Originally posted by: athithi
Originally posted by: jagec
Originally posted by: athithi
Virtually every single post in this thread before mine is about how vegetarianism is bad and meat-eating is good and yet each one of you is comlaining that vegetarianism is being thrust down your throats
This is quite typical of a guilt-ridden, defensive mind-set. To me, the concept of cutting up an animal and gnawing on flesh, muscle, tissue, veins, nerves, blood, bones and cartilage is disgusting. I get my fill from vegetarian meals every single day. It is quite ignorant to think that only salads and tofu constitute a vegetarian meal. But if you want to eat meat and you are happy and healthy and do not bother me in any way, I couldn't care less about what you eat. Your offensive defense only reveals your discomfort about your own eating habits. If you like meat don't feel guilty about it - meat-based diets are just fine (of course, anything in excess is bad). It's ok to enjoy your burger and not worry about being judged by vegetarians.
Haha, guilty. Nice. Do you feel guilty for being white? Male? American? Human at all? For driving a car? Making more than $15k a year? Should you? Neither do I, and I don't feel guilty for eating meat either. This is just a lame attempt to "fight back" against us meat-eaters by casting the problem on us.
I'm not complaining about militant veggies...I've met so few of them. What you fail to realize is that this is the internet, where people come across with more forceful opinions than they actually share in real life. So, a couple people come into this thread who've encountered militant vegans, and complain about it. Therefore, I suppose, making us all guilt-ridden shells of humans.
To me, the concept of cutting up an animal and gnawing on muscle, flesh, and tissue (who eats the other stuff?), after cooking them of course, is delicious and perfectly natural.
Jagec, do you understand the irony of a thread where meat-eaters complain about militant vegetarians
while proclaiming how great meat-eating is and how stupid vegetarianism is? If you do not see the irony, that's ok too. That level of comprehension would be par for ATOT.
If I wanted to be an ass, I could write an equally self-righteous post of indignent drivel, but I don't so I will settle for calling you a wanker.
Let me get this straight -
IF you wanted to be an ass, you would have written a self-righteous post of indignant drivel like the one I quoted above, right? Come to think of it, why
did you want to be an ass in the first place?
Let me guess, you didn't realize that your response was self-righteous (proclaiming yourself to not be an ass, implying that others opposed to your view were) and indignance (calling me a wanker), right? Effectively, you just called yourself an ass.
1. This is ATOT
2. This is a thread about Veganism
3. ATOT will mock Veganism (
in a theatrical display of ignorance where some will claim that ATOT = Militant Meat-eaters amongst other such gems of wisdom)
4. Veganists will get all huffy about it (
some of whom will make a sensible response about how meat-eaters don't have to feel judged by vegetarians)
5. ATOT will call them on their huffiness (
due to the unavailability of a dictionary at hand)
6. Fellow Vegans will come to their defense
7. Flame war will ensue (
because when confronted with the ignorance of their stance, ATOT militant meat-eaters will revert to hurling larger and larger lumps of ignorance against the opposition in the hope that vegetarians will walk away in disgust)