Originally posted by: Format C:
Originally posted by: Fingolfin269
Why does this issue keep coming back up? It came up in Off-Topic early last week so I had to check with some of my sources in DC and this crap has been dead, in committee, for a very long time.
Please, let it die.
They can't do that. You see, here's how it works. First, you tell yourself a lie over and over until eventually you believe Jesus spake it from his own mouth. Then, you go forth and declare your new revelation all over the nation gathering unto yourself all those weak-minded souls eager to believe and perpetuate your lies as a new truth because the light of real truth burns them so. You rant and you rave and you froth at the mouth to show your dedication to the downtrodden and that you are indeed a true believer, their new savior, and all your newfound flock will shout AMEN!. Eventually someone, an unbelieving infidel, will point out that none of your oft repeated prophecy has ever came true and all of your core beliefs and postulates have been disproven as lies, half-truths, and hate mongering. Lest any of your AMEN! shouting lie perpetuating flock of true believers be dissuaded from your holy way you now must move on to creating your very own Devil and you shall name him The Bush. And all the weak-minded lie perpetuating true believers will shout AMEN! On a roll and gathering converts daily you increasingly vilify the Devil Bush and all his forked tounged minions ceaselessly. Why before you know it crop failures, three headed calves, and even murderous plane crashing beheading terrorists the world over are the fault of The Bush and his beguiling evil. And all the weak-minded lie perpetuating true believers will shout AMEN! You lie, you continue to lie, and if called on a lie then you must lie some more, and if all else fails you can always blame it on The Bush, the father of lies, who beguiled you in your weakness yet again. And all the weak-minded lie perpetuating true believers will shout AMEN! and AMEN!!