Trump would take foreign help in election and not tell FBI: "They have information. I think I'd take it"

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Feb 4, 2009
Trump has pissed off a lot of countries. If any foreign countries were to interfere in the elections they would help Trump's. opponents.

Problem is the shit hole countries really like Trump and they have zero ethics to follow.
I’d suspect England or Germany or France have ethical or legal clauses built into intelligence to at least make them think twice.


Nov 11, 1999
This cartoon sums it up nicely-


Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Straw man the fuck out of it, huh? That's all this "What if he started shooting people?" routine is all about.

It would be something Trump said he could do so no one made that up. In your position is the inherent ability of Trump to do this and you have not presented one word that makes it not so. You don't have to like it but mention the way out of it out is for someone to assassinate the President as there is no legal mechanism to stop him.

You offer no argument in supporting your claim about the unconstitutionality of arresting Trump other than say it's unconstitutional thereby begging the question.

Why don't you just come out and admit that Trump or any President is immune from justice with your position, that only after removal can he be legally prevented from committing serious crimes over and over again but have no concrete foundation other than your own opinion which is disputed by those who know more than you? So if you don't like shooting? How about conspiring with foreign governments to guarantee a win in elections? Where is the precedent which says this or fraud or obstruction, or even violence against another is a right of a President to indulge in?

So duhvert or put up, or at least state it is your own opinion and not settled because it surely is not.
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Jan 6, 2005
Wow you really are on one today. I assume your senility has kicked because your recollection of history is seriously lacking. We don't have trump because Clinton wasn't removed from office, we have trump because Republicans have been increasingly radicalized for decades, with a ramp up in radicalization in the 90's under newt Gingrich's leadership. That is, they've been doing it before then, see Nixon, see Iran contra, see S&L scandal, see the Enron scandal, see the multiple instances of voter discrimination laws, see the rise of propaganda radio and tv.

But you go ahead and blame dems for not going along with using impeachment for political purposes to remove a president who was under investigation for a real estate deal that found no wrong doing and instead found some infidelity to pursue.
Clinton was impeached for lying under oath and obstruction of justice, the path that led to his impeachable crimes are irrelevant.

Senate Democrats chose to rally around their President instead of holding him accountable. I find it ironic that Democrats hold such animosity towards Senator Collins considering she broke from her party in the Senate and was one of the votes that saved Clinton.

The Democrat rationalization and defense of people like Clinton and Kennedy partially paved the road for Trump. I know you don’t agree with that assessment. I don’t care.

On topic, Trump is recklessly and criminally out of control. Congress needs to move towards impeachment. If they fail to do so, they’ve yielded their Congressional authority to Trump and Democrats will have no one to blame but themselves should he politically survive and claim a second term.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Clinton was impeached for lying under oath and obstruction of justice, the path that led to his impeachable crimes are irrelevant.

Senate Democrats chose to rally around their President instead of holding him accountable. I find it ironic that Democrats hold such animosity towards Senator Collins considering she broke from her party in the Senate and was one of the votes that saved Clinton.

Her vote was not necessary and the fact that she did the right thing once does not forgive her complicity in a hundred bad acts. She’s going to lose her seat because of her complicity in confirming Kavanaugh and she richly deserves it.

The Democrat rationalization and defense of people like Clinton and Kennedy partially paved the road for Trump. I know you don’t agree with that assessment. I don’t care.

I think if you asked the average American if they think the president should be removed for lying in a civil deposition they would say no.

The people responsible for Trump are the people who voted him into office and those who enable him. No one else. Conservatives need to take some personal responsibility and stop blaming liberals for things conservatives do.

On topic, Trump is recklessly and criminally out of control. Congress needs to move towards impeachment. If they fail to do so, they’ve yielded their Congressional authority to Trump and Democrats will have no one to blame but themselves should he politically survive and claim a second term.

On this we agree, whether or not it is successful Democrats must impeach Trump for the sake of the country. The fact that Republicans will not do their duty does not excuse Democrats not doing theirs.
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May 15, 2000
Clinton was impeached for lying under oath and obstruction of justice, the path that led to his impeachable crimes are irrelevant.

Senate Democrats chose to rally around their President instead of holding him accountable. I find it ironic that Democrats hold such animosity towards Senator Collins considering she broke from her party in the Senate and was one of the votes that saved Clinton.

The Democrat rationalization and defense of people like Clinton and Kennedy partially paved the road for Trump. I know you don’t agree with that assessment. I don’t care.

On topic, Trump is recklessly and criminally out of control. Congress needs to move towards impeachment. If they fail to do so, they’ve yielded their Congressional authority to Trump and Democrats will have no one to blame but themselves should he politically survive and claim a second term.

The American people disagreed with you as Clinton's favorability increased after impeachment. The American people recognized the investigation for what it was, a witch hunt. You don't care about how or why the impeachment procedure was used because you are a partisan hack who likes to use "both sides" to hide your true feelings. You fool no one.

Its also unsurprising that you ignored the large point I was making.
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Mar 17, 2008
The American people disagreed with you as Clinton's favorability increased after impeachment. The American people recognized the investigation for what it was, a witch hunt. You don't care about how or why the impeachment procedure was used because you are a partisan hack who likes to use "both sides" to hide your true feelings. You fool no one.
Its fucking stupid to lie in the fist place though .. and it does sort of give more precedence to "yea all politicians lie", even the potus. So everyone is used to everybody lying, I guess the only thing we can use politicians for is "do I have a job or not". I understand the underlying shades of grey here, still, lying to congress ... is fucking stupid.
It might even have been a calculated move, what do i know, confess to congress and my ratings plummets, beat impeachment and ratings rise ...
Nov 25, 2013
The American people disagreed with you as Clinton's favorability increased after impeachment. The American people recognized the investigation for what it was, a witch hunt. You don't care about how or why the impeachment procedure was used because you are a partisan hack who likes to use "both sides" to hide your true feelings. You fool no one.

meanie :p


Jan 6, 2005
The American people disagreed with you as Clinton's favorability increased after impeachment. The American people recognized the investigation for what it was, a witch hunt. You don't care about how or why the impeachment procedure was used because you are a partisan hack who likes to use "both sides" to hide your true feelings. You fool no one.
The American people also gave W Bush a second term, nominated Hillary and voted for Trump. Not a very good barometer.

He lied under oath and obstructed justice.

You don’t care about that because you are a partisan hack who apparently loves to carry water.


Jan 6, 2005
Her vote was not necessary and the fact that she did the right thing once does not forgive her complicity in a hundred bad acts. She’s going to lose her seat because of her complicity in confirming Kavanaugh and she richly deserves it.
With regards to Kavanaugh she did the right thing. His entire ordeal was a partisan political charade, despite my acknowledgment that he didn’t deserve the seat.

I think if you asked the average American if they think the president should be removed for lying in a civil deposition they would say no.
These are the rationalizations I refer to. He lied under oath and obstructed justice. We either have rules or we don’t. Trump understands this and it is why he evades accountability.

The people responsible for Trump are the people who voted him into office and those who enable him. No one else. Conservatives need to take some personal responsibility and stop blaming liberals for things conservatives do.
Trump is the manifestation of our societal dysfunctions, and I lay the blame for that where it lands.

On this we agree, whether or not it is successful Democrats must impeach Trump for the sake of the country. The fact that Republicans will not do their duty does not excuse Democrats not doing theirs.
yes we do
Feb 4, 2009
He lied under oath and obstructed justice.

You don’t care about that because you are a partisan hack who apparently loves to carry water.

Point is most people (you may choose differently) felt lying about a BJ under oath is something that can be forgiven or excused. As in nearly every man in the Country would have done the same thing to hide it from his wife or protect his family. Let’s keep the ethics aspect shelved for this discussion.
Maybe I’m wrong but I suspect nearly everyone won’t be so forgiving about lying to conceal a cash payment or some sort of super dirty dealing to win an election.
This is speculation and a reach but I suspect if people were given the choice of what’s forgivable lying about a bj to Congress is probably a whole ton easier than lying about taking stolen goods from Russian Intelligence Agencies with some sort of payback promise if you win.
Context is important


Feb 6, 2002
Clinton was impeached for lying under oath and obstruction of justice, the path that led to his impeachable crimes are irrelevant.

Senate Democrats chose to rally around their President instead of holding him accountable. I find it ironic that Democrats hold such animosity towards Senator Collins considering she broke from her party in the Senate and was one of the votes that saved Clinton.

The Democrat rationalization and defense of people like Clinton and Kennedy partially paved the road for Trump. I know you don’t agree with that assessment. I don’t care.

On topic, Trump is recklessly and criminally out of control. Congress needs to move towards impeachment. If they fail to do so, they’ve yielded their Congressional authority to Trump and Democrats will have no one to blame but themselves should he politically survive and claim a second term.
If we go down your path it started with not indicting Nixon


Sep 6, 2000
Point is most people (you may choose differently) felt lying about a BJ under oath is something that can be forgiven or excused. As in nearly every man in the Country would have done the same thing to hide it from his wife or protect his family. Let’s keep the ethics aspect shelved for this discussion.
Maybe I’m wrong but I suspect nearly everyone won’t be so forgiving about lying to conceal a cash payment or some sort of super dirty dealing to win an election.
This is speculation and a reach but I suspect if people were given the choice of what’s forgivable lying about a bj to Congress is probably a whole ton easier than lying about taking stolen goods from Russian Intelligence Agencies with some sort of payback promise if you win.
Context is important

You thought Bill lying to cover up cheating on Hillary in 1996 was OK then and now so evidently you feel cheating and lying against Hillary is no big deal. Donald is lying to cover up cheating on Hillary in 2016. Same act yet different conclusions on your part and you argue it’s “principle.” Context is important.


Sep 6, 2000
If we go down your path it started with not indicting Nixon

@fskimospy mentioned game theory and tit for tat strategy earlier. GOP forced Nixon to resign. When the shoe was on the other foot Dems gave Clinton a pass. Thus game strategy demands GOP give Trump the same pass Clinton got. You can read his numerous posts in this thread laying out the reasoning for this principle.


Jan 6, 2005
Point is most people (you may choose differently) felt lying about a BJ under oath is something that can be forgiven or excused. As in nearly every man in the Country would have done the same thing to hide it from his wife or protect his family. Let’s keep the ethics aspect shelved for this discussion.
Maybe I’m wrong but I suspect nearly everyone won’t be so forgiving about lying to conceal a cash payment or some sort of super dirty dealing to win an election.
This is speculation and a reach but I suspect if people were given the choice of what’s forgivable lying about a bj to Congress is probably a whole ton easier than lying about taking stolen goods from Russian Intelligence Agencies with some sort of payback promise if you win.
Context is important
I thought we were condemning powerful men for sexually exploiting women? Are we not doing that anymore? Were Clinton to face these charges in a post #metoo world, I expect public sentiments would be quite different. It is also why public adoration of Bill Clinton continues to erode and why Hillary Clinton was unable to leverage Trump’s sexual misconduct against him.


May 15, 2000
The American people also gave W Bush a second term, nominated Hillary and voted for Trump. Not a very good barometer.

He lied under oath and obstructed justice.

You don’t care about that because you are a partisan hack who apparently loves to carry water.

Bush was elected a second term because people were still feeling the "axis of evil" bull shit and weren't aware of just how bogus and bad the Iraqi war was.

People nominated Hillary because she was the better candidate. Trump was elected because of propaganda, foreign and domestic.

The point being, people can make decisions based on the information available and Clinton's favorability increased because the info at the time clearly showed Republicans were impeaching purely for politically reasons and not out of some patriotic duty.


Feb 6, 2002
I thought we were condemning powerful men for sexually exploiting women? Are we not doing that anymore? Were Clinton to face these charges in a post #metoo world, I expect public sentiments would be quite different. It is also why public adoration of Bill Clinton continues to erode and why Hillary Clinton was unable to leverage Trump’s sexual misconduct against him.
If you read the account of the Monica/Bill affair that's not how it happened. Monica made the first move.

Not condoning but just stating facts.