Outstanding article. That took a huge amount of time and resources to put that together. I couldn't finish reading it cause my head was about to explode with all of the crap the Trump family was pulling to avoid taxes. Is this enough to take him down?
I believe most of this is new information that came from people who had access to personal documents that hate Trump and want to take him down.
I'd have to check, but I remember telling people (might not have been on here) that Turmp is going to seriously regret having run for President, because he's going to ruin everything that he valued (him, his family, his name). He was inevitably going to end up forcing enough scrutiny onto himself that it would reveal what a complete and total fraud he is. And it will probably KO his businesses and brands. He'll have nothing, and he'll be leaving his family with nothing, which they'll abandon him anyway out of either self preservation, shame, or because they're just as much money grubbing assholes as him, and with his wannabe empire in shambles, they have no use for him.
He's going to burn everyone that involved themselves with him too. The Republicans are going to be tarnished because they let him reveal what scornful, deceitful, despicable, people they are (just look at their posts, they openly argue that helping other people and bettering society is harmful; they used to get away with "because its costs too much" but they're showing how they've been frauds on that issue perhaps more than any other - which is saying something; and more and more people are having to realize that they just hate people that much, that even when its more fiscally sound, they argue against helping their fellow man, even when it would help themselves as well; we're at the stage where they openly cheer spiting themselves to hurt other people). Literally anyone involved in business dealings or any type of professional relationship with Turmp will be scrutinized. And that's going to cross borders as we find out how many foreign persons he tried setting up deals with, which means the Russians are likely going to be facing more asset seizures and freezes. I could see a lot of countries trying to work deals to provide the details of the deals in exchange for little or no punishment, or to try and get favor with new government. Hell, I expect Russia to be front and center on that.
Yeah, I'd guess its from people that Turmp burned or people that can see that if they don't burn him down first, he'll do it to them. And perhaps this is one of those things the IRS had as an "open case", but knowing it would be problematic and costly to actually followthrough on, they'd have to only get serious about it if/when it becomes impossible for them to ignore (meaning when people in the government demand them to).
I won't be surprised to find out that some of the old school type of Republicans (the ones that hated Turmp until they flipped suddenly; which I'm curious now if there was some deal with Kennedy to step down at a certain time so they could stack the court with someone very sympathetic to their wants after they got Gorsuch in, and then they targeted Kavanaugh - specifically because they probably had dirt on him and thought they'd be able to force him to do what they want only for it to start backfiring; but they were probably hoping they'd get to lead into the midterm election by delivering for the anti-abortion religious people thinking it would galvanize them to get out and vote big) who got access to this stuff and leaked it to try and get it to be used to take him down. But then knowing the shitshow that is the Turmp administration, one of the many many random people that got access to the White House by simply saying some nice things about Turmp found this on a stack of papers because Turmp thought that to really destroy them, he had to print them out and then shred them but they hadn't bought a shredder yet or it got jammed when Turmp tried shoving one of his phones into after raging about some news, and then the person found "super secret money" files on some open shared network and then copied them over before leaving.
We should be clear on three things about this article.
1) the newspaper of record has said that the sitting president engaged in ‘outright fraud’ to help inherit hundreds of millions of dollars from his father. They are talking about criminal behavior.
2) given Trump’s well known litigiousness the NYT would not make this claim unless they had strong evidence to back it up. It is highly likely to be true.
3) Republicans in Congress will see this article and this strong evidence of criminal activity and do nothing.
The best part is that if Turmp sues them, it actually enables them to go on discovery against him, which means it might full on legally compel his full tax returns to fill in the last pieces. And that is not going to end well. Even if they can keep that from public record, the people presiding will know he's full of shit.
Oprah and Bill Gates are America's best examples of self made billionaires, starting from nothing.
Not this lying bloated gasbag
I don't know Oprah's story, but Bill Gates wasn't really "self made" billionaire (that's not to say he did nothing, he absolutely did a lot, but Windows wouldn't have been as successful if they didn't rip off Xerox SPARC, and then of course all the developers and other people that turned Windows into an actual thing - which Bill played a role in that so again, not trying to downplay his role, but its the product of thousands of people's hard work over years and years). There really is no "self-made" billionaire. They all became billionaires because there were thousands, if not millions, of people that made it possible. I'm not trying to tear them down, I'm trying to remind people that, without society, there is no real wealth. I don't think egalitarian utopia is possible with humans because we are inherently wired to compete and fight. But so too, real anarchy isn't possible because we're inherently wired to be social beings. But we've done a pretty amazing job of working together enough to be able to create this elaborate society and all that it helped to develop.
Now, there damn sure is a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge fucking difference between what the people you're talking about did to get their wealth and what Turmp did to get his sham wealth, so I'm in full agreement on that point.