First off, I'm sorry that this has happened.
A lawyer is absolutly neccessary in this case - perhaps check into your states legalaid chapter if money is an issue.
Call anyone who might listen, be it a reporter (tv/print), any sort of congressional person (county/state/fed), call the other police departments (state/county vs local etc) just keep working the phones until you can get someone to listen, hell go do it in person if you have the time.
I'd just keep screaming it until I found the help I need.
I'm also curious as to how they could get any sort of POA when her husband/your uncle is mentally sound.
Good Luck and keep this updated if you can?
Edit - Someone beat me to it (sorry), This sure has exploded here, in my mind that just re-affirms how bad the situation is, I'm sure that person is out there and able to help, you just have to find them. GL again.