Originally posted by: Zebo
the more the merrier, etc we should have open borders and even fly people here that want to be.
You got it. We need start importing illegals not just from South America, because that would be racism if we prefer only brown skin people. You don't want to appear racist, even if you're pro illegals.
We need to fly/sail Illegals from African countries like Somalia, Middle Eastern countries like Yemen, Asian countries like Phillippines and China.
With increased Illegal competition, America will benefit from lower illegal wages, and our services and goods would be way cheaper than it is now. Instead of paying Garcia for 11 dollar an hour at Home Depot, we can pay Chan or Baya for only 3 dollar an hour. Competition make Illegal economy healthy.
We need to keep growing illegal population. USA shouldn't have any border, it's illegal policy. We need to admit as many illegals as possible, say, 1.2 billion a year to make our economy grow.