Someone on twitter: "Sweet iOS5 came stock with my OG Droid"![]()
Apple looks like it's going to fix all the subpar aspects of iOS by directly copying Android, which means there will be literally no more reasons to buy a plastic lag box from Google.
Apple looks like it's going to fix all the subpar aspects of iOS, which means there will be literally no more reasons to buy a plastic lag box from Google.
at some point apple was bound to start marketing to OCD affected people who can't stop fidgeting with their phone and think it's the center of their lives
Apple looks like it's going to fix all the subpar aspects of iOS, which means there will be literally no more reasons to buy a plastic lag box from Google.
If they make the iPhone5 with a 4.3" screen I'll consider it. Otherwise no... I am never going back to a 3.5-3.7" screen again.
Essentially - Notifications changes is fairly inconsequential to getting use of the device. Widgets are also useless in many ways because the information is already there on your home screen via the live icons (yes, including weather - there's an app for that updates the weather on your icon).
More information on the lock screen is the only thing can save time and energy by glancing at your phone.
That's nice, the rest of us don't put our phones up to our faces and watch Netflix on it.
You forgot the BlackBerry and WebOS parts.
Apple didn't need to copy anything from Android, WebOS does everything better than Android anyway.
Essentially - Notifications changes is fairly inconsequential to getting use of the device. Widgets are also useless in many ways because the information is already there on your home screen via the live icons (yes, including weather - there's an app for that updates the weather on your icon).
More information on the lock screen is the only thing can save time and energy by glancing at your phone.
I still prefer Android widgets over iOS's live icons, or WP7's live tiles. I can understand why Apple has never done widget though. It's just another thing to use up resources on the phone and may make the experience less smooth or "apple-like."
Everything except sell, anyway.
went from 3GS to android mostly for price and the big screen and have an ipad 2
except for the weather and a few apps widgets are next to useless and drain the battery
and since i'm not 14 years old the live wall paper and customization got old a week after having my new phone
the iOS push notifications do an OK job except they need to save some history like with android. otherwise i don't care if my phone is running at 995MHz or 994MHz or whatever. if i get a message that i can't look at notifications are good for keeping an alert handy to go to it later. with iOS and the red circled numbers it's good enough for most people that there is new data in an application for you.