck heading for a cliff at mach speed.

B for social and other domestic decisions -- Refusing to address DADT and completely ignoring illegal immigration.

C+ for foreign policy decisions -- No significant changes in policies dealing with Iran, Israel, North Korea, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, or Venezuala; but, at least he added some troops in Afghanistan, made nice with some of our allies who were mad at us, and made a few moves to open up relations with Cuba, so he passes.

D for "bipartisanship" -- he has absolutely no interest in really changing the way D.C. does business -- or maybe he just can't. Instead, he wants to ram every one of his pet projects through Congress with little to no debate or compromise.

He's certainly not the man or the President I "hoped" for when I voted for him. Maybe some day, but nothing he's done or attempted thus far leads me to believe we'll see any improvement.


No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
Here's what I wrote at 100 days:
Originally posted by: ironwing
Foreign policy = B for style, way too early to see if he'll follow through.

War in Iraq = D, needs to be much more firm that we are leaving Iraq and doing so shortly. Wavering only leads to more Iraqi and pentagon stalling. If Obama fails to decisively cut the cord, he will be the new LBJ.

War in Afghanistan = D, needs to figure out exactly what the mission aught to be and then decide if the mission is worth the costs. Right now it looks like the mission is drifting toward pacification (whack a mole) which is a no-win for anyone.

Economic policy = C, a B for action, a D for failure to articulate just exactly what it is he is doing.

Social policy = A for working through his campaign promise checklist

Health care, immigration = Incomplete, need to see if he can accomplish anything

Environmental policy = So far, mostly a group project with Obama simply signing off on initiatives Congress had lined up waiting for Bush to leave. He gets an unearned B+. Hopefully we'll see some leadership here.

Homeland Defense = C-, has stayed the course. Obama needs to understand what Bush and the post 9-11 kneejerk Congress have created and take a sledge hammer to DHS before we end up like Russia or Pakistan with the internal security apparatus running the whole show.

Budget and deficit = D, so far continuing to play the Bush game of kick the can. His tax proposals need to be brought in line with his spending proposals.

Now that he's had 200 days:

Foreign policy = A for style, C- for substance. He understands that the policy goals the neo-cons pursued were bat shit crazy but I don't see that he has figured out how to turn the ship. Quite frankly, I think this is a result of selecting Clinton as Sec of State. Domestic issues were her strength.

War in Iraq = C+, he has stood firm that the US is leaving. I think the pentagon brass know it and the commanders on the ground know it: the US is leaving and leaving on schedule.

War in Afghanistan = D, no change in opinion, needs to figure out exactly what the mission aught to be and then decide if the mission is worth the costs. Right now it looks like the mission is drifting toward pacification (whack a mole) which is a no-win for anyone.

Economic policy = C-, he's screwed. He can cheerlead but not much else.

Social policy = A for working through his campaign promise checklist, no change.

Health care = D, he gets a C for effort, an F for failing to push for a single payer system or other reasonable public system. His proposals and the congressional Dems proposals still pander to the pigs at the trough at the expense of the taxpayers.

Immigration = Incomplete, need to see if he can accomplish anything, no change

Environmental policy = C, he has reversed the worst of the Bush abuses but has failed to develop any underlying, cohesive policy on the whole range on environmental issues.

Homeland Defense = F, has stayed the course and so fails. Obama needs to understand what Bush and the post 9-11 kneejerk Congress have created and take a sledge hammer to DHS before we end up like Russia or Pakistan with the internal security apparatus running the whole show. At every opportunity to dismantle the police state, Obama has defended it. At a minimum, he needs to start starving the beast.

Budget and deficit = D, his tax proposals need to be brought in line with his spending proposals. No change.


Dec 14, 2004
Still tortures, still blows up civilians, still supports Israel, still doesn't do shit for gay rights, still refuses to curb defense spending, and most of all is still a slave to special interests, moreso than any president in recent memory.


Platinum Member
Apr 3, 2002
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
We need earmark reform, and when I'm President, I will go line by line to make sure that we are not spending money unwisely.
- Barack Obama

This is one thing that really upsets me about Obama. I really thought he would have insisted that stim bill be clear of pork-laden earmarks - instead it was full of it. grrr....


Golden Member
May 15, 2009
Originally posted by: ironwing
Homeland Defense = F, has stayed the course and so fails. Obama needs to understand what Bush and the post 9-11 kneejerk Congress have created and take a sledge hammer to DHS before we end up like Russia or Pakistan with the internal security apparatus running the whole show. At every opportunity to dismantle the police state, Obama has defended it. At a minimum, he needs to start starving the beast.
We're not living in a "police state," and the DHS has no fucking teeth of its own.

Main DHS itself is no threat to anyone's civil or human rights -- it's essentially just one gigantic headshed for all the otherwise functional and still relevant sub-agencies. While I agree that main DHS should be dismantled, all of the sub-agencies (ICE, Coast Guard, etc) should simply be returned to their DoD, DoT, and DoJ roots.

Have you ever even met someone who works at main DHS?! They're completely fucking impotent.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
F, now.
I had high hopes for him until I saw he's just another whiny black man who's lived the good life but still cries about oppression and shit. I thought he was so much better than that. I am sad.
Didnt vote for him, voted Libertarian, but I'm still angry. I actually believed in the whole Hope nonsense for the first few months. Now I see he just ran the best campaign ever. He's no different than all the others.


Feb 23, 2005

Mostly for fucking up the next generation, and being a great talker, but a terrible deliverer. He hasnt done anything of substance, but sure talks about it.

A for swagger and charisma
B for motivating
F for int'l things (but only because he hasnt done anything yet)


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: shortylickens
F, now.
I had high hopes for him until I saw he's just another whiny black man who's lived the good life but still cries about oppression and shit.

I thought he was so much better than that.

I am sad.

You and Republicans would still be sad if he shit gold


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: shortylickens
F, now.
I had high hopes for him until I saw he's just another whiny black man who's lived the good life but still cries about oppression and shit.

I thought he was so much better than that.

I am sad.

You and Republicans would still be sad if he shit gold
I wont speak for Republicans because I cant fathom what goes on inside their heads, but for me I'd be grateful if didnt fuck up this country even worse by the end of his 4th year.
I'll make another judgement at that time, not until then. Right now I just think he's a slick talker with no real balls. Of course, that puts him one up on Dubya.


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
Obama has done WHAT he said he would to. to bad that most did not really listen to what he said exactly. So for keeping to his word (as much as any politican does) i give him an A. we are getting what eh said he is.

BUT for what he has done i give him an F. He has spent BILLIONS and the only people that are benifiting are the rich or upper middle class and he is turning us into more of a socialist country then we should be.

I do not like how fast he is trying to do anything. I am for UHC but i want it done right. not rushed through with a lot of problmes and curruption.


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
Originally posted by: Slew Foot
F- on the economy.

a solid B+ for everything else.

F- on the economy? Hows that? Every thing is back up and all the hacks are telling us the recession is over. I don't get much better then that. And jobs are stabilizing too.

I give him a solid B.

Tho, ask me after a year what I really think. It's too soon to tell.


Diamond Member
Apr 23, 2005
Originally posted by: sportage
A solid A.
And for pissing the Bush republicans off... A+++++ :thumbsup:

LOL. I SWEAR this is what it really is all about for alot of Obama supporters.

So far I have to say he doesn't seem much better than GWB. I will hold off grading until the midterm, however.


Diamond Member
Apr 15, 2007
Closing GITMO? Nope, still open.

Getting troops out of Iraq? Nope, still there.

Passing a $1.6 trillion "economic stimulus" so unemployment won't go above 8%? Nope, unemployment is closer to 10%.

Transparency in Government and wont sign a bill with out public review? Nope, not even close. We have to act quickly or the sky will fall.

Did I forget any? Feel free to add to the list.

I wonder what would happen in the 'real world' if you under delivered on this many commitments.



Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2007
Honestly, what has he done except put himself on TV every fvcking afternoon? I work in finance and I swear he's been on CNBC/Fox with a speech about this that whatever every single day. It's worse than Clinton "ah feel your pain". In fact I think he's been on TV more than Clinton in 8 years which is saying a lot.

But except for spending the next 2 generations' money and driving us toward socialism, this guy has accomplished nothing. Well, if you want to count inflaming race tensions and widening the partisan divide, yeah I'll spot you those. Seriously I expected more from this guy, but he's turning out to be everything the critics said he was -- a smooth operator and a narcisist too, and the strong arm tactics of his closest advisors certainly are no better than and actually may be worse than GWB's.


Senior member
Dec 20, 2004
Originally posted by: techs
Originally posted by: KK
A+ on fucking up the country.
Geez, by that standard what do give Bush?

Depends. On immigration I gave Bush a D. I'd also give Bush a D+ for his last year when he just listened to Paulson and Bernake and screwed things up.

For Obama, the only thing he deserves a A in is Hypocrisy. Seriously, how many promises made by candidate Obama have been broken by President Obama.


Platinum Member
Apr 3, 2002
Originally posted by: brencat
Honestly, what has he done except put himself on TV every fvcking afternoon? I work in finance and I swear he's been on CNBC/Fox with a speech about this that whatever every single day. It's worse than Clinton "ah feel your pain". In fact I think he's been on TV more than Clinton in 8 years which is saying a lot.

But except for spending the next 2 generations' money and driving us toward socialism, this guy has accomplished nothing. Well, if you want to count inflaming race tensions and widening the partisan divide, yeah I'll spot you those. Seriously I expected more from this guy, but he's turning out to be everything the critics said he was -- a smooth operator and a narcisist too, and the strong arm tactics of his closest advisors certainly are no better than and actually may be worse than GWB's.

What the hell country do you live in? It sure as hell cant be the USA, because nothing in your post is true about the same USA I live in.


Golden Member
May 15, 2009
Originally posted by: retrospooty
Originally posted by: brencat
Honestly, what has he done except put himself on TV every fvcking afternoon? I work in finance and I swear he's been on CNBC/Fox with a speech about this that whatever every single day. It's worse than Clinton "ah feel your pain". In fact I think he's been on TV more than Clinton in 8 years which is saying a lot.

But except for spending the next 2 generations' money and driving us toward socialism, this guy has accomplished nothing. Well, if you want to count inflaming race tensions and widening the partisan divide, yeah I'll spot you those. Seriously I expected more from this guy, but he's turning out to be everything the critics said he was -- a smooth operator and a narcisist too, and the strong arm tactics of his closest advisors certainly are no better than and actually may be worse than GWB's.

What the hell country do you live in? It sure as hell cant be the USA, because nothing in your post is true about the same USA I live in.
Perhaps he doesn't have a prescription for rose-colored glasses or they don't serve koolaid at his house?



Platinum Member
Apr 3, 2002
Originally posted by: TheSkinsFan
Originally posted by: retrospooty
Originally posted by: brencat
Honestly, what has he done except put himself on TV every fvcking afternoon? I work in finance and I swear he's been on CNBC/Fox with a speech about this that whatever every single day. It's worse than Clinton "ah feel your pain". In fact I think he's been on TV more than Clinton in 8 years which is saying a lot.

But except for spending the next 2 generations' money and driving us toward socialism, this guy has accomplished nothing. Well, if you want to count inflaming race tensions and widening the partisan divide, yeah I'll spot you those. Seriously I expected more from this guy, but he's turning out to be everything the critics said he was -- a smooth operator and a narcisist too, and the strong arm tactics of his closest advisors certainly are no better than and actually may be worse than GWB's.

What the hell country do you live in? It sure as hell cant be the USA, because nothing in your post is true about the same USA I live in.
Perhaps he doesn't have a prescription for rose-colored glasses or they don't serve koolaid at his house?


Or perhaps he is just negative and will see anything and everything that doesnt agree with his own political ideology as devastating.

you all need to relax. The country will survive and prosper - it ALWAYS does. We made it through revolution, civil war, WW1 and 2, and then a most devastating 8 years of Bush, we can make it through anything.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
What has he done RIGHT? FMFMinus.

He will go down as one of the worst Presidents ever.

Mark my words.