The #1 North Korea 2013 tension thread [with rolling updates!]


Mar 4, 2011
I find NK truly fascinating. I'm going to attempt to track their ever-increasing threats against the world. While I personally think they'll never do anything (or it's suicide), it's entertaining nonetheless. I think they'll eventually collapse or implode in 30-50 years,

April 11, 2013
4/11 Missiles upright; China's dislike of NK more apparent: UPDATE- Missile are now down.

N. Korean missile that had been raised was later lowered, U.S. official says. Looks like they got some scolding from China.

North Korea warns US and South they are 'unaware of what miserable fate awaits them'. I gotta hand it to them for still being able to come up with new unique threats.

North Korea's Missiles in 'In Upright Position'. I've never seen such transparency of a military, giving you minute details of every step they're taking.

Chinese comic shows an impish Kim Jong-un, standing on a pedestal and urinating on the United States, Japan and South Korea. Off to one side, China leans on its cane and says, “Stupid child, you’re asking for death.


More direct translation is, "Reckless boy, looking for death."

[previous news]

April 9, 2013

NK notifies Foreign Embassies of intent to launch missiles over Japan on Wednesday This is actually quite very likely. Wednesday in NK/Japan starts in about 6 hours~ from this update.

NK says foreigners should evacuate South Korea.

South Koreans living along DMZ given emergency instruction manuals.

April 8, 2013

North Korea said Monday it will suspend operations at a factory complex it has jointly run with South Korea, pulling out more than 53,000 North Korean workers and moving closer to severing its last economic link with its rival as tensions escalate. "Look at me now!"

The whole world is now against NK: UN, US, SK, Japan, Germany, and even Philippines.

NK's sole financier and support China isn't feeling too hot about them either. All this rhetoric has given US a genuine reason to bolster their Western forces in Asia- the exact opposite of what China wants.

Cuba & Iran, while they rebuked US, have openly called for NK to show restraint.

April 6, 2013

NK tells Britain to consider evacuating Pyongyang embassy.

NK told same thing to Russia.

Annnnnnnddd Germany.

Embassy staff in NK ignore warning. Most foreign governments have made it clear they will not be evacuating their staff, despite warnings from Pyongyang. Everyone is calling NK's shallow and obvious bluff. I can't recall the link, but some top Russian official basically laughed at NK, directly releasing a statement that NK is just anteing up the rhetoric and they're not leaving to give NK the validation.

From BBC: Embassies in NK stay despite security warning.

Detecting shift, U.S. makes case to China on North Korea. It's been quite established that China has had it with NK (most definitely the citizens, if not the government). They will not go to war with US or anyone over NK. US and China are/have been talking about NK. Ouch.

Fidel Castro advises friend NK against war. Even Fidel is back from the dead to tell NK to calm down.

So where do we go from here? What do you think NK will do? They cannot kill a soul with the whole world against them. I smell a missile test into the Sea of Japan incoming... and slowly back down. Your thoughts?

An interesting comment from reddit:

vwboyaf1 56 points 1 day ago
Has there ever been a time when it was literally the entire world verses one rogue state. I mean, you have got to be a complete fuck up/genius to somehow bring Russia, China, Japan, and the USA together like this. Now even the Philippines are inviting the US back. Nice job, KJU, you have somehow brought the earth closer to world peace by threatening nuclear war.

April 5, 2013

N. Korea loads two medium-range missiles on mobile launchers and hidden them in an unidentified facility near the east coast, Seoul military sources said Friday, triggering speculation that the North is ready for an abrupt missile launch.

First signs of jitters in South Korea

US Embassy of SK issues a security message for US Citizens "Don't worry for now, but stay in touch with us."

April 3, 2013

A pretty good read- an ex-CIA analyst expects NK to attack:

NK vows actual military actions.

Pentagon sends missile defenses to Guam as NK 'approves nuclear attack on US'. The Pentagon is sending an advanced ballistic missile defense system to Guam, as Chuck Hagel, the defence secretary, warned of a "real and clear" danger from North Korea.

China continues military buildup near NK border as tanks, armor deploy.

April 2, 2013

NK delays S Korea entry to Kaesong industrial park. In short, analysts have said that all these rhetoric meant nothing as long as Kaesong remains opened- the only inter-Korean industrial complex in NK where South Koreans enter to work on daily basis. They directly generate billions of dollars for NK. Well, they delayed the entry, giving pause to all of us. Let's see if this goes anywhere.

April 1, 2013

North Korea is not on war footing, US says The White House says that despite bellicose rhetoric from North Korea the Obama administration has not seen changes in the regime's military posture.

China mobilizing tropps, jets near Korea. If anything indeed happens, millions of refugees will flood to China- since they can't go south through the minefield of DMZ.

March 30, 2013

Full war declaration statement from NK

Later today....

South Korea Warns North of Punishment Should War Declaration Go Beyond Words: South Korea's Ministry of National Defense has issued a statement calling on Pyongyang to stop making what it calls unacceptable threats.

Come April after US/SK military exercise is done, everything will be back to normal and KJU returns as a glorious new leader who proved his leadership to the West, quelling potential rivalry generals and starving military eyeing for a possible revolt.

March 29, 2013

'Sharply increased' vehicles and troops movments at North Korea's mid- and long-range missile units have been detected by South Korea's military just hours after the North's leader ordered rocket units to be ready to attack U.S. bases.

NK readying rockets at U.S. targets.

Mass Rally at Pyongyang 'Death to US Imperialists!'

Interesting comment from 'redditer46' at /r/worldnews:

If their soldiers are manning missile batteries and trenches on the DMZ then they are too far away to be storming the Kim family residence in Pyongyang in a coup attempt.
Now that China is participating in sanctions the Kim families supply chain of luxury goodies they bestow on his inner circle has been cut off. With Kim Jong Il dead the family is weak, now some may see the chance for regime change.
Several weeks ago we have found out that there was a failed attempt on Kim Jung Uns life, soldiers are reported to be defecting at eight times their normal rate, and the entire student body of Kim Il Sung University (i.e. children of the most loyal families in the nation) have "volunteered" to enlist (i.e. been conscripted) into one military unit (i.e. super loyal body guard).
Threatening to wake the sleeping military giant to his south is the only real deterance he has against his own military.

Link for rally video

March 28, 2013

I have a question to ask. There's not one single alert in South Korea. And they're not in denial, they watch the NK tension like a hawk in the sky. These lack of warnings are confirmed by South Koreans on internet and US soldiers stationed there today. NK's saber rattling is nothing new and what they're doing today is still nothing out of the ordinary in the last 3 decades.

Amid increased rhetoric from NK, combat ship USS Freedom heads to Pacifc. USS Freedom will posture itself in the Pacific nearby Guam & Hawaii, the primary would-be US base targets for NK.

North Korea 'burning with hatred' for US after stealth bomber missions

US says it sent B-2 stealth bombers over South Korea during their latest joint exercise.

NK photoshops marine landing photograph to make their military size look bigger.

March 21, 2013

Twelve North Korean soldiers attempting to defect have been captured by Chinese troops and sent back to NK.

NK's Kim Jong Un threatens attack on US basis in Pacific. NK is gonna run out of threats.

March 15, 2013

North Korea launches short-range missiles into Sea of Japan.

March 14, 2013

North Korea guides artillery exercises against South Korean Island

March 10, 2013

North Korea Forces Await 'Final Strike Order' from Kim Jong Un (For tomorrow when US/SK joint drill starts)

North Korea demands apology from South Korea for 'open declaration of war'. (Sounds crazy? But it's their 'wise' move to give themselves a 'way out'. SK apologizes, NK saves face, no one dies, everyone wins).

North Korea rice prices skyrocket (The biggest staple of Korean diet, provides context and some insight for NK's extra chest-beating after the sanctions)

South Korea now preparing for unexpected North Korea move

March 8, 2013
North Korea has voided its armistice 4 times in last 10 yaers. (Provides some important context, but still should be concerned?)

North Korea officially voids non-aggression pacts with South, severs the hotline

New Sanction on North Korea Pass in Unified U.N. Vote.

March 3, 2013
N. Korea threatens preemptive nuclear strike against aggressors as new sanctions are imposed.

February 19, 2013
North Korea threatens South with "final destruction".

February 23, 2013
North Korea Warns US Forces of 'Destruction' Ahead of Drills.

February 5, 2013
Crazy North Korean video of New York blowing up, now in English
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Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
I've been on a book kick on North Korea lately. I too find the stories about the country fascinating.

I'm not sure if they'll collapse or implode any time soon, though. If they could get through the famine in the 90's (2 million people died by some estimates), then I'm not sure what could happen to make them collapse.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 2003
He is just a blustering idiot. China would never allow that. But if he were to order such an attack he should look to Japan, Germany and any other country who have attacked us to see how well that worked out.


Jun 23, 2004
Collapse implies their people have any strength whatsoever. The government does not care how many slaves starve to death. Long as they have enough food for their military they will do just fine.


Mar 4, 2011
He is just a blustering idiot. China would never allow that. But if he were to order such an attack he should look to Japan, Germany and any other country who have attacked us to see how well that worked out.

They'll never attack US even if they wanted to. No military or technological capability.


Apr 10, 2000
I feel so sorry for the people of North Korea. If the U.S. is forced to shut NK up, it's the oppressed people that will suffer.


Sep 22, 2007
They'll never attack US even if they wanted to. No military or technological capability.

Correct. If more sanctions are posed, the most you'll see is them attacking another South Korean boat or shelling a South Korean island since they got away with both last time and probably would get away with it again.


Sep 22, 2007
I feel so sorry for the people of North Korea. If the U.S. is forced to shut NK up, it's the oppressed people that will suffer.

They're suffering now. I'm sure most aid that is allowed into the country is used for the military or party faithful.


Oct 25, 2002
Is this their way of asking for more rice because their people are hungry? It could be. The histrionics go into overdrive, they they're followed by "concessions" and niceties. Those are used by South Korea and China as excuses to give food. Then the rhetoric starts again.

I remember when I was in Dalian a couple of years ago and the rice we gave them had the packaging changed from "US Aid" in English to "Tribute" in Korean...

Speaking of Dalian, there is an addiction epidemic going on in northeast China, near the border with North Korea. People are becoming addicted to all the drugs produced in North Korea and shipped to China. It is a serious problem but the leadership in Beijing does not like to talk about it because it is incredibly embarrassing on so many levels. In that silence, the evil of addiction runs rampant...
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Jun 2, 2000
I've been on a book kick on North Korea lately. I too find the stories about the country fascinating.

I'm not sure if they'll collapse or implode any time soon, though. If they could get through the famine in the 90's (2 million people died by some estimates), then I'm not sure what could happen to make them collapse.

I presume you read "Escape From Camp 14" by Blaine Harden, the true story of a man that escaped from one of NK's concentration camps. Remarkable story, kind of illustrates what miserable conditions humans will suffer through-included innocent descendants and relatives of the purported crimminals.

NK will collapse someday and when it happens it will happen rather fast. I would say most of us thought the Berlin Wall and Iron Curtain were essentially permanent until just a few months (or days, in the Berlin Wall case) before they fell. The only real question is whether it will happen next week or in a couple of decades, but it will happen.


Aug 21, 2007
There was a documentary on Youtube awhile back that documented some conditions within NK. About an hour long.

It's like another planet. The video of the policeman directing non-existent traffic, literally no cars to direct, was quite a sight.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2005
Grabbed both books listed, looks very interesting. I really enjoyed the documentary Undercover In North Korea. Basically a journalist posing as a "Medical Coordinator" travels with Dr. Ruit who visits NK to perform 1000 cataract surgeries.

If you aren't familiar with cataract surgery, it can provide a fairly remarkable improvement in quality of life.. This is especially true in cases where access to appropriate health care is not available, you can literally have people legally blind, who can see again with this (relatively) simple surgery.

My favorite scene, after Dr. Ruit restores their vision, the first thing they do is run up to a statue of KJI and thank dear leader for blessing them with their sight.. In the next breath they basically Mother%&ck America and the Western world

I found this especially amusing because my (EEEVIL German/American) company not only develops the technology, but actually donates quite a bit of the equipment used by Dr. Ruit and his foundation.


Oct 10, 2006
I think we should send some green berets deep into the heart of North Korea, have them penetrate Kim Jong-Un's palace, wake him up in the middle of the night, rattle some decorative dress swords in his face, and leave.


Mar 4, 2011
I think we should send some green berets deep into the heart of North Korea, have them penetrate Kim Jong-Un's palace, wake him up in the middle of the night, rattle some decorative dress swords in his face, and leave.

Not very smart.

They have tens of generals who are vying for power internally. I bet most of the crap isn't even from Jong-Un himself, but all the senior officials.

You kill him, they'll just run their code red protocol and unshell everything they have on South Korea. Millions will die.


Oct 25, 2002
Not very smart.

They have tens of generals who are vying for power internally. I bet most of the crap isn't even from Jong-Un himself, but all the senior officials.

You kill him, they'll just run their code red protocol and unshell everything they have on South Korea. Millions will die.

So? This has to come to a head somehow. If they're going to bomb/nuke S. Korea let it be now rather than later when they have far more sophisticated nukes and missiles. I say we either starve them to death or get on with the war.

And let S. Koreans not take comfort in the belief that North Korea will not attack their brothers in the south. They will. They've done it before and will do it again. There is no deeper rivalry than sibling rivalry. Those living in S. Korea have been warned many times and it could happen. This new Kim leader is not really in control of his country and a serious miscalculation could occur at any time.
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Jun 2, 2000
So? This has to come to a head somehow. If they're going to bomb/nuke S. Korea let it be now rather than later when they have far more sophisticated nukes and missiles. I say we either starve them to death or get on with the war.

And let S. Koreans not take comfort in the belief that North Korea will not attack their brothers in the south. They will. They've done it before and will do it again. There is no deeper rivalry than sibling rivalry. Those living in S. Korea have been warned many times and it could happen. This new Kim leader is not really in control of his country and a serious miscalculation could occur at any time.

So you believe that because a war might happen someday we should force it to happen now? Ever hear of the Cold War? You honestly think a nuke exchange would have preferable?


Sep 22, 2007
So? This has to come to a head somehow. If they're going to bomb/nuke S. Korea let it be now rather than later when they have far more sophisticated nukes and missiles. I say we either starve them to death or get on with the war.

And let S. Koreans not take comfort in the belief that North Korea will not attack their brothers in the south. They will. They've done it before and will do it again. There is no deeper rivalry than sibling rivalry. Those living in S. Korea have been warned many times and it could happen. This new Kim leader is not really in control of his country and a serious miscalculation could occur at any time.

That would not be a "miscalculation." That would be suicide. Come on, as silly and ridiculous as the propaganda out of NK is, their leadership is not stupid. They know that if they start a full scale war, NO ONE will help them and the US and SK would finish them off in a week, if not sooner. They care more about their own power than anything else. I don't think you guys realize how weak they are. The USAF and Navy would make quick work of their artillery and other military assets. Could NK do damage? Yes. Could they overrun SK? Not in a million years.

And no, before someone says it again (it ALWAYS happens in NK threads), China and Russia won't do a damn thing to help NK in the event it does come to a war. Neither has a single reason why it would make sense to do that.


Sep 12, 2012
If you haven't read it yet, read this book. One of the best NK books I've read.

That's an excellent book. I have the audio version of it.

Anyway, I'm in South Korea now and the people here are afraid of a South/North conflict, because of the resources that would be needed to take care of the refuges who would be streaming into South Korea. It could and probably would cripple their economy. It's amazing just how far economically South Korea has come in the last 20 years. They don't want to jeopardize what they have achieved. They might dream of a unified country, but it doesn't mean that they actually want a unified country.

Orignal Earl

Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2005