I'm 30 and I just started up again. I had about 30 credits from previous collegiate dablings
I found an 'Adult Fast Track' program at a community college. I'll get my Associates and then that feeds directly into numerous public and private 4 year school's Adult education programs.
Right now I'm taking a 200 equivalent course which combines Sociology\Eng. Composition and Speech. The instructors are well aware that none of the students have time to fvck around and get right to business.
I should bet my Baccalaureate in just over 3 years, going one night a week.
I sought out this type of program because I knew the obligation of signing up and having to show up in the classroom would compel me to complete the work. Everyone is different though.
My associate program
I'm not going for a technical degree though. I'm changing careers. I'm done with computers, except as a user.