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Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
You, sir, officially rule.

But that is just so so so so pathetic it makes Moonbeam cry:

"Scientific racism is a term used by critics to describe the use of pseudoscientific techniques and hypotheses to sanction the belief in racism, racial inferiority, or racial superiority.[1] Since the gravamen of the criticism is that these techniques are in fact unscientific, this usage is at odds with the normal meaning of the first term.

According to the United Nations convention, superiority based on racial differentiation is scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust and dangerous, and there is no justification for racial discrimination, in theory or in practice, anywhere.[2]

As a term, scientific racism denotes the contemporary and historical theories that employ anthropology (notably physical anthropology), anthropometry, craniometry, and other disciplines, in fabricating anthropologic typologies supporting the classification of human populations into physically discrete human races that are claimed to be superior or inferior, specifically in a historical context of ca. 1880 to 1930. Scientific racism was thus most common during the New Imperialism period (c. 1880s–1914), in the second half of the 19th century, and used in justifying White European imperialism.

After the end of the Second World War (1939–45) and the occurrence of the Holocaust, scientific racism in theory and action was formally denounced, especially in UNESCO's antiracist statement "The Race Question" (1950): "The biological fact of race and the myth of ‘race’ should be distinguished. For all practical social purposes ‘race’ is not so much a biological phenomenon as a social myth. The myth of 'race' has created an enormous amount of human and social damage. In recent years, it has taken a heavy toll in human lives, and caused untold suffering." However, the statement acknowledged that different human races exist.[3] Beginning in the later 20th century, scientific racism has been criticized as obsolete, and as historically used to support or validate racist world-views, based upon belief in the existence and significance of racial categories and a hierarchy of superior and inferior races.[4]

The term "scientific racism" is pejorative as applied to contemporary theories, such as in The Bell Curve (1994), which investigated racial differences in IQ, concluding that genetics explained at least part of the IQ differences between races. Critics argue that such works are motivated by racist presumptions unsupported by available evidence. Publications such as the Mankind Quarterly, founded as an explicitly "race-conscious" publication, have been accused of scientific racism for publishing articles on controversial interpretations of human evolution, intelligence, ethnography, language, mythology, archaeology, and race subjects.[5] The pejorative label, "scientific racism", criticizes studies claiming to establish a connection between, for example, race and intelligence, and argues that this promotes the idea of "superior" and "inferior" human races.[6] Recent authors consider their work to be scientific and dispute use of the term "racism"; they may prefer terms such as "race realism" or "racialism"."

In other words all that horse shit was debunked by real science.

Now please have the good sense to show me the science that has debunked these 16 peer reviewed studies I referenced?

What on earth would motivate you to pretend that what some idiot claims is bigotry really is? Have you no sense of pride or personal shame? Do you really believe you can just invent an altered reality? I'm beginning to suspect you might just be a conservative and all this science nailed you.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
The OP clearly just misspelled "pseudoscience". Cut him a break, it's the end of the month when the meds run low.

Love ya Moonie! ;)

16 peer review studies on my side and zero for you. I guess that's why you went out to lunch. hehehe.... I'm very used to it.


Oct 6, 2009
Here's one that concludes liberals don't understand how conservatives think. Evidence of this is quite common in this forum with all the "demonic" stereotypes liberals have of conservatives...this is especially true among the very liberal progressives here who apparently actually believe their extreme sterotypes are somehow a reflection of reality.


This study asked 2,212 Americans to fill out questionnaires about moral questions. They were asked to fill them out as they thought a “typical liberal” or a “typical conservative” would respond. Moderates and conservatives were very good at guessing how liberals would answer questions. Liberals (especially those who described themselves as “very liberal”) were least able to guess how conservatives would answer.
That's because liberals are reasonable, so it is easy to predict how a reasonable person might think. Conservatives are not reasonable, so it is hard to predict how an unreasonable person might think. They are all over the place. The same reasoning they use to justify one position might be rejected when it justifies another position.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Probably about as many time as you have won the lottery, been stuck by lightning and seen god all in the same day.

1. http://forums.anandtech.com/showthread.php?t=2280905&highlight=conservatives+are+stupid

Post number 11

2. http://forums.anandtech.com/showthread.php?t=2274461&highlight=conservatives+are+stupid

Post number 13

I can find many more. Now, though, that you have been shown to be totally wrong, and easily so, will you please look at yourself and notice how easily you can convince you know as truth what is actually lies? I don't care about being right. I am used to it. I am right because I can also be wrong. I don't build my sense of self on the truth of what I say. I am human and prone to error. I have learned to be a bit more humble than you have. I took the time to show you you are wrong for your sake not mine.


Diamond Member
May 9, 2004
They used to use those study's to prove blacks were inferior to whites. It's good to see the bigots keeping up with the times.
Next time post the one that proves Canadians are afraid of the dark.

This reminds me:

a. Study shows X race are less intelligent = study is racist

b. X race underperforming in a school exam using the same standard for all races = exam is racist

Let's have a cake and eat it too!


Golden Member
Jan 22, 2005
They used to use those study's to prove blacks were inferior to whites. It's good to see the bigots keeping up with the times.
Next time post the one that proves Canadians are afraid of the dark.

Inferior in what metric? I don't shy away from racism so I'm curious. Ask any orthodontist the race of their patients and they'll be able to tell you within 98% accuracy based off jaw x-rays alone. I don't think a nuclear blast is unpleasant compared to a beach; a mushroom cloud is the promise of death if compromise can't be reached, and life is hard and unforgiving on seemingly idyllic pacific islands (work your ass off to get 1500 kcals a day).

Clearly the liberal mind is mess of obsession.

Sprinkled with naivety. Moonbeam is completely full of shit, and I'm waiting for them to tell me how I hate myself, despite the fact that I love myself on a very regular basis. :D


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Sprinkled with naivety. Moonbeam is completely full of shit, and I'm waiting for them to tell me how I hate myself, despite the fact that I love myself on a very regular basis. :D

It's easy to tell. You manifest all the signs and are completely unaware of it. In other words, you are naive. And that fact is evidenced by the fact it's exactly what you project on me. Then you put me down. You demonstrate the main characteristic of self hate, the desire to hurt others by putting them down just as you were put down, the reason you hate yourself. In your case, you were made to feel stupid, so you project that too. Finally, you double down on appearing stupid and naive by suggesting that self love is something totally absurd.

By the way, the issue of nuclear war is relevant because you have nuked yourself and are emotionally starving. But no help is possible because you are an island of lonely denial.

Yo have a lot of shitting you need to do, another fact you demonstrate, and it's a way back to health, but shitting on me only fertilized my garden which is already laden with fruit. You can best help yourself by dropping your childish arrogance and owning your own shit. That is where you will need some real personal courage.


Oct 15, 1999
Inferior in what metric? I don't shy away from racism so I'm curious. Ask any orthodontist the race of their patients and they'll be able to tell you within 98% accuracy based off jaw x-rays alone. I don't think a nuclear blast is unpleasant compared to a beach; a mushroom cloud is the promise of death if compromise can't be reached, and life is hard and unforgiving on seemingly idyllic pacific islands (work your ass off to get 1500 kcals a day).

Sprinkled with naivety. Moonbeam is completely full of shit, and I'm waiting for them to tell me how I hate myself, despite the fact that I love myself on a very regular basis. :D

Moonie isn't full of shit, he's just very naive, and narrow minded. I was much the same as a teenager, I knew all the answers and anyone who disagreed with me was stupid. I'd also get angry when one of the stupid people chose to argue with me, and hurl insults at them. The difference is that now the kids can hide behind a keyboard, they don't have to stand face to face with the people they debate, so they have a lot of disconnected bravery, and the insults get a lot nastier.
He'll figure it out someday.


Mar 19, 2007
1. http://forums.anandtech.com/showthread.php?t=2280905&highlight=conservatives+are+stupid

Post number 11

2. http://forums.anandtech.com/showthread.php?t=2274461&highlight=conservatives+are+stupid

Post number 13

I can find many more. Now, though, that you have been shown to be totally wrong, and easily so, will you please look at yourself and notice how easily you can convince you know as truth what is actually lies? I don't care about being right. I am used to it. I am right because I can also be wrong. I don't build my sense of self on the truth of what I say. I am human and prone to error. I have learned to be a bit more humble than you have. I took the time to show you you are wrong for your sake not mine.

You would have legitimate claim if it weren't for the constant "Conservatives have a brain defect".


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
You would have legitimate claim if it weren't for the constant "Conservatives have a brain defect".

How many times do I have to tell you, having a brain defect is just having an enlarged right amygdala and a shrunken cingulate. It's not like it shows like walking out in the street without any pants. And I only say that because you pay close attention to what offends you. As I have also said countless times, this time you count them, that it's a survival demand. You would not have survived as a child had you not learned how to use fear to deny reality. And, don't forget either, team playing is also a survival trait, genetically enabled, no doubt, but a fatal gene when it eats the league the team plays on. Conservatives are great partners in a fox hole and when the earth is being invaded by aliens. It's when the inability to deal with real things like global warming come up that you become a threat to mankind in general. This is why I said, know yourself. It's not all bad. It's the denial that's the killer. You don't do will with guilt and you are fucking guilty. Lighten up, relax and be happy. Everything you fear happened long ago.


Oct 15, 1999
It's not global warming anymore, it's climate change, and I never doubted it. In fact, I don't know anyone who doubts it.


Dec 9, 1999
I don't think it's really a threat to their own team Moonie that's a problem. It's when you're out in the jungle trying to stay quiet, and you have a couple of guys laughing loudly because it's fun and it's their right to have fun, a few who are slapping on Pepsi and Cheeto cologne giving away everyones position, etc. etc. At some point, to avoid the bad, you need to take care of the undesirables. That's not really fear, it's prudence.

The problem we have now is it's not a few. It's the majority. We now have a minority that is merely trying to survive, while the majority is melting bullets to make trinkets. That's cool and all, until you need the bullets, as trinkets aren't going to get the job done...



Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
It's not global warming anymore, it's climate change, and I never doubted it. In fact, I don't know anyone who doubts it.

You would not have survived had you not learned to use thinking to create an altered reality. Climate change is global warming. That doesn't mean that the temperature goes up everywhere which is what the uneducated think and use as a means to scoff, hence the name change as a clarification. Try to understand that if you wear rose colored glasses and don't know that you do, everything will have a red hue, and in time you will not be able to see it. You can't tell a blind man he is blind when he thinks he can see. The bars of our prison is the world that we see. We believe we are free. Only on your own volition and by your own will and need can you ever see. You are not looking but it's like looking for your own eyes or a fish trying to find water. You are of the Matrix.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I don't think it's really a threat to their own team Moonie that's a problem. It's when you're out in the jungle trying to stay quiet, and you have a couple of guys laughing loudly because it's fun and it's their right to have fun, a few who are slapping on Pepsi and Cheeto cologne giving away everyones position, etc. etc. At some point, to avoid the bad, you need to take care of the undesirables. That's not really fear, it's prudence.

The problem we have now is it's not a few. It's the majority. We now have a minority that is merely trying to survive, while the majority is melting bullets to make trinkets. That's cool and all, until you need the bullets, as trinkets aren't going to get the job done...


This is the story you tell yourself, your altered reality. You believe you know who is undesirable and that you have a right to act. This is why you are dangerous. Everything you fear has already happened. You believe that change must come from 'out there' instead of in yourself. You are like a mad man in paradise. Your horse has a burr under its saddle.
Nov 8, 2012
To be honest, main thing I tend to see is:

Conservative: Pessimist (Describes me in full, I look at how to prevent something bad than how to make something good).
Liberal: Optimist

Which to be honest, I enjoy the pessimist more. It's like a financial collapse about to occur - it's no surprise that I have shitloads of savings while liberal morons doesn't even cross their mind. Well - other than having enough money for the next iPhone.
Nov 8, 2012
They used to use those study's to prove blacks were inferior to whites. It's good to see the bigots keeping up with the times.
Next time post the one that proves Canadians are afraid of the dark.

Yes, ignore research studies showing Lower IQ. Facts, who needs 'em?


Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2009
The "junk" science says that is exactly what you'll do. ;) BTW there are a few nuggets in the link you can use to bash libruls, but you'd already know that if you didn't just shove your head in the sand when there is even a hint that there might be evidence about to be presented that contradicts your rigid world view.

I've seen plenty of libs shove there head in the sand too, or ignore links from sites that are not politically approved. Sorry, but libs are not as open-minded as they claim to be. In other words, you're just like us in that regard. :p
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Nov 8, 2012
This reminds me:

a. Study shows X race are less intelligent = study is racist

b. X race underperforming in a school exam using the same standard for all races = exam is racist

Let's have a cake and eat it too!

This reminds me:

a. Study shows X race is more intelligent = X race are NERDS LOL THEY ARE SMART I KNO RITE?

Thats not racist because it's positively speaking of them :confused: Yeah - right - racism isn't defined by negativity. It's funny how socially inept this country is to say "X race is underperforming, has the lowest IQ" = racist, but if "Y race is overperforming, has the highest IQ" it's funny, nerdy LOL THATS TRUE THEY ARE SO SMART :rolleyes:

Liberals try to hide the truths that they don't like - embrace the one's that they don't mind.
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Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Apparently Moonbeam doesn't know how to edit a thread title.

'Edit button' then 'go advanced' button. I asked you what your point was. I find that many people want to correct others because the behavior they want to correct makes them uncomfortable. Have you some fear of a spelling typo, or a spot on your new white shirt? Lots of people use their personal gifts to beat other people on the head. Do you need to be meticulous. It can get to be a compulsive behavior. I have edited my thread titles on numerous occasions depending on my valuation of the effect of the error on my intended meaning. I felt no such difficulty here. Again, what is yours?


Oct 29, 2003
'Edit button' then 'go advanced' button. I asked you what your point was. I find that many people want to correct others because the behavior they want to correct makes them uncomfortable. Have you some fear of a spelling typo, or a spot on your new white shirt? Lots of people use their personal gifts to beat other people on the head. Do you need to be meticulous. It can get to be a compulsive behavior. I have edited my thread titles on numerous occasions depending on my valuation of the effect of the error on my intended meaning. I felt no such difficulty here. Again, what is yours?

I'm just making fun of you, is all... and your overly wordy reply (and, dare I say, overreaction) is the icing on the cake.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I've seen plenty of libs shove there head in the sand too, or ignore links from sites that are not politically approved. Sorry, but libs are not as open-minded as they claim to be. In other words, you're just like us in that regard. :p

Again, you have an opinion based on what you think you see. The point is there are now 16 peer reviewed scientific studies that show liberals and conservatives are different in many ways. You have an opinion. It is not supported by the science that shows that conservatives alter reality because of fear more than liberals do. They attach ego to their opinions more than liberals do and become more resistant to logical reasoning as a result. If correct, you are about to use your intelligence to counter what I've just said with some new rationalizations, that you won't hear what I said and instead, become more certain you were right all along.