The ultimate formula for political victory is to take a guy who likes to have sex with children and then feed children to him and videotape the nastiness. Now and forever, that politician is owned by the master. If the politician doesnt do the master's bidding, the evidence comes out, and the politician is destroyed. (And of course nothing ever happens to the master.) This is the system we're under. Karl Rove is only about one step above that in terms of the moral high ground.
Of course when you just stick your head in the sand and deny all of this is happening, it jsut continues and gets worse and worse. Just because it aint on the frickin tv doesnt mean it aint happening. That same frickin tv that happens to be owned by alot of these same disgusting child soul devouring demons... But hey, if you dont want things to ever change then jsut go on pretending this stuff aint real. But dont blame anyone else for the disfunction of our political systems. That disfunction is growing and will eventually consume all of society. School shootings, mass suicides, you name it. Much of it comes back to the demonic rituals that these sick bastards are performing, all of which gets swept under the rug by so called rational folks too afraid to look into the dark side. Eyes Wide Shut only scratches the surface of reality.