Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: Zebo
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Anybody who can do basic math can tell you that population will grow faster if you have immigration than if you don't. The real question is why I should care...at all...even a little bit. A country like ours has been largely built with immigration, the argument being made in the video is that it's somehow "bad" that the immigrants who made it here before 1970 won't still be the majority 50 years from now. Please explain to me why that's a problem.
Edit: I re-watched the video and see the answer to my question. The point is apparently that every immigrant who came before 1970 is an upstanding, hardworking citizen who helps this country move forward...and that every immigrant (legal or otherwise) SINCE 1970 is some poor dumb slob from the 3rd world who will NEVER, and who's decedents will NEVER, amount to anything other than a drain on society. That's awesome :roll:
This country was built on the back of slaves too, should we reconstitute slavery?
The real question that needs to be asked is not being asked and that's whether it's beneficial to have immigration today in the here and now. All indicators is it's not beneficial to the indigenous population not just over crowding, stressed social services, but also it displaces many very lower income groups from jobs altogether rendering our inner cities wastelands of unemployment and crime. Using your silly argument that country was built on immigrants, the more the merrier, etc we should have open borders and even fly people here that want to be.
Yes, that IS the question, isn't it? And as far as I can tell, "all indicators" stem from the silly idea that because the immigrants are coming from somewhere else, they're evil people who won't be as beneficial as the previous generation of immigrants. Please explain to me why immigrants coming from Sweden were good, but when the immigration is coming from Mexico, it's suddenly bad.
It's quite simple. The people from Sweden don't work at McDonalds. The illegal Mexicans do, and are willing to do so at an absurdly poor wage at that. So low, that when a middle or highschool student wants to find a job, the best he can do is earn $5.50/hour before taxes. Do you know the cost of production of a McD BigMac? Then you know the profit margin is ~500%. French fries? Even better-- one whole vat of fries (enough for 4 Medium or Large fries, I can't recall) only costs McD ~$0.10. Granted this isn't taking into account production cost, but when you can drop 180-240 vats of fries/hour (IIRC it takes 2:10 per vat to cook, and there are typically 3-4 oil basins in the fryer at each McD with room for 2 vats each) on the busy hours of Saturday morning and afternoon, then McD can definitely afford to pay you more than minimum wage. But they don't have to, because there are plenty of lower skilled workers illegally living in the US with no future ahead of them willing to work for minimum wage. Meanwhile, the student is trying to save for college on his $0.35/hour better than minimum wage job. Is this possible? Considering that Georgia Tech's cost for out of state (~50% of the students here) incoming Freshman was ~$29k last year, of course not.
The way I see it, the more a company benefits from an organized, stable, secure society, the more it owes to that society. McD would not be the icon it is today without the people to buy the food. But do they return the favor? Do they employ the children of the parents that helped make McD an American staple? At a wage high enough to let the student preemptively pay for a sizable portion of his future college tuition? Nope. Yet you people run around proclaiming the glories of immigration. It's no wonder you do: the student, instead of paying for much of his tuition before he gets to college, is forced to take on tens of thousands of dollars in base debt, not including interest, just to finance his education. Interest that he pays back to
you. He does all the work, you guys get all the benefit. It's a lot like slavery, only a lot easier for you all-- just say "it's good for the economy" and get a bunch of market analysts together to discuss how the market would be "so much worse" [snicker] if it weren't for the cheap labor; problem solved. Any dissenters you label as "un-American" and pretty soon you can have all the poor people singing "Burn the land, boil the sea; and while you're at it, take the sky from me". "Good for the economy"? Pffft. As I'll mention again later, it's good for the people telling us it's good, and that's why they're telling us it's good. Somewhat of a vested interest, yes?
What's worse is it's only good for these people *right now* and it's killing the country for the up and rising generation. Graduating with tens of thousands of dollars in debt-- what's that do? It pushes back the average age that people get married, that they can buy a house and start building equity, that they can invest in companies and buy products from companies that YOUR money has already been invested in, and worst of all, it pushes back the day that they can stop being so worried and stressed about, say, losing their job as the economy flattens out. But here we see another vested interest you have-- if all the people the top execs employ are massively in debt, then any time you want extra work for no extra effort, all you have to do is claim the company isn't doing so well and that layoffs are in order. Everybody freaks, works their butt off in hope of keeping the job, and then you guys reap the benefit defined as extra profit for no extra investment in society (adding new jobs).
Now I'm sure you're going to mention, if you already haven't (I haven't been reading all your posts), that all these students are just being greedy, and need to toughen up and bite the bit. After all they can't just expect the money to be handed to them, right? They need to find a higher skilled job first, where they actually have to *work*? Pardon me, but my white-collar salaried co-op, at which I work anywhere from 5.5 to 7 hours/day 5/week with paid sick and occasional vacation, which pays over three times what I made working at McD, is at least 20 times easier (I'm not sure, I've lost count it's so many) than taking drive through orders for eight hours straight. It's so easy that I'm on my second semester and I'm still posting to forums, reading e-books, and occasionally updating Excel templates for various SOWs and future and current projects my company is involved in deploying. Never did any of that at McD. Clearly I've found a job that requires skill; those lazy McDonalds works can suck my balls, yes? They've never had a true day's work. Or how about Georgia Tech? Sitting in class all day learning how to use sinusoids to de-blur a photo or encode an audio clip [projects I've done] sure is harder than listening to people like you who missed their coffee this morning bitch because their fries are too hot or their burger wasn't wrapped right, and they *obviously* shouldn't have to deal with this inconvenience, because I mean, not like they're better than this guy or anything, but like gosh this he should have read the customer's mind when asked for French Fries.
Obviously you
meant "French Fries
that have sat in the cardboard carton for 43 seconds to adequately allow them to soak up the oil and cool 15.2C to a more aggreable temperature. Stupid McWorker, get a real job. But no, I can see how you would say doing that sort of thing for eight hours is worthless and requires no skill or character. It really is so much easier than writing a PSTN dialer and call connector, or a java space invaders mockup. In case you haven't caught the sarcasm... Anyhow. The whole argument that some jobs are better and worth more than others is a non issue, so don't mention it. There are a billion and one things it takes to work at McDonalds that a day trader, excited about his favorite company's latest PR stating that they're going to be laying off their dedicated workers in favor of cheaper Mexicans, simply wouldn't be able to put up with. But he's in a position of power, doesn't have the decency or the balls to have his cake and go home happy; no, he has to eat it too.
So then here's what we have now: The only people proclaiming these illegal immigrants good for the economy are the ones directly making the millions from the cheap labor. Did the Mexicans help my salary when I worked at McDonalds? Did they help my friend's? Did they help the slightly deranged lady, Melissa, who had been working there for 16 years who got layed off for cheaper labor? No, no, and no. The store manager and the McCorporation were the only ones that benefited. There is absolutely no jumping over or hoo-hawing away the fact that these people lying to us about how great this illegal immigration is for our country are the very ones that have the most to gain from telling us so, and have zero incentive to tell us the immigration is bad. They tell you "It's good for the economy" when what they really mean is "It's great for me, sucks for you, and unfair for both of us to say the least." Meanwhile the problem is a lot bigger than it seems, the people making all the money off the cheap labor pay the politicians to keep quiet, and the problem grows beyond 30,000,000 people (10% [!] of our population).
And we haven't even begun discussing the hidden costs to society in the form of taxes that WE, NOT THE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS are paying so that the illegals' children can go to public school, the extra English teachers we have to hire for that school, the holdup the Mexican kids are on our kids in the math and science classes because they don't even understand English, so how is the teacher supposed to teach them Math, the income tax we're losing from all these fast food paychecks that could go to paying better wages for the army or more funding for NASA or something, the extra cost of full jails and building new ones (Mexicans tend to a Mexican style of life, which includes gangs, which leads to crimes and whatnot) if safety is your concern (in many southern counties in borderline states the police can't arrest illegal immigrants because they already have too many in the cells and don't have enough room for all of them), etc. The list is endless. But "no, the immigration is good for the country". How long will people listen to this nonsense?
It's all right there, and you're blind if you don't see it.