More anti-smoking measures, Philadelphia


Jun 23, 2001

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - First, it was bars and restaurants; now, pools, playgrounds, and recreational centers are being put in Philadelphia’s no-smoking zone.

Saying secondhand smoke is a real drag for kids and others who use the city’s outdoor and indoor recreational facilities, Mayor Nutter’s executive order makes those places cigarette-free — just in time for summer.

“Just seems like every part of the world is saying no don’t smoke here,” says Sharmin Knight, taking a smoke break outside of her Center City office.

The city recently added public recreation centers, playgrounds, and pools to the list of places you cannot smoke. The goal is to keep kids away from second hand smoke and prevent them from seeing adults smoking.

“Get smoke away from children and people in parks,” says Brent Nitz, himself a smoker. “They don’t need it.”

Youth smoking is a major problem in Philadelphia. A Department of Public Health study conducted last year found 1 in 14 high school students smokes every day. And half of high school students have experimented with smoking. Last year, the city issued more than 2,500 tickets to tobacco stores selling to underage teens.

Giridhar Mallya is director of planning and policy for the Philadelphia Department of Public Health.

“When kids see adults smoking, they tend to perceive it as safer and maybe more acceptable than it actually is. That’s one of the main reasons we want to put this policy in place.”

To get the word out, he says they’re posting signs and handing out wallet cards at the more than 200 pools, rec centers, ball fields, and even parking lots at those places. And because they’re making it harder to smoke, he says they’re making it easier to quit — with more free counseling and nicotine replacement therapy available through

Great move. More states and regions need to take similar measures. The less I have to be subjected to second&third hand smoke, the better. Smokers are being given many, tax payer subsidized, options to quit as well.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
I think smoking is bad but I also think people should be allowed to start and stop it on their own.
This hatred so many people have for smokers irritates me.
Especially when I get shat on for hating illegals or welfare leeches or politicians.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2005
The real truth is that the risk of second hand smoke has been vastly overstated by the anti-tobacco establishment. Second hand smoke is a real danger, to people who are regularly in confined quarters with people who smoke, day after day, year after year. It isn't a statistically significant risk with occasional or casual contact, and the risk is slim to none in outdoor settings. While I'm sympathetic to people not wanting to smell it, that has to be balanced against the freedom of the smoker, and in an outdoor setting, the smell issue is minimal at most. Besides, if smell in and of itself is a compelling enough reason to ban an activity, what happens when people start to complain about perfume, for example? Some even claim allergies to it which is more serious than a simple aversion to the odor.

The anti-smoking movement in this country started as a well meaning group of scientists wanting to refute the lies being told by the tobacco industry and educate the public about a serious health issue. Unfortunately, after years and years of bombardment with information that is often in the grey area between education and propaganda, we have worked oursleves into such a tissy about smoking that it is starting to sound like a religion. Smoking isn't any more just something that is bad for your health. It is Evil.

"Mayor Nutter"? LOL

- wolf
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Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2007
They've moved on to food now. I'm sure you have all seen it, that food and being over-weight are the new evil.


Mr. Pedantic

Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2010
The real truth is that the risk of second hand smoke has been vastly overstated by the anti-tobacco establishment. Second hand smoke is a real danger, to people who are regularly in confined quarters with people who smoke, day after day, year after year. It isn't a statistically significant risk with occasional or casual contact, and the risk is slim to none in outdoor settings. While I'm sympathetic to people not wanting to smell it, that has to be balanced against the freedom of the smoker, and in an outdoor setting, the smell issue is minimal at most. Besides, if smell in and of itself is a compelling enough reason to ban an activity, what happens when people start to complain about perfume, for example? Some claim allergies to it.
The real objection I have to smoking and smokers is that it smells fucking disgusting. It's worse than perfume; tobacco smoke hangs around the person while they're not smoking as well, but especially downwind from a smoker you can smell them 10 or 20m away, which is quite a distance in a CBD.

It is Evil.
So, apparently, are homosexuality, stem cells, and abortion. I think smoking has a bigger claim to being evil than those.


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2007
On the flip side of this a NV legislator employed in the tavern and restaurant industry has introduced legislation seeking to overturn the voter-approved ban on smoking in almost all indoor venues. Nothing like serving the people by expressly going against their will infavor of lobbyists and special-interest groups.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2005
The real objection I have to smoking and smokers is that it smells fucking disgusting. It's worse than perfume; tobacco smoke hangs around the person while they're not smoking as well, but especially downwind from a smoker you can smell them 10 or 20m away, which is quite a distance in a CBD.

So, apparently, are homosexuality, stem cells, and abortion. I think smoking has a bigger claim to being evil than those.

You find the smell unpleasant, therefore it should be banned from any place you intend to go in public? OK, if people disliking the smell is enough rationale for a ban, then I should mention that I find other people's BO to be incredibly unpleasant. Therefore, I think it should be a misdemeanor to go out into public without using deoderant. If you want to stink to high heaven in your own home, be my guest. But no, not anywhere where I'll be downwind.

Mr. Pedantic

Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2010
You find the smell unpleasant, therefore it should be banned from any place you intend to go in public?
No, I find it unpleasant, therefore I find them disgusting. Tobacco smoking progressively deteriorates cardiovascular and respiratory health, therefore it should be banned.


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2007
There's no fighting these Prohibition People.

They won't stop until you are prohibited to do anything.



Golden Member
Feb 29, 2000
I think smoking is bad but I also think people should be allowed to start and stop it on their own.
This hatred so many people have for smokers irritates me.
Especially when I get shat on for hating illegals or welfare leeches or politicians.

There's a reason why I have such hatred for smokers. Too many smokers are douche-bags who blatantly ignore smoking and non-smoking areas and have no consideration of others around them.

My work place have designated areas where smokers may go to smoke and yet everyday there are plenty of smokers who light up in front of non-smoking signs, in enclosed waiting areas (again where a no smoking sign is posted), and in front of doorways into buildings. They've been told multiple times about the smoking and non-smoking areas and they continually choose not to take other people into consideration.

In many instances, the smoking area is just a few steps away from where they're lighting up, yet they apparently go out of their way to light up in areas set aside so non-smokers could also enjoy the outside, wait for the bus, or at entry ways into buildings.

There's also the littering of cigarette butt everywhere even though there are receptacles all over the place for them to put their cigarettes after they're done. Then there are also the fuckers who go over the top with the ass-holeish behavior who not only light up in non-smoking areas, they also throw their lit cigarettes away near the enclosed bus stop or in front of doorways without putting it out so the entire area continue to smell like ass even after they've left.

I would shed no tears if these douche-bags were executed publicly preferably by soaking them in gasoline and throwing a lit cigarette at them.


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2007
No, I find it unpleasant, therefore I find them disgusting. Tobacco smoking progressively deteriorates cardiovascular and respiratory health, therefore it should be banned.

I find your attitude unpleasant, therefore I find you disgusting, you should be banned. Hey, that works.


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2007
There's a reason why I have such hatred for smokers. Too many smokers are douche-bags who blatantly ignore smoking and non-smoking areas and have no consideration of others around them.

My work place have designated areas where smokers may go to smoke and yet everyday there are plenty of smokers who light up in front of non-smoking signs, in enclosed waiting areas (again where a no smoking sign is posted), and in front of doorways into buildings. They've been told multiple times about the smoking and non-smoking areas and they continually choose not to take other people into consideration.

In many instances, the smoking area is just a few steps away from where they're lighting up, yet they apparently go out of their way to light up in areas set aside so non-smokers could also enjoy the outside, wait for the bus, or at entry ways into buildings.

There's also the littering of cigarette butt everywhere even though there are receptacles all over the place for them to put their cigarettes after they're done. Then there are also the fuckers who go over the top with the ass-holeish behavior who not only light up in non-smoking areas, they also throw their lit cigarettes away near the enclosed bus stop or in front of doorways without putting it out so the entire area continue to smell like ass even after they've left.

I would shed no tears if these douche-bags were executed publicly preferably by soaking them in gasoline and throwing a lit cigarette at them.

Hahaha, you should listen to yourself before calling anyone else a douchebag.


Jun 23, 2001
I think smoking is bad but I also think people should be allowed to start and stop it on their own.
This hatred so many people have for smokers irritates me.
Especially when I get shat on for hating illegals or welfare leeches or politicians.

If you want to smoke in your own home, your choice. Any public place though, smoking should be bared.

Mr. Pedantic

Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2010
Right. Drinking was the first prohibited, then smoking, now eating.

All three are rediculous prohibitions.

Alcohol prohibition was repealed. Give me proof that any legislative authority has completely banned smoking or eating, and you might be slightly leaning towards the path towards being right. Kind of.

I find your attitude unpleasant, therefore I find you disgusting, you should be banned. Hey, that works.
Imitation fail. Noob.


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2007
Nope.. we should prosecute people that cause accidents.

Drinking has little to do with it (beyond educating people that if they drinj, they are more likely to cause accidents)



Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2009
The real truth is that the risk of second hand smoke has been vastly overstated by the anti-tobacco establishment. Second hand smoke is a real danger, to people who are regularly in confined quarters with people who smoke, day after day, year after year. It isn't a statistically significant risk with occasional or casual contact, and the risk is slim to none in outdoor settings. While I'm sympathetic to people not wanting to smell it, that has to be balanced against the freedom of the smoker, and in an outdoor setting, the smell issue is minimal at most. Besides, if smell in and of itself is a compelling enough reason to ban an activity, what happens when people start to complain about perfume, for example? Some even claim allergies to it which is more serious than a simple aversion to the odor.

The anti-smoking movement in this country started as a well meaning group of scientists wanting to refute the lies being told by the tobacco industry and educate the public about a serious health issue. Unfortunately, after years and years of bombardment with information that is often in the grey area between education and propaganda, we have worked oursleves into such a tissy about smoking that it is starting to sound like a religion. Smoking isn't any more just something that is bad for your health. It is Evil.

"Mayor Nutter"? LOL

- wolf

I think the added problem is also that even after years of "education" people are still smoking and thus this is the reason why the anti-smoking crowd has ramped up the rhetoric around second hand smoking and its effects beyond that which is deemed a reasonable stance. Fact is people smoking today are doing so despite the known risks which are clearly stated on the god damn box for shit's sake and of which can be further backed up by just doing a Google search.

Edit: In essence you can't save stupid however those trying to do so just end up dragging down everyone else for the ride.
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Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2007
First they came for the smokers;
I'm not a smoker.

Then they came for the people that go to McDonald's
I don't go to McDonald's.

Then they came for me.



Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2007
Anti Smoking laws are pure bull-shit when the Government is spending out of control.

That's not Government, it's pure bull-shit.
