I don't want to jump to conclusions but my bet is christians pissed at the war on christmas
So after things like this, will europe learn to pull up their panties, stop bending over, and actually mobilize their military for attacking instead of defending and having people slaughtered? It's things like this that seem to be a kick to their ass indicating "WAKE THE FUCK UP. We can't clean up your mess"
So sayeth the truth seeker. Why don't we let ole' rudder explain or are you and he the same person?
So after things like this, will Europe learn to pull up their panties, stop bending over, and actually mobilize their military for attacking instead of defending and having people slaughtered? It's things like this that seem to be a kick to their ass indicating "WAKE THE FUCK UP. We can't clean up your mess"
Agreed. They should have done that hours ago. The moment they start shooting is the moment it's no longer a hostage situation. It's a bloodbath situation.
You want to use them as leverage for something - use them as leverage. The moment you shoot a single person is when you clearly aren't looking for anything.
Bu... bu... but... doesn't France have strict gun control?
Shut your fucking mouth and start using your fucking brain for once. If you think it would be much more difficult for terrorists with automatic kalashnikovs, bullet-proof vests, and grenades to take down a few 72 year old men with pistols than you are sorely mistaken. Plus they only need to be on guard once, you need to be on guard your whole life. With how much you seem to get involved with science you ought to know smarter than to listen to Sean Hannity and other bullshit.
oh good lets have a gun rights argument too. Can we mix a bit of abortion and bible passages into it as well?
Shut your fucking mouth and start using your fucking brain for once. If you think it would be much more difficult for terrorists with automatic kalashnikovs, bullet-proof vests, and grenades to take down a few 72 year old men with pistols than you are sorely mistaken. Plus they only need to be on guard once, you need to be on guard your whole life. With how much you seem to get involved with science you ought to know smarter than to listen to Sean Hannity and other bullshit.
I don't listen to Sean Hannity. I can't stand the guy.
This is exactly the kind of thing that argument applies to. You're only willing to discuss it when there isn't a perfectly current example of "bad people will still get guns?"
You're defending the murders of 60 people.
You don't think that disarmed citizens factored into their plans at all? It certainly factors in to plans when we have a mass-shooting here. It's why they usually happen at schools and why the Aurora shooter chose a movie theater that doesn't allow guns.
And they probably had body armor, automatic weapons, and explosives too, plus they have probably had formal education in terrorism.
True but I ignore the "no concealed weapons" signs every time I go to the movies. The tards don't even post them according to S.C. law.The aurora shooter did not choose a movie theater because it didn't allow guns. There is no evidence for that. There's also no evidence that an armed populace played into any decisions here.
That's not how his sequence went, was it? He said his rifle was useless when the clip was emptied. He didn't say his rifle was useless when he ran out of stripper clips to reload the magazine.
if a clip is used to load a magazine wouldn't both be technically correct?
This douche nugget has never fired a gun. He's clueless.
Be nice. You could take him to the range and introduce him to the joy.This douche nugget has never fired a gun. He's clueless.
you've got me.
my one regret is that i've never fired a gun
So why ask a stupid fucking question? Are you slow?
look at me i'm in tears.
see what you've done.