Poll: When will AG Sessions resign?

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When will Jeff Sessions resign as AG?

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Jul 17, 2003
Sessions will never resign. There is no evidence against him. He made the senate look like idiots.

Did we watch the same hearing?

Other than an initial surge of patriotic indignation, Sessions was pretty limp for that. Angus King made him sound feckless. Sessions' 25 I Don't Knows is pretty low by modern standards, he's certainly no Gonzales, but to say he came out looking good here is quite a stretch. I'm pretty disappointed in Susan Collins. Sessions did not disappoint and pretty much confirmed what I already felt: he is complicit in the obstruction of justice.

I think republicans would be in the clear were it not for the Lester Holt interview. Yeah keep laughing guys... keep dancing on that train track.
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Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
Watched a little of this little degenerate testify. Main takeaway is that this moron isn't qualified for a mop job much less the position he holds, seriously, he comes off as a half-wit. Also, that he doesn't seem to recall or remember so much that I'd be surprised if he can remember his own name. It's smelling like they're all worried about the special counsel's investigation and giving him evidence to use against them. I'd guess since their depositions to him will be private and under oath, that is where they'll claim executive privilege - outside of the PR disaster that it would be in public and where they'll need to in order to protect themselves.

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Mar 17, 2008
Tell me about it. Everything else aside shouldn't the AG have a little bit better recolection? I wish someone would have asked him if he is experiencing early signs of senility.

Thats just it, when he pulls the 'senior moment card' - he does so with a little smuck smile... that dude remembers everything.


Dec 11, 2000
Anyone yet have more info on this bizarre pseudo executive privilege that the DOJ apparently practices?


Feb 1, 2008
Anyone notice what was REALLY going on during the Jeff Sessions hearing?
The entire goal, his and Trump's only desire was to thumb their nose in the senates face.
And with them blaming this all on senate democrats, the hearings and the entire "Russian thing" investigation, they don't give a crap about giving any information away to these democrats let alone giving a crap to tell anyone the truth.
This is and was Sessions and Trump's attempt at payback.
Pretend its all a little game and they make up the rules.
If we are to get any answers especially truthful answers as to what really happened, then the senate nor the people will never get it from these guys called up to testify.
This is all a game to them, and in their mind they believe that if they wanted to co-opt with Russians in beating Hillary, so be it.
And if the Trump team along with the Russians did indeed plan hand in hand to hack, rig, cheat and steal that election, so be it.
After all, doing that got them an US Supreme Court justice. The probable repeal of healthcare.
Got them a Whitehouse cast that believes not in climate change, the environment, controlling the banks, or a decent education for the middle class.
And etc and etc....

These guys, these Trump people have conveniently forgotten that old bible saying, "to gain the whole world and lose your own soul" (something like that).
I guess there was a price tag for the souls of those faith based republicans (and many democrats as well).
The bible thumpers.
A price tag they we happy to pay and to hell with the consequences.
Especially when everyone already knows that their religion is something to wear on the sleeve and never in the heart.
Colluding with the Soviets? Allowing the earth to burn to a crisp? Empowering the banks to savage the little guy once again?
Yes.... all this and more was a no brainer if that meant winning the Whitehouse.

To be called before congress?
Only a game of cat and mouse for them. They enjoy this no doubt.
This is why Trump did not and would never interfere. Would never use executive privilege to keep anyone silent.
And no one investigating this mess will never be fired by Donald Trump.
They have something much better going for them. Simply lie, wink, smirk, and laugh at the whole process.

When they are asked if they met with Soviet spies to corrupt an American election, and they answer no, then we know not only did they indeed do exactly that but odds are it goes much deeper than anyone can imagine.
If the American people should ever learn the truth, it will be much much worse than anyone believed it could have been.
And frankly, isn't it always that way it goes in politics?
If it has an oder, an funny smell to it, then it isn't just bad on the surface. Its an absolutely rotten to the core.
Just ask Richard Nixon about that.....


Oct 11, 2005
Anyone yet have more info on this bizarre pseudo executive privilege that the DOJ apparently practices?

It's make believe. But, it's an effective ploy when you know that the GOP majority in congress won't hold you to any consequences.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Someone really should explain to Jeffy Bo that he isn't Trump's personal lawyer. His service is to the country and the American people. Trump doesn't pay him. (OK, well, Trump isn't supposed to pay him. Who knows what is going on).

That entire fricking hearing was basically Jeffy acting as if POTUS were his client. This should alarm everyone. Apparently, it does not.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Is there anyway Mueller can subpoena Drumpf's tax returns?

I don't know, maybe. But these current lawsuits regarding Trump's violation of emuluments, if the court(s) accept them, would essentially require a subpoena of his tax returns, and he can't do anything about that, afaik.


Jul 17, 2003
Is there anyway Mueller can subpoena Drumpf's tax returns?

That's a good question. I suspect he can, but he may need the (acting) AGs nod on it? Not sure. Certainly Sessions wouldn't have a problem with that, right? I mean after his recent "usurpation" remarks on how Justice gets to prosecute while FBI investigates. Serving up subpoenas falls under investigating, at least it did before the banana republicans took over.

They should definitely do it. He still has to answer for the Emoluments Clause after all.


Oct 11, 2005
Is there anyway Mueller can subpoena Drumpf's tax returns?

I'd imagine so if anything remotely financial related came up in the course of his investigations.

I'd bet more money that NY AG Schneiderman gets them first though. If he hasn't already.


Mar 9, 2005
I'm shocked that he didn't make a shameless plug for Ivanka's jewelry line while he was there.


Diamond Member
Dec 4, 2002
Lying POS should have already resigned or been removed from office for perjuring himself in regard to claiming he had no contacts with the Russians. It's amazing that no one connected to the Trump campaign could remember having contact with the Russians or other foreign entities. Most corrupt administration in the history of the USA.
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Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
I don't know, maybe. But these current lawsuits regarding Trump's violation of emuluments, if the court(s) accept them, would essentially require a subpoena of his tax returns, and he can't do anything about that, afaik.

Mueller has the authority to access any material that is relevant to the scope of the investigation. That does not mean that information gained will be shared with the public.


Platinum Member
Feb 5, 2001
Sessions hid behind the veil provided by the GOP in this hearing. He is going to be SOL if/when the Republicans decide that the Trump "ship" is sinking. Problem for the Country is that the GOP folks are very dense and do not seem to be able to figure out that their positions are not based in reality.