that is 100% false. tearing can and does occur at ANY framerate when vsync is off. anybody claiming they see no tearing below refresh rate is blind and/or has no idea what they are talking about. of course every game is different and tearing may not be bad in some cases while driving you nuts in another. in my experience the worst tearing I have seen has always been in the games with the lowest framerates though.When my FPS is at or below my refresh rate of 60 Hz, I never get tearing. Are we talking about the same thing here, tearing when FPS surpasses display refresh rate?
that is 100% false. tearing can and does occur at ANY framerate when vsync is off. anybody claiming they see no tearing below refresh rate is blind and/or has no idea what they are talking about. of course every game is different and tearing may not be bad in some cases while driving you nuts in another. in my experience the worst tearing I have seen has always been in the games with the lowest framerates though.
that is 100% false. tearing can and does occur at ANY framerate when vsync is off. anybody claiming they see no tearing below refresh rate is blind and/or has no idea what they are talking about. of course every game is different and tearing may not be bad in some cases while driving you nuts in another. in my experience the worst tearing I have seen has always been in the games with the lowest framerates though.
it depends on the game. if its dropping below 60 fps most of the time then that choppiness when vsync is on is worse than tearing to me in most cases. I prefer to use vsync but I always just take it on a game by game basis.All that the adaptive vsync does is disable vsync below 60fps and enables it above 60fps.
I prefer just keeping vsync on, personally. I hate the tearing more than I notice the input lag.
because topics like this have been discussed to death. I get so tired of some people claiming that tearing only occurs above refresh rate when that is absolutely not, why do you try and act like such a dick in all your posts? I don't get it, inferiority complex?
Anyway, I know what tearing looks like, I'm not a fucking idiot. Here, let me reword it and spoon feed it to you. The only time I NOTICE tearing is when my FPS is above my refresh rate, i.e. greater than 60. Using Vsync to lock it to 60, or console command to limit it to 60, or when performance drops my FPS below 60, causes my eyes to no longer notice tearing.
Better now? I'm going to go lock my FPS to 50 or 55 and see what it looks like in BF3, I've never locked it at a lower limit.
yes you will still get tearing with adaptive vsnyc when it drops below your refresh rate. and since your refresh rate is 120hz then you will still get the same amount of tearing in demanding games since there is no way you will be close to 120fps.
and I thought all 120hz monitor owners claimed they got little to no tearing?
BF3 already has FXAA available from within the game and it says "Note: This feature is disabled for games that already have built-in support for FXAA." run flawlessly. 3D mark score went down though and FXAA doesn't work with BF3.
I'm afraid you don't have that quite right. "Bad" triple buffering without v-sync still adds input lag and at the same time allows tearing. The point of triple buffering (well, "good" TB at least) is that you can run a game with v-sync without stalling the GPU due to a full back buffer, and with lower average input lag than double buffering with v-sync. If you turn off v-sync, you've completely defanged triple buffering - why have a 3rd buffer if you're just going to immediately buffer swap anyhow?
Drivers run flawlessly. 3D mark score went down though and FXAA doesn't work with BF3.
best get your eyes checked.The only time I NOTICE tearing is when my FPS is above my refresh rate, i.e. greater than 60.
On 60Hz monitors triple buffering would add another 16ms of input lag, which is not bad for most single-player games (or any online games that do not rely on as little "ping" as possible).
vsync+triplebuffering+slightly below the vsync rate frame cap = smooth
best get your eyes checked.
No triplebuffering does not add 16ms, at the worst its an additional 4ms
sorry but your vision is not good if you don't ever see tearing below 60 fps. did you even look at the video I linked too? if you cant see the obvious tearing there then I dont see how any other graphical setting would be noticeable to you either.My vision is fine, but thanks for your uselessness :thumbup:
Ive never had that problem or even heard of it.What happened to the ability to force regular AA (SGSSAA or MSAA) with all DX10 UT games? I heard it wasn't possible starting with a certain series of drivers (I forgot which ones)... so was it fixed with the 301s?