Trump 6 point lead

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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Lol, yeah lets listen to the guy who said Trump had a better chance of playing in the NBA finals than getting the GOP nomination, then proceeded 6 more times to publish articles that got it 100% wrong about Trump.

But his polling was still always correct about the state of the GOP primaries. He was arguing against his own data at that time and, since you clearly are cherry picking his argument, the context of that statement was always "assuming this primary follows like every other primary before, but it doesn't appear to be doing that."

But you do have issues accepting the reality around you that conflicts with your belief system. Like him or not, Nate Silver's polling averages are better than anything out there. Feel free to dispute that, but it shows us what a fool you are.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
The thing with democrats, they will throw each other under a bus for a quarter. Their morals and values are for sale to the highest bidder.

Remember when Bush Dubya destroyed McCain in the SC primaries when he and Rove floated robo-call lies about illegitimately fathering the evil black baby girl that the McCain's actually adopted from Bangladesh? Exploiting the fears of the numerous racist South Carolinians to destroy an otherwise good man, huh?

What a lot of morals your chosen party of imbeciles display.

Texas: you haven't a single inch of purchase to stand on with this fractured and empty pedestal of morals that you claim to represent. For you to sit here and ignore the blatant immoral shenanigans that your boyfriends have deployed from campaign to campaign while bitching and crying about the bad but certainly less-deplorable actions of your chosen rivals is a display of how morally bankrupt you are. You simply do not care about intellectual honesty. In every single pursuit with which you chose to engage on these forums, you conveniently and endlessly dismiss every single known fact that rejects your vaporous assumptions about the world around you. You are the definition of intellectual dishonesty and moral bankruptcy.

To reduce the syllables and put it in terms you understand: you are an imbecile. The thing is, as much as this is true, you're probably an OK guy to hang out with so long as discussions of politics or science or social policy never come up. I think you'd be a happier individual if you just ignored these things in your life--being so appallingly wrong about everything has to take its toll on one's self-worth, no? Why not just do what makes you happy--feed your chickens and fire your guns at whatever non-threatening objects appear on your horizon? I'd still gladly have some beers, smoke some meats, and fire guns with you.
Feb 16, 2005
Remember when Bush Dubya destroyed McCain in the SC primaries when he and Rove floated robo-call lies about illegitimately fathering the evil black baby girl that the McCain's actually adopted from Bangladesh? Exploiting the fears of the numerous racist South Carolinians to destroy an otherwise good man, huh?

What a lot of morals your chosen party of imbeciles display.

Texas: you haven't a single inch of purchase to stand on with this fractured and empty pedestal of morals that you claim to represent. For you to sit here and ignore the blatant immoral shenanigans that your boyfriends have deployed from campaign to campaign while bitching and crying about the bad but certainly less-deplorable actions of your chosen rivals is a display of how morally bankrupt you are. You simply do not care about intellectual honesty. In every single pursuit with which you chose to engage on these forums, you conveniently and endlessly dismiss every single known fact that rejects your vaporous assumptions about the world around you. You are the definition of intellectual dishonesty and moral bankruptcy.

To reduce the syllables and put it in terms you understand: you are an imbecile. The thing is, as much as this is true, you're probably an OK guy to hang out with so long as discussions of politics or science or social policy never come up. I think you'd be a happier individual if you just ignored these things in your life--being so appallingly wrong about everything has to take its toll on one's self-worth, no? Why not just do what makes you happy--feed your chickens and fire your guns at whatever non-threatening objects appear on your horizon? I'd still gladly have some beers, smoke some meats, and fire guns with you.

Yea, he probably stopped reading after "haven't a single inch"
But well said sir.


Platinum Member
Apr 11, 2004
But his polling was still always correct about the state of the GOP primaries. He was arguing against his own data at that time and, since you clearly are cherry picking his argument, the context of that statement was always "assuming this primary follows like every other primary before, but it doesn't appear to be doing that."

But you do have issues accepting the reality around you that conflicts with your belief system. Like him or not, Nate Silver's polling averages are better than anything out there. Feel free to dispute that, but it shows us what a fool you are.

For one, that bolded & underlined statement is not what he said. I am also not cherry picking, as I said Silver relegated Trump's chances of winning the convention in the low single digit range right up until he actually started to win.

7 Times Nate Silver Was Hilariously Wrong About Donald Trump

Silver's entire methodology is based on this election being like every other past election. His own description of his methodology states that.

Now here you are making a false quote with no references. I don't think Nate Silver ever said that, certainly not when he was comparing Trump's chances of a Primary win to his chances of being in the NBA playoffs.

In point of FACT - FiveThirtyEight has thus far predicted 51 out of 57 primary elections correctly (89%) but gave no prediction on 42 primary elections.

It's pretty fucking easy to be right about these primaries when you avoid the hard to call ones.

By comparison PredictIT has called 85 out of 97 primaries (88%), not calling only 2.

Astrologer William Stickevers called 85 out of 98 primaries (88%) and did not call only 1 primary.

When you consider how many primaries Silver avoided calling, and throw in his own failed commentary, only a fool would give him any more credibility than that astrologer.

Edit : While silver was making those ridiculously wrong comments, his prediction competitors were giving Trump a 63% chance of winning the GOP nomination back in January. Even the astrologer got it right, Silver got it wrong and continued to be wrong until March.

Last edited:


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2013
Well, all of that is just plain wrong.
Although I dont doubt you honestly believe it.

What's wrong? People are getting lifetime disability for exercise-induced asthma, sleep apnea, "PTSD" and a bunch of other things they try to throw to see what sticks. That's part of what has made Afghanistan and Iraq so expensive because of all the phantom and nonexistent disabilities keep claiming. All of this requires medical visits. The system was never suppose to handle that. So you hear some crappy outcomes, but it's still all nonsense. Crappy outcomes happen in the private sector, too. You just don't hear it. It's like the stupid, "military vets are committing suicide!" rant the media does. Adjust for demographics, and the general population is worse.

Military healthcare is heavily subsidized. Military pay way less than the private sector even if all you ever did in the service was just entry level pharm tech, data analysis, dorm managing, etc. that wouldn't pay you squat in private sector.



Nov 11, 1999
For one, that bolded & underlined statement is not what he said. I am also not cherry picking, as I said Silver relegated Trump's chances of winning the convention in the low single digit range right up until he actually started to win.

7 Times Nate Silver Was Hilariously Wrong About Donald Trump

Silver's entire methodology is based on this election being like every other past election. His own description of his methodology states that.

Now here you are making a false quote with no references. I don't think Nate Silver ever said that, certainly not when he was comparing Trump's chances of a Primary win to his chances of being in the NBA playoffs.

In point of FACT - FiveThirtyEight has thus far predicted 51 out of 57 primary elections correctly (89%) but gave no prediction on 42 primary elections.

It's pretty fucking easy to be right about these primaries when you avoid the hard to call ones.

By comparison PredictIT has called 85 out of 97 primaries (88%), not calling only 2.

Astrologer William Stickevers called 85 out of 98 primaries (88%) and did not call only 1 primary.

When you consider how many primaries Silver avoided calling, and throw in his own failed commentary, only a fool would give him any more credibility than that astrologer.

Edit : While silver was making those ridiculously wrong comments, his prediction competitors were giving Trump a 63% chance of winning the GOP nomination back in January. Even the astrologer got it right, Silver got it wrong and continued to be wrong until March.


538 underestimated the insanity of Repub primary voters? So did the rest of the prognosticators. Trump was inevitable, the unintended consequence of the Repub leadership handing out hallucinogens to people who should have been on phenothiazines.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
OK, I think its possible the reason for his improved polls is his new spokeswoman, Kellyanne Conway. She may not understand the issues or policy, but she knows how to talk to reporters, and thats something the Trump campaign has been sorely lacking.

Trump is still a dick, he just doesnt look so dickish with smart people talking for him.


Platinum Member
Apr 11, 2004
OK, I think its possible the reason for his improved polls is his new spokeswoman, Kellyanne Conway. She may not understand the issues or policy, but she knows how to talk to reporters, and thats something the Trump campaign has been sorely lacking.

Trump is still a dick, he just doesnt look so dickish with smart people talking for him.

Or maybe he has successfully pivoted from what it takes to win the Rep primary to what it takes to win the presidency.

For those paying attention, Trump is a genius when it comes to media. You're dead wrong about him not knowing how to talk to reporters.

Scott Adams has nailed it the whole time:

"It turns out that Trump’s base personality is “winning.” Everything else he does is designed to get that result. He needed to be loud and outrageous in the primaries, so he was. He needs to be presidential in this phase of the election cycle, so he is.

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton has revealed herself to be frail, medicated, and probably duplicitous about her health. We also hear reports that she’s a drinker with a bad temper. Suddenly, Clinton looks like the unstable personality in this race. Who do you want controlling the nuclear arsenal now?
That’s how a Master Persuader does it. A year ago, I told you that Trump was bringing a flamethrower to a stick fight. His talent for persuasion is so strong that he has effectively flipped the script and rewired the brains of the people watching this show."​

The big difference between Trump and his opponents has been that his opponents hire people to advise them on how to be persuasive, how to run their campaign.

Hillary reportedly has Robert Cialdini working for her. He is considered to be one of the best persuaders in the world. He worked with Obama's campaign in 2008.

Only problem with that is that, according to Adams, Trump is *the* best persuader in the world.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
He's the best persuader in the world and he can't even crack 45%? Lol. What does that make Obama? Best persuader in the galaxy?


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
As much as I am looking forward to the conspiracy theory laden meltdown I expect to see from Trump after his likely loss, I think the meltdown of the loons who support him on the internet will be a close second in entertainment value.


Nov 11, 1999
As much as I am looking forward to the conspiracy theory laden meltdown I expect to see from Trump after his likely loss, I think the meltdown of the loons who support him on the internet will be a close second in entertainment value.

Fixed! Rigged! Cheated! Intimidation! Voter Fraud! Hackers! Aliens!
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Mar 5, 2001
Clinton up by 9% in PA. Without PA, Trump has to sweep all battlegrounds and take Colorado too.

Yeah, 47% Dem, 39% R, and 11% independent. lol. 405 polled. Wow.

Did you happen to check out the LA Times poll? See that black number? Obama begging for the black vote? Hispanics not turning out?

You guys are in trouble. Your weak kneed old hag who wants more illegals, more terrorists, more nanny state, more shitty trade agreements, is straggling. She is one coughing fit away from a rout/landslide. She looked like shit last night and couldn't even remember what she said 40 seconds prior.

It says a lot that she can't even pull this out and she has the help of the Press, the sitting President, and a former President and a billion dollars.

This is Brexit 2.0 for you fuckers.


Mar 5, 2001
Nah, galactic aliens usually hit places like the middle of Iowa, a random cornfield etc.

Yeah, a 1st world country has a rigged election and now their Oct 2nd election is being "postponed" because they can't get the right...wait for it...stamp glue. All because a conservative candidate would have won.

It's hilarious to see liberals defend big government, big corp, uber rich people undermining everything all because they promise you free shit. Why not just call yourselves the Whore Party and be done with it. As long as you get paid to be fucked over, you're good with it.


Feb 5, 2006
Yeah, a 1st world country has a rigged election and now their Oct 2nd election is being "postponed" because they can't get the right...wait for it...stamp glue. All because a conservative candidate would have won.

It's hilarious to see liberals defend big government, big corp, uber rich people undermining everything all because they promise you free shit. Why not just call yourselves the Whore Party and be done with it. As long as you get paid to be fucked over, you're good with it.
Liberals are doing much better than the idiots still waiting for it going to trickle down already.


Mar 5, 2001
Liberals are doing much better than the idiots still waiting for it going to trickle down already.

Yeah, ask the people of the Soviet Union, Cuba, China, and Venezuela how trickle up is working.

You can only steal from productive people for so long until they become unproductive and your system collapses. You guys haven't learned that. Nor have you learned that the same people who would have it that way are no different than the Soviet Politburo members and their Dachas. Nor have you learned that the Dacha loving guys are no different than the Oligarchs of today. The balance is in the middle and neither the Politburo or the Oligarchs will ever let you get there. Change must come.