Put words in other's mouths and misrepresent what they say or claim.
Discount any news sources that even hint at painting Modi in a less-than-bright light, while using very few sources that all are possibly if not likely influenced by the BJP. You know, in that bastion of free speech that is currently India.
Refuse to answer other's questions.
Play the victim...in just about every fucking post.
Last, and perhaps most important or at least most frequent...project ALL of this behavior on anyone not in full bootlicking agreement. Which is pretty much everyone else. Everyone else is leftist boogeymen in ivory towers out to get Modi.
This asshole would be right at home with MAGAtards. It's slightly amusing, mostly painful, and concerning all at the same time. These are the kinds of people that put the real shitheads in power (and keep them there.)
He's nothing unique in today's world, sadly. Ch33z is right though IMO...it's like arguing with a child who isn't getting his way.
WelshBloke called it back on page 2.