I know she’s not the president but if Sarah Huckabee Sanders decides she’ll never attend again would you say she has a fragile ego? I’ve only watched a few minutes of it but it seems the comedian went beyond a roast. Why would anyone sit up in front of a crowd and knowingly subject themselves to that.
It was pretty ugly the roasting she received, but then she is a very ugly person (her character), and nothing said about here was
not true. You see, funny is only funny when it is based on a foundation of truth--again the single principle of humor that conservatives, by and large, continue to fail to understand. Over and over and over again.
Yeah, that was definitely harsh. But funny. The truth hurts, and that's all there is to it. Things need to be said, they continue to need to be said, and it's actually A GREAT THING that these things can be said like this, and very publicly. I love this country for that. Conservative snowflakes, on the other hand, seem to disagree. Little bitch conservatives that felt mortally offended by this can fucking move to North Fucking Korea if they so desire. No one will miss them. And that's just it--you retards wouldn't bring this on yourselves if you actually had balls and could take a joke. See: every other WHPCD, and especially see G Dub Bush. Now THAT guy could take a joke, and he could dish them. This current crop of whiny bitch snowflakes, as seen all over this thread and primarily by their golden Idol, King Orange of the Tiny Dick, are a sad representation of humans.
Get a fucking clue, you god damn humorless bunch of wusses. But then maybe that is the problem: You see the vile core of your humorless, country-killing ideals tossed back at you, so plainly as Wolff did, and you see it for the truth that it is. You can't deny it, not one bit of it, because you know that everything she says is true. There is no denying it. So you can't laugh because you know it is you, and that you are responsible. You hate yourselves for being so vile and so poisonous to modern society, that you just turn inward on yourselves and only project your anger outward, to everyone else but yourselves.