gore should've and would've won if not for the evil forces that conspired to
doom his beautiful candidacy.
gore will win in 2004. nader will be an afterthought, bush will be undone by the
slowing or ruining of the clinton/gore economy, and, above all, the amazing kreskin
predicted gore would win the next election.
the amazing kreskin has never been wrong predicting an election.
our savior will rise soon.
I think Bush and his dad should be given a lesson on deficiet (spelling?) spending, then they would know what morons they are for cutting taxes and not paying off debt. thats part of the reason why our national debt during the reagan/Bush administrations literally sextoupled.
MAN! Can't you bed wetting liberals just let it go? You lost, 'nuff said. the fact is, Bush won, gore lost so STFU. Bush is letting it be known he is the president.
He will not tarnish the office of President with scandals of sex, selling secrets to a foriegn power, renting out bedrooms in the Whitehouse for campaign contributions.
If Gore won, he would be blamed for this economy. Now it's going to be Bush.
Yeah, I know it started with Clinton, but who is going to remember that in four years.
None of these county votes are important. What matters is who got the most votes in the whole state of Florida. We will have a better idea who that is when the papers have counted all the votes.
who freaking cares about gore or bush??? any man who stands up and says "i belive i should be the leader of the free world" well in my opinion thats not a man we would want.
All these people are doing is taking away from our President, Mr. Bush. So what if I didn't vote for him? My candidate LOST. I accept that, and shut up. I am waiting to vote for Gore again in 2004. I have no doubt he will win.
Again I am ashamed to live in Palm Beach County, Florida.
What Idiocy. Its over, Gore lost, Bush was inaugurated. Why does the LIBERAL PRESS have to keep on trying to make trouble. Oh, I forgot, its ok, they are Democrats.
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