Union Goons Beat People At St Louis Townhall

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Senior member
Dec 20, 2004
Originally posted by: jpeyton
It's about time we got militant about this.

And the Blackshirt emerges.

Obama is not a Socialist. Obama is a Facist in the same vain as Mussolini and his Fascisti.


Golden Member
Apr 15, 2000
Why can't you partisan loons have any kind of debate about health care (or anything else) without falling for the left vs right charade?

Are you all really that simple?


Senior member
Dec 18, 2001
Of course this means the union guys were under orders to break some heads. Or it could be a random bunch of idiots that happen to be in a union. Conservatives really don't want an open debate on this, and idiots getting into fights with them lets them generate even more noise to distract.

I'd be more upset over this if the shout-down crews weren't being brought in by insurance company sponsored organizations. It doesn't make it right, it does make me less compassionate to their artificial outrage.


Diamond Member
Apr 15, 2007
Originally posted by: railer
Why can't you partisan loons have any kind of debate about health care (or anything else) without falling for the left vs right charade?

Are you all really that simple?

Problem is...just like global warming..."the debate is over"

It is also hard to debate with your representative if they haven't read the bill. Is asking them to do their job so much?

Also, if things are being "misrepresented" than fix the bill and make the language crystal clear. There is no reason it shouldn't be specific....except that the Democrats want to work out the specifics later...

Whats the rush? Lets debate it for a while and have the vote in 2011 or 2013...
I mean if we aren't going to make sure we get it right the first time....

If Obama spent 6 month choosing what type of dog he wants why should health care reform be pushed through congress in a month?


Golden Member
Apr 15, 2000
But if you just go shout everybody down and lie and exaggerate about every detail, you look like idiots to everyone. I think even most Republicans agree that we should have health care refrom, so let's all get together and figure out the best way to do it. I swear some people just like to fight and squabble over nothing.


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2007
Originally posted by: TheNoblePlatypusI'd be more upset over this if the shout-down crews weren't being brought in by insurance company sponsored organizations. It doesn't make it right, it does make me less compassionate to their artificial outrage.

Obviously anyone that doesn't agree with the messiah must be a plant. Pathetic.


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
Originally posted by: bozack
I love it how the MSM and others always raise the "well dressed" protester issue....like shopping at brooks brothers makes you a corporate stooge vs the vagrant looking "normal" protesters.

I am very upset at this, too. We have many fashion examples from the recent past that are much more appropriate than Brooks Brothers, which are, shall we say, predictable?

How to dress like an ?authentic? grass-roots activist

Do As I Do Not As I Say - Well Dressed Men (Obama's Grassroots)

(I like the skillful segue at 1:18 to some examples of the Cash For Clunkers Program beneficiaries)

Dress For Redress


Nov 4, 1999
Violence is not acceptable. No matter how high passions run on either side of the aisle you may stand..


Diamond Member
Apr 15, 2007
I just think that it is funny how the liberal marches usually consist of a few people who still think it is the 60s with the rest being what appear to be homeless college students or people wearing ACORN/SEIU shirts, while these these "evil Republican" marches that are obviously organized (huh isn't Obama a community organizer? He trademark that or something?) is made up of what appear to be normal people.


Nov 4, 1999
Originally posted by: boomerang
The Democratic party is self-destructing from within far faster than I could ever have imagined it. When the party has to resort to violence, you know that the end is near.

The very same tactics the radical left employed in this country for decades are now unfair and unjust when used against them. Tactics that were developed to get the far right to listen to them - to listen and understand that they were not going away - that they were demanding that they be heard. Good then, bad now.

It's nothing more than pure desperation at this point. A last gasp attempt at keeping control. Instead of leading, Obama is inciting violence. His true colors are being shown for all to see. When his back is against the wall, he turns into an organizer's version of a street fighter. Incite the followers to hit harder. He's nothing more than a thug.

He's got us at a crossroads right now. He can call off the dogs and attempt to bring the country together as one, or he can continue on this path and further divide us. His background won't allow him to give up. His words today confirmed it.

So the path is clear. He'll be known as the man that single handedly destroyed the Democratic party.

and so, just to be clear, save the drama for your mama...


Senior member
Dec 18, 2001
Originally posted by: xj0hnx
Originally posted by: TheNoblePlatypusI'd be more upset over this if the shout-down crews weren't being brought in by insurance company sponsored organizations. It doesn't make it right, it does make me less compassionate to their artificial outrage.

Obviously anyone that doesn't agree with the messiah must be a plant. Pathetic.

Awesome, was hoping one of you hacks would crawl out.

This guy was brought in to throw out some pretty low brow lies by Americans for Prosperity which is ran by Tim Phillips, a Republican strategist. They receive large corporate funding and this guy is chairman of their Jacksonville board. Willich was the CEO of MDI Holdings, which is a healthcare management and technology company. Americans for Prosperity have spun off several other "grassroot" organizations as well to shout down the debate.

I'm sure not all of these people are plants, but the majority that are being bussed into these townhall debates are definitely shills if they realize they are or not.

Back under your rock now. By the way, I'm not a huge fan of Obama, but I'm even less of a fan of lying and uninformed right wingers.


Feb 1, 2008
THis is such a bunch republican BS.
You realize, they are ALL being paid and duped into disrupting meetings.
Meeting, btw, on informing people about reform.
THe republicans Rush - Lball crowds are using the very same tactics as they did to
stop the 2000 presidential recount in florida. Rich white guys paid to throw a tissy fit.
All show... All put on...

ANd the press is distorting everything as well.

A volatile mix at health care reform meetings
Democrats charge protesters being organized by conservative lobbyists

Lets break this down...

By Ian Urbina

The bitter divisions over an overhaul of the health care system have exploded at town-hall-style meetings over the last few days as members of Congress have been shouted down, hanged in effigy and taunted by crowds. In several cities, noisy demonstrations have led to fistfights, arrests and hospitalizations.

Democrats have said the protesters are being organized by conservative lobbying groups like FreedomWorks. Republicans respond that the protests are an organic response to the Obama administration?s health care restructuring proposals.

There is no dispute, however, that most of the shouting and mocking is from opponents of those plans. Many of those opponents have been encouraged to attend by conservative commentators and Web sites.

The bitter divisions over an overhaul of the health care system

Is in itself false statement.
%70+ polled "WANT" reform...
There is no "bitter division", in reality.

The only "bitter division" is total BS played and planned by republican nutjobs.
All fake... All put on... 2000 all over again.



Diamond Member
Apr 15, 2007
Originally posted by: TheNoblePlatypus
Originally posted by: xj0hnx
Originally posted by: TheNoblePlatypusI'd be more upset over this if the shout-down crews weren't being brought in by insurance company sponsored organizations. It doesn't make it right, it does make me less compassionate to their artificial outrage.

Obviously anyone that doesn't agree with the messiah must be a plant. Pathetic.

Awesome, was hoping one of you hacks would crawl out.

This guy was brought in to throw out some pretty low brow lies by Americans for Prosperity which is ran by Tim Phillips, a Republican strategist. They receive large corporate funding and this guy is chairman of their Jacksonville board. Willich was the CEO of MDI Holdings, which is a healthcare management and technology company. Americans for Prosperity have spun off several other "grassroot" organizations as well to shout down the debate.

I'm sure not all of these people are plants, but the majority that are being bussed into these townhall debates are definitely shills if they realize they are or not.

Back under your rock now. By the way, I'm not a huge fan of Obama, but I'm even less of a fan of lying and uninformed right wingers.

What about all of the money the Democrats get form this guy?


Senior member
Dec 18, 2001
Originally posted by: PatranusWhat about all of the money the Democrats get form this guy?

If money he funnels to the Democratic party force them into crafting policy to do nothing but financially benefit him at the detriment of US citizens, then I'd like to see those politicians dragged through the streets the same way I want to see your heroes punished.

There are shades of grey, no matter how hard you guys shut your eyes.


Jun 5, 2000

UPS/FedEx do fine in that dept.

USPS - letters, packages

UPS - packages

Fedex - packages

DHS- packages

USPS is the only entity in US that are allowed to delivery letters and they are losing money in it.

But there is healthy competition in package delivery, even with a government player involved.
I don't think the point of public option is to make a profit off the uninsured. Clearly if those people with expensive preexisting conditions could be tapped for profit, the private sector would be covering them already.
Only in P&N can we take a thread about union goons pounding on a guy to delivering fucking packages.... WTF???


Aug 5, 2000
I see some of us are making mountain ranges out of ant hills again. So funny. So desperate. The current state of the repub party, where Fantasism meets Fanatisism.

Alchemy at its finest. Bravo. LOL


Oct 17, 1999
Originally posted by: FerrelGeek
Originally posted by: cubeless
Originally posted by: FerrelGeek
So since it's now Fox News' fault for terrorist attacks, can we blame Obama/Moveon for thsi?

no, you can't...

That's right. I forgot that liberals aren't responsible for their actions. Never mind then.

Violence is completely unacceptable.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: TheNoblePlatypus
Originally posted by: xj0hnx
Originally posted by: TheNoblePlatypusI'd be more upset over this if the shout-down crews weren't being brought in by insurance company sponsored organizations. It doesn't make it right, it does make me less compassionate to their artificial outrage.

Obviously anyone that doesn't agree with the messiah must be a plant. Pathetic.

Awesome, was hoping one of you hacks would crawl out.

This guy was brought in to throw out some pretty low brow lies by Americans for Prosperity which is ran by Tim Phillips, a Republican strategist. They receive large corporate funding and this guy is chairman of their Jacksonville board. Willich was the CEO of MDI Holdings, which is a healthcare management and technology company. Americans for Prosperity have spun off several other "grassroot" organizations as well to shout down the debate.

I'm sure not all of these people are plants, but the majority that are being bussed into these townhall debates are definitely shills if they realize they are or not.

Back under your rock now. By the way, I'm not a huge fan of Obama, but I'm even less of a fan of lying and uninformed right wingers.

:laugh: Noble :laugh:


Golden Member
Aug 8, 2001
Originally posted by: TheNoblePlatypus
Of course this means the union guys were under orders to break some heads. Or it could be a random bunch of idiots that happen to be in a union. Conservatives really don't want an open debate on this, and idiots getting into fights with them lets them generate even more noise to distract.

I'd be more upset over this if the shout-down crews weren't being brought in by insurance company sponsored organizations. It doesn't make it right, it does make me less compassionate to their artificial outrage.

Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts


Former SEIU political leader appointed as Obama's political director


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
Originally posted by: Siddhartha
Originally posted by: FerrelGeek
Originally posted by: cubeless
Originally posted by: FerrelGeek
So since it's now Fox News' fault for terrorist attacks, can we blame Obama/Moveon for thsi?

no, you can't...

That's right. I forgot that liberals aren't responsible for their actions. Never mind then.

Violence is completely unacceptable.

Except when in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


Senior member
Dec 18, 2001
Originally posted by: SilentRunning

Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts


Former SEIU political leader appointed as Obama's political director

A democrat gave a job to a qualified union leader. Shocking.

Kevin Sheekey
"Patrick is the best political mind of his generation in New York and maybe the nation"

Kevin Sheekey ran both of Bloombergs' campaigns and was offered the job of running Schwarzenegger's. Obviously qualified for the position of political director.

So my question is, how is this the same as the insurance companies busing people in to drown out civil discourse between people that actually want a change to healthcare and their representatives?

Specop 007

Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: TheNoblePlatypus
Originally posted by: xj0hnx
Originally posted by: TheNoblePlatypusI'd be more upset over this if the shout-down crews weren't being brought in by insurance company sponsored organizations. It doesn't make it right, it does make me less compassionate to their artificial outrage.

Obviously anyone that doesn't agree with the messiah must be a plant. Pathetic.

Awesome, was hoping one of you hacks would crawl out.

This guy was brought in to throw out some pretty low brow lies by Americans for Prosperity which is ran by Tim Phillips, a Republican strategist. They receive large corporate funding and this guy is chairman of their Jacksonville board. Willich was the CEO of MDI Holdings, which is a healthcare management and technology company. Americans for Prosperity have spun off several other "grassroot" organizations as well to shout down the debate.

I'm sure not all of these people are plants, but the majority that are being bussed into these townhall debates are definitely shills if they realize they are or not.

Back under your rock now. By the way, I'm not a huge fan of Obama, but I'm even less of a fan of lying and uninformed right wingers.

Ah well done, you've given ONE example of ONE person who MAY BE a paid plant and have projected that onto the entire grass root smovement.
Well done.

Specop 007

Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
Its interesting to watch the liberals and Democrats feign shock. The Right is using the Lefts own playbook agtainst them and of course suddenly they seem shocked that anyone could "resort to such tactics" although the Left has been doing just this for decades. The Middle CLass is getting tired of bearing the burden of the poor and more importantly many do NOT want the government to control health care.

Whats truly scary is that our "elected officials" refuse to see this. What it comes down to is the Stalinists in power now sing the tune of openess and equality but in reality it only extends to their own beliefs. Anything the opposes those beliefs or differs from those beliefs is invariably coined as evil and must be eliminated. Why would the White House term these outspoken opponents as "Angry Mobs" and why would Pelosi refer to them as Nazi's?

The Democrats are unforgiving of anything that does not toe the party line and if given their way would jail or execute anyone who spoke out against them. This is precisely how Communist governments operate.

Her Maobama knows this well.


Jun 11, 2004
Originally posted by: tweaker2
I see some of us are making mountain ranges out of ant hills again. So funny. So desperate. The current state of the repub party, where Fantasism meets Fanatisism.

Alchemy at its finest. Bravo. LOL

Indeed. This is just the next in a long line of Ashley Todd stories to come. The GOP is still transparent and their minions are still pathetic losers. SSDD. You would think they would have learned by now but instead of the fringe that lost them the last elections shutting the fuck up and going away, they are now the mouthpieces for the new party of class/racebaiters.