mr drumpf, shove that wall where the sun don't shine

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Jun 26, 2009
I haven't seen someone use that name as repeatedly as he has that one. If I did, I'd say the same comment. It stands for the too, to me. Hmmm.

Oh! What's the threshold? How many times is enough to call out?

Hit those numbers, people.
Feb 16, 2005
See above. You name call all the time, it's your thing. You've done it repeatedly to certain posters. Don't be upset, just how I see it. You look foolish, anything you could have said would matter far less to me.

Edit, I don't come here much. I'm sure I've missed some things.

right, gotcha, I understand, however, several others here are equal in their name calling and derision, they just seem to get a pass from you. Meh, who cares.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
Absolutely build that wall Mr. Trump.

And when big business starts getting a major rash in their skivvies trying to keep profits up without the slave labor they have become addicted to, they are going to come after you not with pitchforks and torches but with shit tons of donations of the shady kind to make you see things their way and absolutely not the way the conservative base that adores you would want you to act.

But Mr. Trump, I guess you already know that you can play two sides of opposing ideas/ideals and still get elected, right?

All you have to do is follow the exact same game plan that the existing Repubs in Congress and their very wealthy big business benefactors are exploiting at this very moment and have been for decades.

They are still reaping yuuge profits off the backs of illegal immigrants while the Repub base fends off any and all criticism of it by screaming and wailing about the porous borders that your big business buddies vehemently want to keep that way.

So remember Mr. Trump, when you build that wall, make absolutely certain that you build it ten times as tall and as wide as you need it to be for the Repub base to marvel at, but don't forget to install those underground revolving doors every hundred yards or so in that wall to keep your big business buddies happy, right?

Got it? Ooooooooooo-Kayyyyy.

Where to even start?

It's interesting you actually identified the problem of big business making huge profits off of illegal (slave) labor, and paying off politicians to keep the supply of it coming in...'s just bizzare how, of all people, you manage to vicariously blame Trump for it- in the FUTURE no less!


Dec 9, 1999
Kinda like the people who use Billary, etc.? Don't see you calling them out...hmmm.

Good lord how delusional! Billary is Billary, it's a well earned and even self-fostered title. Where as Drumpf is retarded sounding. It sounds like something Intellectuals cackle over nodding up and down to themselves how clever they are, all the while, looking F'ing retarded.

Personally I like it when you all use it, because you just provide that much more entertainment. But you all do realize outside of the Intellectual circle just how lame you are using it, right? One really hopes the self delusion of the Intellectual doesn't actually extend into Reality... :eek:o_O


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
^Intellectual circle? LOL!

Waaaaaaay overboard giving credit on that one. More like circle-jerk.
Feb 16, 2005
Good lord how delusional! Billary is Billary, it's a well earned and even self-fostered title. Where as Drumpf is retarded sounding. It sounds like something Intellectuals cackle over nodding up and down to themselves how clever they are, all the while, looking F'ing retarded.

Personally I like it when you all use it, because you just provide that much more entertainment. But you all do realize outside of the Intellectual circle just how lame you are using it, right? One really hopes the self delusion of the Intellectual doesn't actually extend into Reality... :eek:o_O

right, you justify billary, but chide drumpf, and you're supposed to be the voice of reason on this topic. just want to be sure that's what you're saying.


Dec 9, 1999
^Intellectual circle? LOL!

Waaaaaaay overboard giving credit on that one. More like circle-jerk.

Oh I know man, that's why I capped the I. :D These Simple Jack mofos actually fancy themselves intellectuals - they truly believe they have amazing insight and everyone else are just lost Righties who can't think at their level. It'd be supremely hilarious if they didn't vote, breed, and then indoctrinate their spawn to be like them (or worse). They're akin to trailer park trash but with better speaking abilities.


Dec 9, 1999
right, you justify billary, but chide drumpf, and you're supposed to be the voice of reason on this topic. just want to be sure that's what you're saying.

Do you understand that Billary herself props her suckage up with Bill? Half of the time I hear a Lefty talking about Billary they can't even really come up with a good reason to vote for her, but bring up Bill and his presidency in, Think of the good times...

Somehow they can't put it together the good times were brought to them via Defense spending that brought about the .com boom and a Rep Congress that kept Billy Boy in check (and vice versa), and that Billy Boy left a nice recession for the next POTUS - along with a really friendly guy named Bin Laden running around.

For being Intellectuals, you guys certainly continue to Fail hard. Does Reality ever cut through, or do you all just remain in the LeftyZone all the while electing Billary instead of true and worthwhile candidate like Sanders? Please, enlighten a Reality based person like me, what's the justification for the Billary nomination and the sellout instead of electing Sanders? Is it the unpaid for Sanders agenda? Why worry about that given that the POTUS won't get what the want anyways and you all don't give a F about deficit spending? I eagerly await the sellout justification... (except if you're Black, as then I get it - Billary and Black Leadership already told you who to vote for, and you'll do that so Billary can F you like all the past POTUS have done...Congrats!)


Aug 5, 2000

Where to even start?

It's interesting you actually identified the problem of big business making huge profits off of illegal (slave) labor, and paying off politicians to keep the supply of it coming in...'s just bizzare how, of all people, you manage to vicariously blame Trump for it- in the FUTURE no less!

No, not blaming Trump at all. Just pointing out that he can continue the two-faced flim-flam the Repub leadership have been perpetrating against their constituents what with inflaming their base with horror stories of illegals taking over the nation while they obey their wealthy benefactors' wishes to keep the borders wide open. ;)


Dec 9, 1999
I get your point, but, you realize that these aren't "horror stories" right? Go to blue collar jobs and take a look at how many Latinos are doing them. Then go take a look at the true unemployment numbers. Jesus (not Hey-zues), I live in a predominately Black area with fairly high unemployment and I'm going to conservatively say (so, I'm giving your "horror stories" some %) that 80-85% of non-school is out labor is Latino. How F'ing damning is that? Meanwhile, Tyrone is sitting at home, unemployed.

You guys understand this illegal invasion allowance is really fucking over the US Citizens who could use these jobs the most, right?


Jun 26, 2009
You guys understand this illegal invasion allowance is really fucking over the US Citizens who could use these jobs the most, right?

If they paid... but union bashing is the other half of the shit sandwich.


Aug 5, 2000
I get your point, but, you realize that these aren't "horror stories" right? Go to blue collar jobs and take a look at how many Latinos are doing them. Then go take a look at the true unemployment numbers. Jesus (not Hey-zues), I live in a predominately Black area with fairly high unemployment and I'm going to conservatively say (so, I'm giving your "horror stories" some %) that 80-85% of non-school is out labor is Latino. How F'ing damning is that? Meanwhile, Tyrone is sitting at home, unemployed.

You guys understand this illegal invasion allowance is really fucking over the US Citizens who could use these jobs the most, right?

Yeh, the horror stories part, it's not my personal take on the issue. It's what's been coming out of the RNC noise machine and being parroted by those that aren't as well informed as you or most of the other conservative posters in this forum.

It's red meat meant for the rabid base, and the RNC can't seem to keep up with demand. ;)

I do understand that there is a definite negative impact in the form of macro-economically depressing wages among others. However, as I have implied in my posts in this thread, big business and their "lust" for maximizing profit at the expense of the working class has much more to do with the influx of illegals than any other divertive reason the RNC has managed to cough up.


Mar 25, 2001
Never understood the disdain for securing the border. A "wall" might be a dumb idea just from a cost / benefit approach, but is that the argument against it? If a more efficient method of border security is devised would that work for everyone, or is there some other reason that so many are against it? Honest question.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
Never understood the disdain for securing the border. A "wall" might be a dumb idea just from a cost / benefit approach, but is that the argument against it? If a more efficient method of border security is devised would that work for everyone, or is there some other reason that so many are against it? Honest question.

What protects your home from anyone just wandering across the 'borders' of it and making it their home too? The giant 30 foot wall around it?

Or maybe just laws that are actually enforced?

We don't need a stupid wall around any part of the country- it's the most braindead, neanderthal approach to the problem.

We simply need to enforce our laws, and make it known we're serious about it. Same as 98% of the population knows full well they can't just invade your home without some form of legal repercussions.


Aug 5, 2000
What protects your home from anyone just wandering across the 'borders' of it and making it their home too? The giant 30 foot wall around it?

Or maybe just laws that are actually enforced?

We don't need a stupid wall around any part of the country- it's the most braindead, neanderthal approach to the problem.

We simply need to enforce our laws, and make it known we're serious about it. Same as 98% of the population knows full well they can't just invade your home without some form of legal repercussions.

Agree that enforcing existing laws would help. However, the problem with enforcement is that some immigration and labor laws, especially those that affect hiring illegals, have been compromised from big businesses influencing our politicians into writing laws that are so vague and encumbered with dead ended legalese so as to make those laws either unenforceable or gutted out to the point of being useless. Of course, all of that corrupting and malfeasance being expressly designed to enable businesses to keep hiring illegals for the dirt cheap wages they're willing to accept.


Sep 6, 2000
You guys understand this illegal invasion allowance is really fucking over the US Citizens who could use these jobs the most, right?

I prefer them over the US citizens in question honestly.


Dec 9, 1999
If they paid... but union bashing is the other half of the shit sandwich.

No union bashing required at all. You've got the small businessman employing illegals so he can get the same - or more - work done for less labor cost (and not have to deal with the @sshole Whitey and the joke work ethic Black), charges the same or less, has to do less/no work himself. The homeowner/business owner gets to participate in the greed and/or laziness by looking the other way, because ultimately, they don't give a shit about union people (even when they themselves are in a union) they just care about the job getting done for the least amount of money out of their pocket.

Politicians love it on both sides of the aisle, the Dems can get those less well off "immigrants" and their kids, who will vote Dem, plus, can get the Bleeding Heart/White Guilt and SJW crowds whipped up with dumbf*ck rationale like a picture of Sitting Bull on Facebook saying, Tell me again what the problem with immigrants is?, or some imbecilic shit like that. The Reps are more than glad to let them in, because they nor their kids will have to deal with the illegal invasion. They won't live by them, or have their kids compete with them (in any real numbers at least, at least short and mid term, who thinks long term right?), and they'll drive down the wages of Americans which lets their business buds pay less.

Who feels the pain? Middle income blue collar folks, and low income folks. They of course get F'd, but, hey, who gives a F about them anyways, right? Point this out and you'll get either a Bleeding Heart/White Guilter response, and/or, a "Well studies show..." Haaaaahvaad response. It's sufficient duhflection to keep that illegal invasion going. Critical mass enough to sustain it has been reached...

Yeh, the horror stories part, it's not my personal take on the issue. It's what's been coming out of the RNC noise machine and being parroted by those that aren't as well informed as you or most of the other conservative posters in this forum.

It's red meat meant for the rabid base, and the RNC can't seem to keep up with demand. ;)

I do understand that there is a definite negative impact in the form of macro-economically depressing wages among others. However, as I have implied in my posts in this thread, big business and their "lust" for maximizing profit at the expense of the working class has much more to do with the influx of illegals than any other divertive reason the RNC has managed to cough up.

See above. And it's certainly not just big business (although letting in 10s of Millions of invaders sure does sure up the declining birthrates in our consumer driven economy, eh?), there are tons of small business owners lovingly employing people who never should have been here. That small restaurant owner needs those illegals, if he didn't have them, my god, he'd actually have to work there himself (just like they did back in the day before the illegal invasion). Or the roofing company owner...lordy, he'd actually either have to be on that roof himself and/or pay legal labor to get up there and bust @ss - how will he afford his new F-250 diesel he absolutely must have to drive around in?! And on and on and on.

I prefer them over the US citizens in question honestly.

I don't blame you, I've been on jobs where the Americans are outright a joke - it's embarrassing. Latin workers are usually hard workers, respectful, etc. But that's really neither here nor there. The point is, our US Politicians should be ensuring we don't have an illegal invasion occurring (like they've been willfully allowing the past few decades). If the Fed Gov can't even secure our border with $300B in spending on the Mil each year, then frankly, we don't have a Gov worth supporting (politically, or, financially). I'd respectfully submit they've gone from looking out for the country they're elected to represent interests to...supporting other interests. And those other interests sure aren't helping the US Citizens (middle and low income) who need the Fed Gov help the most.

It's really a trustability thing for me (and many others at this point): US Politicians have willfully sold out for decades now, so, which Politician can I actually trust the most? Billary? <insert scream laugh> She's simply a non-starter. Bernie? Probably not on the illegal invasion topic but the thing about Bernie is, at least what comes out of his mouth isn't careful political calculation for the most political benefit - Bernie actually believes what he's saying. He might be wrong, he may have no way possible to get it enacted, but, at least he's true. And lastly, Trump. We really have little way of knowing exactly what Trump believes. Rather than political calculation like Team Billary, it seems Trump just...talks. The real question is, when Trump actually has to get down to making decisions, dealing with issues that are bigger than him, will he be able to? With Bummer we had someone who was (in no particular order) experienced at voting Present, reading a teleprompter, smiling, wasn't Billary, and wasn't a white male - not really a glowing list of experience. Trump actually has some kind of Leadership experience. It may be abrasive and/or non-PC direct, but, that's really not necessarily a bad thing (unless one has SJW panic lost puppy meltdowns over non-PC non-filtered communication, then, it's the end of the world ((unless their comedian of choice does it, then it's totally cool))).

So, we're not going to get Bernie because of dumbf*ck and/or selfish Dems, we're going to get Billary. Between Billary and Trump, the lessor of two evils is Trump. Unless Bernie is smart and runs Independent. Or if Trump chooses Johnson as his running mate (and he accepts). Then maybe Trump if elected will announce it was a big joke, resign, and we get Johnson. Talk about making history...


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2009
Nothing wrong with a wall except the cost. You sound like a tool by calling him that over and over again. Just sayin.
He can only sound like what he is. He identifies with it and you should celebrate the fact or you are a bigot.:sneaky: