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Feb 13, 2003
Haven't watched any of this yet, but I'm recording them. The real life topic of human endurance pushed to the limit is fascinating, fertile ground for drama. I hope they don't feel the need to overdo it by introducing some sort of mythical monster that is stalking them. The Arctic is forbidding enough, without turning it into some sort of Marvel f*cking comic.
It's based on the 2007 novel which apparently has a "monster" in it. I agree, I think the setting and premise are plenty ripe for great story telling, but the novel's author had to add some sort of monster to it. Normally this would completely turn me off to watching it, but since I love historical fiction (past or future) so much I'm willing to give it a few episodes to interest me.


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
Trust -- 9.5/10 -- Wow, is this series on FX off to a cracking good start! I've only watched the first two eps (out of 10,) but, man, is it excellent on all fronts! The cinematography is pointed, allusive, arresting and gorgeous! The acting, especially that of Donald Sutherland as John Paul Getty and Brendan Fraiser as his Texan fixer/security head is off the charts sublime. The characterization of the kidnapped JP Getty lll as an entitled twerp, the spoiled fruit fallen from a thoroughly rotten tree will make you love to hate him. Indeed, just about everyone in the senior Getty's orbit are loathsome toads, but none so loathsome as Getty himself.

So fine!


Jan 8, 2010
Haven't watched any of this yet, but I'm recording them. The real life topic of human endurance pushed to the limit is fascinating, fertile ground for drama. I hope they don't feel the need to overdo it by introducing some sort of mythical monster that is stalking them. The Arctic is forbidding enough, without turning it into some sort of Marvel f*cking comic.
It's based on the 2007 novel which apparently has a "monster" in it. I agree, I think the setting and premise are plenty ripe for great story telling, but the novel's author had to add some sort of monster to it. Normally this would completely turn me off to watching it, but since I love historical fiction (past or future) so much I'm willing to give it a few episodes to interest me.

Well I mean - Stuck in ice, froze and/or starved to death, the end isn't exactly all that exciting.


Jun 3, 2011
meanwhile i'm watching what was possibly the height of British comedy, Yes Minister !

while we may all know Fawlty Towers and Blackadder and Monty Python, Yes Minister and the sequel Yes Prime Minister were popular with all ages, but the humour does nto translate well outside of GB. It's the story of a Jim Hacker, a local elected Minister, to whom is assigned a personal secretary Humphrey Appleby. Hacket is a good man, salt of teh earth, but Appleby is the devil himself, and constantly works to undo what little effort Hacker can muster to drive forward his department's policies. It's like Parks & Recreation, but funny. And 40 years earlier.
It does mostly revolve around people being excessively polite, trusting, and terribly embarassed, so it might now go down too well with Yanks.


Jul 11, 2001
It didn't seem as long as it was either.

I sometimes think that's the measure of a good movie. A 2+ hour movie can go by very easily and you never think about how long it is, the time... a 90 minute movie can seem to go on and on and you wonder when it will end. I have to think the former is the better movie, all else aside.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
I sometimes think that's the measure of a good movie. A 2+ hour movie can go by very easily and you never think about how long it is, the time... a 90 minute movie can seem to go on and on and you wonder when it will end. I have to think the former is the better movie, all else aside.
That's how I felt with Thor Ragnarok. I couldn't believe only 45 minutes went by when we paused it to make a drink. It felt like we had been watching that crap for like 90 minutes already.
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Jun 15, 2001
The Sopranos - 10/10

I never watched this during its original run and I just finished it. It definitely lives up to the hype. The ending was frustrating, but I heard about it when it originally happened, so I was prepared for it. Highly recommended if you haven't seen it. It's available on Amazon Prime.
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Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2011
wild Wild counrty: facininating indeed.Im only a few episodes in.

Holy Hell: recently watched this 7/10.Scary shit, as above:p.

Cold Skin: All about sea creatures at the moment.i fell asleep watching The Shape of Water(not through boredom,other factors involved)as for cold skin,man vs sea creatures 5.2/10.The .2 was when he screwed one of the sea thangs.
May 11, 2008
The frozen ground. 9/10.
Based upon a true story of the hunt on a serial killer in Alaska.
With Nicolas Cage, John Cusack, Vanessa Hudgens, Dean Norris,50cent( with long hair) and Brad William Henke (The huge prison guard from Orange is the new black).
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Feb 3, 2005
Count me among those who've never seen The Sopranos. The only thing I know about it is the ending.


Diamond Member
Jan 1, 2005
Same here, never seen The Sopranos but I have been meaning to.

I love GoT, BTW. 9/10 for me. I think a lot of it comes from forcing myself (well, not really forcing since I enjoyed every minute) to read all five released books before starting to watch the series. It took me about a year to read them, then I binge-watched the first five seasons in just a couple of months. All throughout reading the books, I kept wondering how all the characters would look and scenes would play out in the show, and everything was pretty close to what I imagined. I'm holding out on continuing the series until I can read the sixth book, if it ever comes out...


Jun 19, 2006
I didn't really watch the sopranos until the end. And GOT I need cliff notes on who is who.


May 19, 2011
The Color Purple (1985)

It was competently executed I guess (as in, everything was sound, plot, acting, etc). The story didn't intrigue me, I found the occasional switch from depressing to slapstick a bit jarring,
and isn't it wonderful how pretty much everyone got their happy ending.

My wife wanted me to see it. I can't imagine why she might think I would enjoy it. Maybe I would have if there was some interesting point of view on how some people live life that I hadn't already considered/encountered.


Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2011
Dream/Killer 9/10.This was quite a disturbing nervous, be very nervous.
Along for the ride 8/10.Dennis hopper doc.Was interesting.

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Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
King in the Wilderness -- 9.5/10 -- It's a documentary on HBO -- watch the short trailer -- of the last few years in the life of Dr. Martin Luther King. He knew he was going to be killed.

"He was prepared to die, but he was also determined that his death and his life would have meaning."

On April 3, 1968, he delivered a speech primarily concerning the strike of sanitation workers in Memphis, Tenn. In it, he called for economic boycotts and non-violent protest in support of their struggle. Towards its end, he said this:

"Well, I don't know what will happen now. We've got some difficult days ahead. But it really doesn't matter with me now, because I've been to the mountaintop. And I don't mind. Like anybody, I would like to live - a long life; longevity has its place. But I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the Promised Land. So I'm happy, tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord."

The very next day, he was assassinated.


Jul 11, 2001
Wow I don't think I've ever met anyone who has never seen the Sopranos.
I bought the DVD set. I watched a few of the earlier episodes. I should rewatch those and watch the rest. I'm not much into TV, but caught wind of its reputation. I have bought several other great shows that I haven't finished. I have finished some, though! Part of it is just that I am busy, have a big old house that needs a ton of work! :) This house was built 4 years after the great San Francisco earthquake. It survived that but I don't think it would survive it today.

Count me among those who've never seen The Sopranos. The only thing I know about it is the ending.
Uh, I don't, please don't spill the beans.


No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
The Color Purple (1985)

It was competently executed I guess (as in, everything was sound, plot, acting, etc). The story didn't intrigue me, I found the occasional switch from depressing to slapstick a bit jarring,
and isn't it wonderful how pretty much everyone got their happy ending.

My wife wanted me to see it. I can't imagine why she might think I would enjoy it. Maybe I would have if there was some interesting point of view on how some people live life that I hadn't already considered/encountered.
Meryl Streep was awesome.


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2003
3rd episode of The Terror, still going well. Really enjoying the show, just always makes me cold watching it. Like Wind River, looks damn freezing. I like movies that are at least based off of real world events, this fits the bill.

The Titan, 7/10 on Netflix. Same guy who turns into a blue man, does the same thing here. Not a spoilers since the previews show it. It is an interesting concept, Earth is dying, cant have more children without a permit, look for somewhere else to live. Brought up some interesting discussion with my wife and I, it is heavily military based. The ending is what I didn't really care for, but may be set up for a sequel. Acting was decent, another notable character was Grey Worms woman from GoT was in it as well. Passed the time, enjoyed it mostly, not that great.
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