Originally posted by: otispunkmeyer
Originally posted by: Crescent13
no. Anything less than a 7 series will not run it. The engine has graphic code that a 6 series card could not interpret. I think even a 7200 could run it at low resolutions, but a 6 series card won't run it because it is simply too old, not because it is too slow. This is just my guess.
hmmm sure
you do know that the 7 series and 6 series are pretty much IDENTICLE when it comes to features?
so if it runs on a 7 series it WILL run on a 6 series, (of course slower)
the only thing the 7series has over the 6 series is .... fixed Pure Video, and Transparent AA, neither of which are related to this "code" your on about
better wise up sonny
i would imagine 9800 grade GPU would be the ABSOLUTE minimum (though i hope epic pull of a master piece like valve did) (for SM2)
a 6600-6800 series will give you the absolute minimum to medium SM3 play
this is just a guess from what ive read, but considering this engine is 1-2 years away, i bet you'd need more, alot more, than what ive just mentioned