Lets face it, they all are crooks.
Money and power is hard to resist. I bet most people here could not resist if the opportunity came along.
I love the movie THE BIG SHORT about the 2008 financial meltdown.
One scene, Steve Carell as Mark Baum tells an audience that we live in a world of fraud and corruption.
"We live in an era of fraud in America, not just with banking but with government, with religion, with education, with food, even with our baseball".
Such a great line and right on target.
Sure... the Clinton's made money off of their charitable foundation. Donald Trump also has a charitable foundation that he took money from. We have scandal after scandal in sports, in politics, we even have parents paying to get their kid into college.
And those colleges more than willing to take that money.
So... is Joe Biden a crook? Probably.
And so is our congress, especially those who made their career out of service in the house and in the senate. Mitch McConnell is a crook and quite a wealthy crook. Same goes for Chuck Grassley, and for so so SO many others.
Donald Trump is a crook and Trump uses his position as president to benefit his family and benefit the brand of Donald Trump.
How can anyone point fingers or toss stones when most of us would do the same if the opportunities came our way.
We are no better then those crooks who we elect into office, and continue to re-elect into office.
Enough of this public outrage over scandal and corruption. We all do it, or we would if we had the chance.
If we had the opportunity to benefit financially, and we seen that everyone else is doing it too, sure we'd join in the fun.
Like I said, we are no better than the people we elect. So is it any wonder they are all crooks?
Richard Nixon didn't invent corruption, Nixon just kept the corruption going.
So with politics and elections, one must assume all of the choices are either crooks or potential crooks.
It's a given.
Our challenge is to find "some" redeeming value in the candidate. Something that we want or agree with.
With the corrupt religious right it's all about abortion.
They don't care if Trump is a crook, they only want a Supreme Court that will ban abortion.
And the top 1% don't care if Donald Trump is a crook, they just want their tax cuts and to become even more wealthy. So if Trump can deliver, GREAT!
And the Alt-Right don't care if trump is a crook, they want their wall and their anti immigration legislation.
So you see..... we're all crooks. We vote for crooks and we enable crooks.
Whats the big deal when we learn some president or some wannabe presidential candidate is a crook? It's part of the territory.
It's part of us. We are the crooked ones at heart, we're just waiting our turn for the big score.