Poll: World of Warcraft vs. Everquest 2

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Sep 14, 2003
Originally posted by: darkamulets
Tried WoW didn't like it much, no thanks for EQ2, I play Final Fantasy XI. Why isn't FFXI on the poll?

FFXI is like sega saturn. It's not gen 2 nor gen 1. I'm guessing it's not on the list because it came out over a year ago.

I played FFXI quite a bit. I had 2 main characters with about 4-5 classes in their 30's. I personally am finding that WoW's "mid-game" content is a lot less frustrating. FFXI starts to become incredibly frustrating at around those levels due to the fact that there is a very strong min-max mentality and therefore a lot of classes are not desired in parties. Even when I played the desired ones, it was hard to find a group. Furthermore, the more you went into the game, the longer and more time consuming individual quests/missions took.

I spent 7 hours getting to rank 5, and that was paltry in comparison to some of the level break quests that one must do at level 50. Not to mention the seeming exponential increase in experience that would be required.

Now, there are a LOT of things I miss about FFXI. The one thing it had was a variety of content types. Quests versus Missons, BCNM fights, conquest mode, and even their strange form of pvp. Even though there was no real pvp most of the time I played, there was a sense of competition with the various nations, because through conquest you could take over a region. What that meant is allowing you to bind to outposts in the area, and if your nation had the most overall zones, you could purchase certain "conquest" items.

Overall the crafting system was weak in FFXI (too little reward) with the exception of cooking, which had MAJOR benefits. In WoW there are benefits, but there isn't the same variety of effects. In FFXI you could consume "meat mithkabobs" in the early levels and the difference was remarkable.

Those who say that WoW doesn't force groups... there is a LOT of content that is virtually impossible without a group. You could go about 10 levels above the recommended level for that quest, but then you don't get any experience for the fights along the way, and the reward will be relatively minor in comparison.

The PVP system is quite bland now, but you can bet that they are working on this.

The really bad thing about WoW compared to FFXI and other games I have played is that it seems more difficult to find a group than I would like. Maybe I was spoiled by all the FFXI group finding capabilities...


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2000
graphics engine may be better with EQ2 but the art direction in WoW >>>>>>>>>> EQ2

as for overall looks while EQ2 may be technically superior WoW imo looks way better


Diamond Member
Jan 4, 2001
I have played EQ for a long time, since 1999 but I have not and will not try EQ2. I am kind of playing WoW which is a fun game but I would rather be raiding in EQ than grinding it in WoW.

The WoW GUI, chat interface suck big time. I find the graphics in WoW seriously lacking and the way they do the clip plane is annoying as hell. I am not too fond of the tradeskills in WoW either. The way MoBs agro in WoW is very bizarre and difficult to deal with sometimes.

However besides those complaints WoW is a good game.

Originally posted by: CVSiN

Well Dan.. being that you have 0 clue about wow you really should keep your oppiinions to yourself..
97% of the people playing WoW are hardcore MMO players from EQ1 DAOC SB UO and L2..
the 1-60 game is NOTHING it is not supposed to be the end game.. just the beginning...
this is a PVP game from the ground up.. they were rushed out the door before the PVP system was ready... it is coming and it is a MAJOR part of the game...
battlegrounds have thier own levels and vets will have amazing equipment that are only availible from winning PVP...
then there are the HERO levels that were announced in beta and were also not nready for the rushed release of WoW..
hero levels are only for the elite according to blizzard as only the most dedicated players will get there...

this is all before even the first expansion.... there is MORE than enough uber content to keep even farming uber guilds at this time from being bored..
my guild is literally all L45-60 with most players (35 out of 44 members being L57-60)
we are doing Black Rock Dephs and Spire and workign towards Onoxia raids when the rest of the guild makes 60..
we are also a PVP guild the rason we play WoW is becasue the classes are great with very good balance where it comes down to skill 97% of the time...
ganking is great and fun open PVP is very welcome and adds even more of a challenge.

Blizzard has still not released 2 L60 areas that are coming... and there are other stuff on the way too...

the reason people are blowing through content and levels so fast is half the peeps that are 60 came from EQ1 and L2 and they know this game inside and out as they were alpha and beta players... the far average is still l30-40 on most servers the top players still have about 10-15- days played at L60 now...

I was one of the very first L50s in EQ and it didnt take me that much longer to get my first L50 even back then...
my char had i think it was 20 days played at 50...
5 years later when i left EQ I could make an l65 char in under 8 days played...

its not that the games are getting easier its that players are getting faster....
but the problem is if you adjust the game for those select few you end up with a game like L2 that even those elite peeps end up hating casue the average joe they like to kill never gets that high...
and suffers from low subscription rate as L2 and FFX does in the USA..

Im 45 and my levels are still taking me anywhere from 7-12 hours per level now depending on quests and if I have to grind or quest through them...
thats pretty slow leveling.. I was much faster going through 45 in eq1 than I am in WoW so far... 6 hours in a good exp group in Cazic thule you could get through 45 in EQ1...

anyway you dont have a clue what you are talking about so dont...

Spoken like a true fanboy. I usually get a kick out of seeing people who will defend every last possible thing that may be wrong with WoW. Now, though, it is getting old.


Sep 14, 2003
What's wrong with the chat interface? I'm used to the FFXI one so I'm not sure what I may be missing.


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2001
Durring the 1 week stress test of WoW I had about 4.5 days of playtime. Had teh game not been P2P I would have bought it the instant it hit the shelves. Everquest on the otherhand was just...blah. Too many quest that had you running all over the place and it took you forever to get enough money to buy anything.


Diamond Member
Jan 4, 2001
Originally posted by: torpid
What's wrong with the chat interface? I'm used to the FFXI one so I'm not sure what I may be missing.

It seems to be designed to increase more drama because it is fairly easy to make the mistake of "mistells" when chatting.



Sep 14, 2003
Originally posted by: Babbles
Originally posted by: torpid
What's wrong with the chat interface? I'm used to the FFXI one so I'm not sure what I may be missing.

It seems to be designed to increase more drama because it is fairly easy to make the mistake of "mistells" when chatting.

The only time I have felt this is when using the R to reply button. It seems bugged. I don't think it's intentional. I love being able to type /p blah blah and then just hit enter after that to type to the party.


Jun 22, 2001
Originally posted by: Gurck
Originally posted by: Bateluer
These polls are really pretty sad. EQ2 is the better game hands down. There is so much more depth and story in EQ2 than the wanton PvP combat of WoW. :( Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the decline of PC Gaming. :(

I guess a lot of people just want to do wanton killing . . .I need to found my own gaming studio, dedicated to the development of games with depth, originality, story, plot, dialogue, and character development.

Pretty laughable opinion, though of course you have the right to it. If you want to beef it up a bit, please comment on my above post about Sony & EQ. Personally, I'd herald a phenomenally buggy game with a storyline only a child could like, done by a company which rapes its customer base as the end of PC gaming... but that's me.

Btw, since you're obviously not aware of the fact, WoW has a great deal of non-PvP servers. If you'd like to put down a game for being mostly or all about PvP, look to DAoC - WoW isn't it.
What's DAoC?


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
Originally posted by: SP33Demon

What's DAoC?

a game where the britons, celts, and vikings battle it out. the whole point is killing other players, and everything else is about getting you better abilities/equipment to help you kill other players


Mar 16, 2004
Dark Ages of Camelot, a game whose high end is about realm vs. realm PvP and nothing else.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2004
Originally posted by: Babbles
I have played EQ for a long time, since 1999 but I have not and will not try EQ2. I am kind of playing WoW which is a fun game but I would rather be raiding in EQ than grinding it in WoW.

The WoW GUI, chat interface suck big time. I find the graphics in WoW seriously lacking and the way they do the clip plane is annoying as hell. I am not too fond of the tradeskills in WoW either. The way MoBs agro in WoW is very bizarre and difficult to deal with sometimes.

However besides those complaints WoW is a good game.

Originally posted by: CVSiN

Well Dan.. being that you have 0 clue about wow you really should keep your oppiinions to yourself..
97% of the people playing WoW are hardcore MMO players from EQ1 DAOC SB UO and L2..
the 1-60 game is NOTHING it is not supposed to be the end game.. just the beginning...
this is a PVP game from the ground up.. they were rushed out the door before the PVP system was ready... it is coming and it is a MAJOR part of the game...
battlegrounds have thier own levels and vets will have amazing equipment that are only availible from winning PVP...
then there are the HERO levels that were announced in beta and were also not nready for the rushed release of WoW..
hero levels are only for the elite according to blizzard as only the most dedicated players will get there...

this is all before even the first expansion.... there is MORE than enough uber content to keep even farming uber guilds at this time from being bored..
my guild is literally all L45-60 with most players (35 out of 44 members being L57-60)
we are doing Black Rock Dephs and Spire and workign towards Onoxia raids when the rest of the guild makes 60..
we are also a PVP guild the rason we play WoW is becasue the classes are great with very good balance where it comes down to skill 97% of the time...
ganking is great and fun open PVP is very welcome and adds even more of a challenge.

Blizzard has still not released 2 L60 areas that are coming... and there are other stuff on the way too...

the reason people are blowing through content and levels so fast is half the peeps that are 60 came from EQ1 and L2 and they know this game inside and out as they were alpha and beta players... the far average is still l30-40 on most servers the top players still have about 10-15- days played at L60 now...

I was one of the very first L50s in EQ and it didnt take me that much longer to get my first L50 even back then...
my char had i think it was 20 days played at 50...
5 years later when i left EQ I could make an l65 char in under 8 days played...

its not that the games are getting easier its that players are getting faster....
but the problem is if you adjust the game for those select few you end up with a game like L2 that even those elite peeps end up hating casue the average joe they like to kill never gets that high...
and suffers from low subscription rate as L2 and FFX does in the USA..

Im 45 and my levels are still taking me anywhere from 7-12 hours per level now depending on quests and if I have to grind or quest through them...
thats pretty slow leveling.. I was much faster going through 45 in eq1 than I am in WoW so far... 6 hours in a good exp group in Cazic thule you could get through 45 in EQ1...

anyway you dont have a clue what you are talking about so dont...

Spoken like a true fanboy. I usually get a kick out of seeing people who will defend every last possible thing that may be wrong with WoW. Now, though, it is getting old.

Im not a Blizzarrd or WoW fanboy by nature... but I have played EVERY SINGLE MMO since M59 till now.. and other than the Original UO pre 2000 and the First 4 years of EQ1 this is by far the best most absorbing game to come along... it sucks you in.. the characters move and act reaistic unlike EQ2... whose characters stand and sit like they have been FVCKED IN THE ASS for 5 days straight... hell even SWG had superior animations to EQ2... and WAY superior character models... and that game is horrible...

You do know you can change ANYTHING in the WoW interface by using XML....
my WoW interface shares NOT 1 thing that the premade one does except for the placement of the quickbars.... but i added 5 more + custom made macros and map tools and other utils that can be added via XML that are 100% legal by blizzard..

yes i hate the default tools you are given... but Blizzard even sponsers a forum for customizing the UI...

BTW you go ahead and pay 22 bucks for your 8 chars...

i can have 8 per server in WoW =P with no extra charge... AND! we have Thottbot and Wowrankings .com for free web service you guys have to pay to display your characters =P


Sep 14, 2003
I demand screen shots with multiple panes open that demonstrate your interface if it shares not one thing with the stock one. Also links to where to get it in case I like it.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
Originally posted by: CVSiN
Im not a Blizzarrd or WoW fanboy by nature... but I have played EVERY SINGLE MMO since M59 till now.. and other than the Original UO pre 2000 and the First 4 years of EQ1 this is by far the best most absorbing game to come along... it sucks you in.. the characters move and act reaistic unlike EQ2... whose characters stand and sit like they have been FVCKED IN THE ASS for 5 days straight... hell even SWG had superior animations to EQ2... and WAY superior character models... and that game is horrible...

You do know you can change ANYTHING in the WoW interface by using XML....
my WoW interface shares NOT 1 thing that the premade one does except for the placement of the quickbars.... but i added 5 more + custom made macros and map tools and other utils that can be added via XML that are 100% legal by blizzard..

yes i hate the default tools you are given... but Blizzard even sponsers a forum for customizing the UI...

BTW you go ahead and pay 22 bucks for your 8 chars...

i can have 8 per server in WoW =P with no extra charge... AND! we have Thottbot and Wowrankings .com for free web service you guys have to pay to display your characters =P

doac is up to 10 for $12 a month, if that is your measuring stick...


Diamond Member
Jan 4, 2001
Originally posted by: torpid
Originally posted by: Babbles
Originally posted by: torpid
What's wrong with the chat interface? I'm used to the FFXI one so I'm not sure what I may be missing.

It seems to be designed to increase more drama because it is fairly easy to make the mistake of "mistells" when chatting.

The only time I have felt this is when using the R to reply button. It seems bugged. I don't think it's intentional. I love being able to type /p blah blah and then just hit enter after that to type to the party.

Well they did straight up steal that from EQ (along with 80% of the other commands). I suppose it is hard to describe what makes the chat interface frustrating if you never played EQ.
I have a former EQ buddy who is a hardcore WoW fanboy and even he bitches about the chat interface.

Perhaps it was just done so well in EQ and WoW hasn't quite met that same standard so to many people it may seem to suck. If you have never played EQ then you can't compare it.


Sep 14, 2003
Originally posted by: Babbles
Originally posted by: torpid
Originally posted by: Babbles
Originally posted by: torpid
What's wrong with the chat interface? I'm used to the FFXI one so I'm not sure what I may be missing.

It seems to be designed to increase more drama because it is fairly easy to make the mistake of "mistells" when chatting.

The only time I have felt this is when using the R to reply button. It seems bugged. I don't think it's intentional. I love being able to type /p blah blah and then just hit enter after that to type to the party.

Well they did straight up steal that from EQ (along with 80% of the other commands). I suppose it is hard to describe what makes the chat interface frustrating if you never played EQ.
I have a former EQ buddy who is a hardcore WoW fanboy and even he bitches about the chat interface.

Perhaps it was just done so well in EQ and WoW hasn't quite met that same standard so to many people it may seem to suck. If you have never played EQ then you can't compare it.

In fact I have played the original EQ and like WoW significantly more. Are you aware of the ability to create new windows and customize the content (e.g. which chat messages to show), appearance, color coding, etc. of the windows in WoW?


Diamond Member
Dec 3, 2002
I'm level 60 in WoW if anybody doesn't think I know what I'm talking about in the game. I played FFXI for a couple months, and EQ2 beta right before release. Also tried the Matrix Online beta but it was essentially non-playable on my system in the state it was in.

Originally posted by: Dulanic
There is no question WoW will win any poll you take, it is very popular because it is Warcraft. 98% of the people in these polls have played one or the other not both. My preference is EQ2 myself. The only way to know which game is better for you is to play both.

I played EQ2 beta right before release. It was pretty bad. WoW is very popular because it's a damn good game from a damn good deveoloper that people know well. Also, people do read reviews if you've cared to browse around those. I understand a lot of people were turned off by SOE and came to WoW.

You will find more "I'm l33t!" players in WoW, EQ2 has a slightly older crowd playing.

Maybe true? Get in a good guild with friends, use your /ignore, and maybe even turn of general chat channel in some areas and this isn't much of a issue.

Graphics: EQ2 wins this down hand, it has better graphics by alot. WoW has a more cartoon look, which isn't bad, but the graphics can't be put on the same level.

Definitely personal preference here. And mine is for WoW's graphics. EQ2 ran awful for me (which I think was due to 512MB ram). Even if it does run well I think the characters look like plastic.

Group/Solo: EQ2 is by far more group based, you can solo, but grouping is the way to go. WoW has alot more soloing you could do.

You can group plenty in WOW, it's all about instances/raids/elite quests, etc. You can group for soloable stuff too if you want to speed it up or help somebody. You can go to lvl 60 grouping or not grouping, which is very nice for some people.

Interface: WoW is easier, EQ2 is more involved.

Involved = bad? heheh. The interface customization I've seen in WoW with custom mods is amazing too.

Crafting: EQ2 has the best crafting system out there bar none, it is fantastic, however they do need to change the whole broker/selling thing, having to be logged in can be iritating.

Can't really comment on this one, didn't play enough to craft a lot in EQ2. I do like WoW's system though.

Quests: Both actually did a good job, there are alot of quests in both, tho EQ2 has more and are more involved, I've never had less then 15 quests in my journal at any one time. WoW has alot of quests also, tho many you can solo, EQ2 needs a group for most.

I don't know about more quests in EQ2. I always had plenty every level in WoW. You can easily have more than 15 if you wish in WoW (and usually will unless you've just completed a bunch). I've seen some cool quests in WoW, didn't really see any in the time I got to try EQ2. Doesn't mean they aren't there I guess.

EQ2's loading screens really got me. They were everywhere and long in addition to a longer initial game load. In WoW loading screens are fairly rare, and always short for me on the same PC. It's a seamless transition between most zones, they aren't all blocked off by a door or small entrance to accomodate a load screen, it's very nice.


pvp in wow is a joke. no penalties, no rewards, just testing each other's skills.

For now... heh heh:

I believe there are rewards coming up even when you aren't in Battlegrounds.

I would also argue that there are social consequences to some pvp right now, like ganking lower level players. My guild will KOS people we know like to do some bad crap.


Diamond Member
Jan 4, 2001
Originally posted by: CVSiN
Im not a Blizzarrd or WoW fanboy by nature... but I have played EVERY SINGLE MMO since M59 till now.. and other than the Original UO pre 2000 and the First 4 years of EQ1 this is by far the best most absorbing game to come along... it sucks you in.. the characters move and act reaistic unlike EQ2... whose characters stand and sit like they have been FVCKED IN THE ASS for 5 days straight... hell even SWG had superior animations to EQ2... and WAY superior character models... and that game is horrible...

You do know you can change ANYTHING in the WoW interface by using XML....
my WoW interface shares NOT 1 thing that the premade one does except for the placement of the quickbars.... but i added 5 more + custom made macros and map tools and other utils that can be added via XML that are 100% legal by blizzard..

yes i hate the default tools you are given... but Blizzard even sponsers a forum for customizing the UI...

BTW you go ahead and pay 22 bucks for your 8 chars...

i can have 8 per server in WoW =P with no extra charge... AND! we have Thottbot and Wowrankings .com for free web service you guys have to pay to display your characters =P

You did a bang up job of criticizing a fair assement of WoW, so I will lump you into the WoW fanboy category.
Yes you can change the UI with XML but that is a major pain in the ass. Would be nice to be able to easily change things in game or, God forbid, be able to have multiple UIs and swap them on the fly like /loadskin in EQ. I use Cosmo but there are things I would like to change but it is a pain then when they have a patch it would be all screwed up.

BTW you go ahead and pay 22 bucks for your 8 chars...
i can have 8 per server in WoW =P with no extra charge... AND! we have Thottbot and Wowrankings .com for free web service you guys have to pay to display your characters =P
What the hell are you talking about? Are you talking to me? I play EQ and WoW and I sure as hell don't pay $22 for each account. In EQ you can have multiple characters on multiple servers.
Also I did not realize there was a wowrankings.com website but there has been www.eqrankings.com for years now.

You are a full of it fanboy. You don't even seem to know what you are talking about but you are attempting to argue that WoW is better than something . . . anything.


Mar 16, 2004
Originally posted by: Babbles
Well they did straight up steal that from EQ (along with 80% of the other commands). I suppose it is hard to describe what makes the chat interface frustrating if you never played EQ.
I have a former EQ buddy who is a hardcore WoW fanboy and even he bitches about the chat interface.

No idea what you're talking about, I have no problems with the WoW chat interface, and I'm a long-term EQ player. There comes a point where it's just a standard and not theft... go far enough along that line of thought and you could also accuse EQ of stealing from UO, and so on and so on until everyone's stealing from the inventor of the first typewriter :p


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2004
Originally posted by: Babbles
Originally posted by: CVSiN
Im not a Blizzarrd or WoW fanboy by nature... but I have played EVERY SINGLE MMO since M59 till now.. and other than the Original UO pre 2000 and the First 4 years of EQ1 this is by far the best most absorbing game to come along... it sucks you in.. the characters move and act reaistic unlike EQ2... whose characters stand and sit like they have been FVCKED IN THE ASS for 5 days straight... hell even SWG had superior animations to EQ2... and WAY superior character models... and that game is horrible...

You do know you can change ANYTHING in the WoW interface by using XML....
my WoW interface shares NOT 1 thing that the premade one does except for the placement of the quickbars.... but i added 5 more + custom made macros and map tools and other utils that can be added via XML that are 100% legal by blizzard..

yes i hate the default tools you are given... but Blizzard even sponsers a forum for customizing the UI...

BTW you go ahead and pay 22 bucks for your 8 chars...

i can have 8 per server in WoW =P with no extra charge... AND! we have Thottbot and Wowrankings .com for free web service you guys have to pay to display your characters =P

You did a bang up job of criticizing a fair assement of WoW, so I will lump you into the WoW fanboy category.
Yes you can change the UI with XML but that is a major pain in the ass. Would be nice to be able to easily change things in game or, God forbid, be able to have multiple UIs and swap them on the fly like /loadskin in EQ. I use Cosmo but there are things I would like to change but it is a pain then when they have a patch it would be all screwed up.

BTW you go ahead and pay 22 bucks for your 8 chars...
i can have 8 per server in WoW =P with no extra charge... AND! we have Thottbot and Wowrankings .com for free web service you guys have to pay to display your characters =P
What the hell are you talking about? Are you talking to me? I play EQ and WoW and I sure as hell don't pay $22 for each account. In EQ you can have multiple characters on multiple servers.
Also I did not realize there was a wowrankings.com website but there has been www.eqrankings.com for years now.

You are a full of it fanboy. You don't even seem to know what you are talking about but you are attempting to argue that WoW is better than something . . . anything.

Apparantly you havent been playing EQ2 much.. the recently nerfed it so you have to play MORE to have more than 8 chars on multiple servers... alot of people were very upset about it..

so whose out of touch now...
along with the Crafter nerf that made EQ2 crafters loose alot more money than they were previously making pissed alot of peeps.



Diamond Member
Jan 4, 2001
Originally posted by: CVSiN
Apparantly you havent been playing EQ2 much.. the recently nerfed it so you have to play MORE to have more than 8 chars on multiple servers... alot of people were very upset about it..

so whose out of touch now...
along with the Crafter nerf that made EQ2 crafters loose alot more money than they were previously making pissed alot of peeps.

That is incorrect to the degree that I never ever stated that I played EQ2. I stated EQ and WoW.

So if you want more than 8 characters on a server, then you have to pay more? Or is it if you want more than 8 characters total you have to pay?



Sep 14, 2003
Well in FFXI you had to pay $1 per character after your first. After that almost anything seems reasonable.


Jun 22, 2001
BTW guys, does AT have a WOW clan? I'd like to join, and if there isn't one, let's create it. :)