Trump requests additional collusion


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
All I can say is I’ll be interested to see what excuse the collusion deniers come up with this time. Will be be ‘he’s just joking’? if so, is the idea he was just joking when he extorted Ukraine?

As this thread states, this is what not prosecuting Trump leads to. You now have the previous president of the United States openly requesting that a hostile foreign power undermine his successor, something that would seriously damage the foreign policy of the United States. America first, huh?


Jun 23, 2004
America first, huh?

It's more like they view America = Us = Trump first.
Pure partisanship. Anyone and anything that can be used to damage the "other".
I said it is a war, and i meant it. Trump is merely demonstrating that. How far they will go, they will stop at nothing.

And yes, I will lament how far we must go in return.


Mar 17, 2008
The story has a little exposure again .. and this is what Trump does, fanning the farts.

He is an absolutely disgusting creature.


Diamond Member
May 3, 2005
So if Clinton presents Russian intelligence, it's ok? More Russian disinformation like Hunter's laptop and IRS problems?


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Do you have any thoughts as to why Russian state media refers to Trump as ‘our partner’?
All I heard him saying was that Trump is as big of a piece of shit in his mind as Clinton is, so at least he is right about Trump.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999

I tried suggesting that liberals are also now losing hope in Government and got beaten up for it. But Trump has successfully become Trump, because being Trump-like causes liberals to roll over and play dead.

The Jan 6 commission also wants to know the answer to your question.

Justice delayed is justice denied. I know I don’t know what is going on internally in the DOJ, but what I feel is criminal neglect and a constant contempt for the spinelessness of liberals.


Oct 6, 2009
I tried suggesting that liberals are also now losing hope in Government and got beaten up for it. But Trump has successfully become Trump, because being Trump-like causes liberals to roll over and play dead.

The Jan 6 commission also wants to know the answer to your question.

Justice delayed is justice denied. I know I don’t know what is going on internally in the DOJ, but what I feel is criminal neglect and a constant contempt for the spinelessness of liberals.
Do you think it is less/more/equally likely that a majority of DOJ officials are Republicans? IIRC Garland was a centrist SCOTUS pick, which means he was and probably still is a piece of shit. Oops I mean robot just following his programming, not a piece of shit.
Feb 4, 2009
So if Clinton presents Russian intelligence, it's ok? More Russian disinformation like Hunter's laptop and IRS problems?

Okay let’s run with this, I will suspend disbelief for a bit.
First I need you to define what is working with Russian disinformation, as in what does it look like? Borris handing over documents or knowingly using obviously false information to better your standing.
Do we agree upon that definition?
Second specifically what Did Hillary do that fits the above definition, it is fine to add your own definition or expand upon what I posted if so please make it known and state clearly what you are proposing to add.


Feb 1, 2008


If I remember.... Obama "chose" Garland because Garland was thought to be conservative enough to get Mitch McConnell's blessings. And.... if I remember.... many democrats felt that Garland was not liberal enough and criticized Obama's decision. And.... in general, everyone believed that Obama had no choice but to nominate a middle of the road conservative-friendly nominee.

Since then, and with Merrick Garland now serving not as a supreme court justice but rather as the acting attorney general, I can not help but wonder if the libs were right all along? That Merrick Garland was way too conservative-friendly to be a supreme court justice and apparently too conservative-friendly to be an acting attorney general.
Could be.... Merrick just loves those republicans a little too much. Either THAT, or Merrick Garland doesn't know how the hell this attorney general thing is suppose to work?

Democrats seem to be quite upset with the lack of action by this AG. The committee seems to be quite upset with the lack of action by this AG. But remember, Joe Biden was the one who chose the guy, Garland, so I wonder how Joe Biden feels about this???? I mean, if Biden is serious about Trump and Jan 6th and accountability then one would think that Joe Biden would do a little ass-kicking in the AG department.
Donald Trump certainly would if things were reversed and it was Hillary in question.

It's terrible when the Jan 6th committee keeps sending uncooperative Trump people over to the AG, and the AG does nothing. And the clock is ticking. Tick tick ticking away.
Think of it as an automobile oil-change establishment, where the cars are signed in and lined up but the oil changes are not getting done. And the place closes at 5. :rolleyes:


Diamond Member
Dec 4, 1999
. But remember, Joe Biden was the one who chose the guy, Garland, so I wonder how Joe Biden feels about this???? I mean, if Biden is serious about Trump and Jan 6th and accountability then one would think that Joe Biden would do a little ass-kicking in the AG department.
Yawn another wall of text doom and gloom post. I bet off the record Biden very happy Garland isn’t being more aggressive towards the orange monkey. He never wanted revenge and would rather keep @The other guy” in the past and move on and ignore him.