Originally posted by: Insomniak
Originally posted by: grabadude
You played a demo. The AI and the whole code was optimised even more after the release of the demo.
Nothing extraordinary!? What did you expect?
The purpose of a
DEMO is to
DEMOnstrate what is so great about a given game so people will buy it. If Crytek put out a demo that makes their game look mediocre and old hat in the gameplay department, then it's their own damn fault, and they shouldn't be the least bit surprised that I think it's a distinctly "average" game and won't be buying it.
You want to see a demo done right, look at UT2004. That demo shows, plainly and clearly, why that game is going to kick unholy amounts of ass. The fact that I only played a demo means nothing - it's the company's responsibility to convince me that their product is worth my time, not mine to investigate it. If you can't gauge a game from the demo, then the demo shouldn't even be put out.
Oh look...this argument just imploded.