The *Official* Wii Thread...


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2005
Since the other one was becoming insanly long... ;)

Originally posted by: dug777
The Wii has landed in North America :D

$250 in the US?
$399.95 in Aus
Wii is £179 in the UK, same bundle as AUS. Release date 8/12/06.

The Australian version will come with: one wireless Wii Remote controller, one Nunchuk? controller and the groundbreaking collection of five different Wii Sports games on one disc it seems...

Wiki link:

What else do wii know? ;)

AVS forum thread on the component cable situation:

The answer is yes, yes, you wii-ll be able to get one at launch ;)

Shamelessly stolen from BD2003 :beer:

Originally posted by: BD2003
Some of the first reviews and impressions are leaking in:

Zelda - Gamespy gives it a 5/5. All previews around the net have been overwhelmingly positive. Obviously the game to get.

SMB Banana Blitz - Newest EGM has a review. Scores 6, 6.5, 7. Single player is too hard, controls difficult, looks last gen, but party games are a good time.

DBZ Tenkachi - EGM 7, 6.5, 7. Interesting take on a fighting game, but learning curve is steep.

GT Series Pro also gets a quick mention for being total garbage in every way.

COD3 is also compared to the PS3 version, where they liked the new controls, but gave the ultimate nod to the PS3 version for having better graphics and online play.

The two maddens are also compared, with the Wii version coming out on top for superior controls.

IGN said a few words about Red Steel - the controls arent what they should be, turning requires too much effort, doesnt appear spectacular, but not a waste of money.

Zelda is a no brainer. Trauma Center was a great DS game, and being that its more of a port, I'm sure will be excellent as well. Rayman looks like fun. I'm more excited to play COD3 on the Wii for the controls, although missing online does suck. I've played excitetruck, and it's quite fun, but didnt get much time with it. Red Steel looks alright, but doesn't excite me all too much. Monkey Ball looks like a fun party game, but I can't say im surprised to find out its borderline impossible in single player.

DVD playback in 2007:

With thanks to thescreensavers, who took the time to make and upload all these :beer:

Wii Message Light

This video shows the Wii's Light when you get a message this video was made so people without Wii's Can see how it looks.

Wii Browser

This Video was created to show people what the browser looks like who don't have Wii's and what you can do with it

Wii Midia Center X

This Video was created to show to all people about Wii Media Center

Go to for further information[/quote]

Original thread is here.
Stolen from Mrville :p
Originally posted by: Mrvile


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
good idea. the old thread was fricken huge!

Went into Bestbuy and Toys R us and they each had like 50 wiimotes and they had some Wii's in stock.


Oct 13, 2004
For you Aussies out there, Myer in Perth had them in stock on Saturday, the guy said they sell out pretty crazy fast tho...


Oct 16, 2004
Ok I'll post some random stuff to get the thread going.

I was able to finally pick up a Wii from Target a couple weeks ago (even then we still had to wait in line shipping day). We have two remotes, Wii sports and Zelda. I'm still looking for some good games to try but nothing out right now looks appealing enough. I am looking forward to the new Metroid though, just because it has to be better than what Red Steel and Call of Duty have to offer.


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2005
I got my second Wiimote today, but no Nunchuks within 45 kilometres. Most of the games are sold out too!


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
Originally posted by: Mrvile
Ok I'll post some random stuff to get the thread going.

I was able to finally pick up a Wii from Target a couple weeks ago (even then we still had to wait in line shipping day). We have two remotes, Wii sports and Zelda. I'm still looking for some good games to try but nothing out right now looks appealing enough. I am looking forward to the new Metroid though, just because it has to be better than what Red Steel and Call of Duty have to offer.

Yeah im going to rent Metroid to try. I was not happy with CoD (ok it sucked) and Red steel looked bad.

Wii really needs a few great games. They wait to long PS3 might catch up. the Wii seems to be stagnating.


Oct 9, 1999
Picked up SSX blur... seems like it's quite a bit of fun. Only have played for maybe 20 minutes though, controls will need some time to get used to (specifically for the ubertricks). Beat zelda at 95% completed items in 55hrs. It was a bit disappointing, I had went for the Cave of Ordeals before the last three bosses so it wasn't as challenging to finish.


Dec 5, 2000
Originally posted by: waggy
Originally posted by: Mrvile
Ok I'll post some random stuff to get the thread going.

I was able to finally pick up a Wii from Target a couple weeks ago (even then we still had to wait in line shipping day). We have two remotes, Wii sports and Zelda. I'm still looking for some good games to try but nothing out right now looks appealing enough. I am looking forward to the new Metroid though, just because it has to be better than what Red Steel and Call of Duty have to offer.

Yeah im going to rent Metroid to try. I was not happy with CoD (ok it sucked) and Red steel looked bad.

Wii really needs a few great games. They wait to long PS3 might catch up. the Wii seems to be stagnating.

i totally agree with the wii stagnating. i haven't played with my wii for a good while. I haven't even finished Zelda. I just can't get into the story.


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2001
Originally posted by: randomlinh
Picked up SSX blur... seems like it's quite a bit of fun. Only have played for maybe 20 minutes though, controls will need some time to get used to (specifically for the ubertricks). Beat zelda at 95% completed items in 55hrs. It was a bit disappointing, I had went for the Cave of Ordeals before the last three bosses so it wasn't as challenging to finish.

I really enjoyed SSX Blur this weekend. I went through the tutorials then bombed a few of the levels. I came back to it later and have been doing really well. I probably put in a couple hours and really enjoyed it.

In other news, Sonic is pretty fun as well. I like the level up system and how you pick up new skills and can only choose a certain subset of the skills to use.


Oct 16, 2004
Originally posted by: randomlinh
Picked up SSX blur... seems like it's quite a bit of fun. Only have played for maybe 20 minutes though, controls will need some time to get used to (specifically for the ubertricks). Beat zelda at 95% completed items in 55hrs. It was a bit disappointing, I had went for the Cave of Ordeals before the last three bosses so it wasn't as challenging to finish.

Yeah I've been playing Zelda a lot but then started to notice that it's pretty much a rewrite of Ocarina of Time, with some added tidbits. I definitely don't want to play through Ocarina again expecting a new game, despite how great Ocarina was, so I hesitate to continue through Twilight.


Apr 29, 2003
Be a good OP like Queasy and keep the OP updated with the latest news. :)


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Reel
I really enjoyed SSX Blur this weekend. I went through the tutorials then bombed a few of the levels. I came back to it later and have been doing really well. I probably put in a couple hours and really enjoyed it.

In other news, Sonic is pretty fun as well. I like the level up system and how you pick up new skills and can only choose a certain subset of the skills to use.

Yeah, I want to get Sonic too.. but I went Wii happy early on and got COD3 and Red Steel. I actually like COD3, I never played them before. I just haven't gotten back to it yet since I had focused my time on Zelda. And I bought wind waker. and ocarina of time...

Red Steel I picked up because it was $30. It does really remind me of bond. Graphics looked rushed after playing for a while, but it's entertaining with a group of friends. I suppose I can give it a bit of slack since I've been out of the console gaming scene since the SNES....

but as for FPS's overall, it's not boding too well. I'm not sure I can get used to the controls. Metroid will probably make my decision for me.

Oh, and I find excite truck ridiculously fun... heh. Well, 2 player anyway. I haven't gone back to try to continue further in the single player mode too get all S grades.

And while I'm at it.. the biggest disappointment... INTERNET PLAY! WTF nintendo... why can't you get this right!??!?!


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2005
Originally posted by: mugs
Be a good OP like Queasy and keep the OP updated with the latest news. :)

I asked Dug in my PM... but I'll send him another one.


Apr 29, 2003
Originally posted by: randomlinh
Yeah, I want to get Sonic too.. but I went Wii happy early on and got COD3 and Red Steel. I actually like COD3, I never played them before. I just haven't gotten back to it yet since I had focused my time on Zelda. And I bought wind waker. and ocarina of time...

Yeah, I really like COD3. I think the control scheme is great. I've never really liked a FPS on a console before. Although the lack of multiplayer kills its replay value. :( Oh yeah, the battle movements thing where it makes you mimic real motions to do things is really stupid. I don't want to move my hand in a circle to set a bomb. I like the diving controls though.

but as for FPS's overall, it's not boding too well. I'm not sure I can get used to the controls. Metroid will probably make my decision for me.

I think they're way better than dual analog sticks.

Oh, and I find excite truck ridiculously fun... heh. Well, 2 player anyway. I haven't gone back to try to continue further in the single player mode too get all S grades.

I'll probably pick that one up when I can get it used for cheap.

And while I'm at it.. the biggest disappointment... INTERNET PLAY! WTF nintendo... why can't you get this right!??!?!

Coming this summer I think. They really dropped the ball on that one. :( They pulled a Sony. :(


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: mlm
Don't forget about the Wii Number thread. 99% of you are still greyed out on our console :(

That jumps onto my complaint w/ how Nintendo has handled the online stuff... why can't I link the Wii with my nintendo account (or say create a whole new system for "wii accounts"). Add the numbers THERE because using a pointer for a 16 digit key is ridiculous.

I believe Microsoft is the leader in this arena....


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: mugs
I think they're way better than dual analog sticks.

Oh, and I find excite truck ridiculously fun... heh. Well, 2 player anyway. I haven't gone back to try to continue further in the single player mode too get all S grades.

I'll probably pick that one up when I can get it used for cheap.

Yeah, better than dual analog... I can't play that way. I'm too bound in my keyboard/mice ways :) As for excite truck, yeah, I would almost say it's worth the full price for the hilarity my friend's and I have gone through (drunken super tree runs madness!), but the used market is so bare right now.. haha. I'm borrowing it from a friend right now.

Slew Foot

Sep 22, 2005
Ultimate Alliance is vastly underrated. Playing as Wolverine and slashing my way through oodles of baddies is great!