Interesting idea about drug use


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2003
My professor suggested this one. What if there was a building, or a zone, in a large city where prostitution and drug use were totally legal? There would be police protection fron violence, but basically in there you could do whatever you wanted so long as it didn't cause anyone else harm. If there was a building you could have different areas, so the potheads aren't around the junkies and whores.

It would make sense for the users to go there (as any drug user will tell you, the best thing to have besides the drugs is a warm place to do them). This takes them off the streets, provides security, and healthcare if someone overdoses.

Great, go in, get laid, pick up Aids or some other disease, come back out of the zone and spread it to the rest of the population, no thanks.


No Lifer
Apr 30, 2001
i think the government should provide drugs free to anyone that wants them

the "catch", 1/1000 of the drugs have a dose of cyanide included to kill the user. so eventually, people would stop


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2003
Originally posted by: Roger
Great, go in, get laid, pick up Aids or some other disease, come back out of the zone and spread it to the rest of the population, no thanks.

They'll go out, get laid, pick up aids or some other desease, and then run around another part of the city anyways.

Except in the current situation, they'll be outside lurking around your town while high on PCP instead of in a room without a bunch of other people cracked out of their minds on the same thing.

This wouldn't cause the problem, it would contain it.

Incorrect, this would entice many more people into that illicit activity than is now present.

Do you honestly think that law enforcement is not a deterrent to prostitution.


Diamond Member
Apr 10, 2001
Then once everyone is in the building, we lock the doors and light a match??


Dec 9, 2000
I will refrain from my typical anti-drug speech, since all the "open-minded" people will jump on me for being on a moral high horse...

Hmm, maybe you shouldn't be so open-minded that your brain falls out.


Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
The fundamental problem with this idea is that while it(in theory) contains people who are under the active effects of the drug, it does nothing to deal with the real problem, which are the actions of many of these users when they're off it. "Lesser" drugs aside, there are numerous drugs that are highly addictive and result in junkies that will do anything for their next hit when they're not on the drug, effectively making them more dangerous off of it than on it. On a more macro level, this also risks creating legions of mental "zombies" who while aren't addicted in a physical sense, come to the point where they can't "live through life" without their drug of choice, a problem we've seen for centuries with alcohol. Isolating drug users doesn't help society, getting people off drugs does.


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2000
that has to be one of the stupidest things I have heard in a long time. What motivation would anyone have to go there? If they were living on the streets then sure they might want a warm place but not all drug users fall into this catagory, in fact very few probably do. If the drugs and sex were free then sure that would work but other than that I don't


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Roger
Incorrect, this would entice many more people into that illicit activity than is now present.

Do you honestly think that law enforcement is not a deterrent to prostitution.

Such thinking is shown to be patently false in many cases. Fundamental to this somewhat fallacious thinking is the scarcity facet of social psychology. Simply put, independent of the emotional/physical value derived from drug use the credulous often desire it simply for its scarcity value alone. A fantastic book discussing some of these ideas is The Psychology of Persuasion.


Feb 13, 2003
How would there be police protection from violence? Cops in the building or something?

Interesting idea, at least it's not as stupid as the War on Drugs.


Go to Holland and read your suck ass psych book there and then come back and make that statement.

Get off your ass, go out in the real world and take a good look around.


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Roger

Go to Holland and read your suck ass psych book there and then come back and make that statement.

Get off your ass, go out in the real world and take a good look around.

Your egregious ignorance is exhausting. Stick to your Porsches and your malformed perception of the "real world." It's also nice to see you always reduce yourself to ad hominem attacks rather than actually say something of value.


[edit]And or what it's worth, I've been to Holland twice.[/edit]


Apr 29, 2003
Here's a better idea - instead of giving drug users suspended sentences or probation, how about we just impose large fines. Like $2000 minimum. Then use that money to fund the "war" on drugs so people will stop complaining that we spend billions of dollars trying to stop something that will never stop, and maybe we'd have some left over so they could reduce income/sales/whatever taxes.


Feb 13, 2003
Originally posted by: mugs
Here's a better idea - instead of giving drug users suspended sentences or probation, how about we just impose large fines. Like $2000 minimum. Then use that money to fund the "war" on drugs so people will stop complaining that we spend billions of dollars trying to stop something that will never stop, and maybe we'd have some left over so they could reduce income/sales/whatever taxes.

What a waste of money. The War on Drugs will never be won.


Mar 16, 2004
Mandatory rehab, out of pocket for offender (or 'paid' for via community service by those who can't afford it) for hard drug users and legalization of marijuana is the way to go about it. It's sad when convicted murderers, rapists, child molesters, etc. get only a few years because prisons need the space for people who put something into their own body in the "privacy" of their own home, but I guess the DEA needs job security too :disgust:


Apr 29, 2003
Originally posted by: clamum
Originally posted by: mugs
Here's a better idea - instead of giving drug users suspended sentences or probation, how about we just impose large fines. Like $2000 minimum. Then use that money to fund the "war" on drugs so people will stop complaining that we spend billions of dollars trying to stop something that will never stop, and maybe we'd have some left over so they could reduce income/sales/whatever taxes.

What a waste of money. The War on Drugs will never be won.

You have serious reading comprehension problems.


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2000
Personally I think this would need to be our first steps to having a better drug policy.

1) decriminalize MJ
2) repeal mandatory minimum sentencing
3) release all minor nonviolent drug offenders
4) abolish the drinking age
5) ban smoking in all public establishments

Your egregious ignorance is exhausting. Stick to your Porsches and your malformed perception of the "real world." It's also nice to see you always reduce yourself to ad hominem attacks rather than actually say something of value.

OK smart guy, let's fire all the police officers and lets see how rampant crime gets, you and your book are trying to tell me that that law enforcement has no effect on crime prevention ?

answer me that

Who is the ignorant one, it certainly is not me.

The problem with people like you is that you have no real world experiance, you draw conclusions from books and not experiance.

Such thinking is shown to be patently false in many cases. Fundamental to this somewhat fallacious thinking is the scarcity facet of social psychology. Simply put, independent of the emotional/physical value derived from drug use the credulous often desire it simply for its scarcity value alone

Oh, I forgot to add that I was talking about prostitution, not drug use, read my post.

I must disagree here Roger. Though initially there would be more, and newer, people using this "Service". After a period of time it would die down (one way or another).

Centralizing these activities would also provide a better grip on the issues/problems at hand also.


Senior member
Jul 12, 2002
Basically same thing in the world also.

All you jews who want to live in the gaza and think that all muslims are sh|t get into the stadium
All you muslims who think everybody else is sh|t get into the stadium

Have fun guys.

Problem over.