I'd welcome a nice well intentioned groping

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Oct 9, 1999
There are probably tons of people willing to grope you in the personals section of Craigslist. Give it a try. What's the worst that could happen?

Lack of any responses to the Craigslist ad resulting in a feeling of rejection which ultimately leads to deep depression and intense self loathing. That's the worst I can think of at the moment anyway.
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Diamond Member
Jan 1, 2005
Lack of any responses to the Craigslist ad resulting in a feeling of rejecting which ultimately leads to deep depression and intense self loathing. That's the worst I can think of at the moment anyway.

You won't know until you try.


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2004
what exactly makes a groping 'well intentioned'?

maybe you would prefer a groping with bad intentions?


Super Moderator
Jun 20, 2006
This seems like an easy fix. Tell the doctor that you thought you felt a lump on one of your nuts. Much well intentioned groping will commence.


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
There are probably tons of people willing to grope you in the personals section of Craigslist. Give it a try. What's the worst that could happen?
The most common one is that the guy doesn't show up.

But the worst would be if you decided to meet in a public place for safety, and both of you got busted by the police for felony crotch fondling. Then, it turns out that "Butch" is big for his age . . . which turns out to be 14. Now you're on the sex offender list forever, and have to go around to all your neighbors and personally let them know. They never liked you anyway. I mean, what kind of guy solicits groping on Craigslist? So they burn your house down. You narrowly escape the flames, dressed only in your boxers, in which you sleep. When the fireman appear, you throw yourself into the Chief's arms in gratitude. Your ratty boxers slip, it's caught on the Channel 3 newscam, and now you're a serial sex offender who gets sent to PMITA prison, where you again meet "Butch," who's now serving a life term for a long series of Craigslist meet-up robberies (yeah, Butch is "that guy".) He's had little to do in prison but work out. He's ripped. He's also starved for sex and takes a real fancy to you.

Now you're bleeding out of your rectum on a daily basis, while doing hard time. Prison funding dries up due to more tax cuts for the rich. They move to one meal a day, a baked brick the contents of which you really, really don't want to know. There's a riot, and several inmates are killed. You manage to escape in the confusion. Now, there's a manhunt out for you. You flee to your parent's house. They won't let you in. They've even changed their family name so as to distance themselves from you.

The FBI tracks you down. Cornered, you try to surrender peacefully. One of the squad cars backfires, they think you have a gun (it's just a pickle you boosted from a supermarket because you were starving.) They fill you full of lead, but because you're still twitching on the ground in excruciating pain, they also beat you to a pulp because "they feared for their own safety."

Now you're a convicted serial sex offender paraplegic with no friends whatsoever on this entire planet.

You get put in the prison infirmary, unable to move. Guess who's in the next bed? That's right, it's Butch! He blames you for leaving him behind during the prison riot. At night, all the prison hospital staff goes home except for one elderly nurse who has a narcotics habit. Each night, Butch flips you over and has his way with your broken body. Lost in her opioid induced dreams, the nurse never hears your screams. Each and every night, until you mercifully die, choking on your own bile.

Masturbation looks like a shining alternative now, doesn't it, OP? :D


Oct 9, 1999
I wouldn't want to single anyone out. I'm one for equal opportunity groping. Studies have shown that diversity is likely to make gropers feel comfortable and happy in an environment where inclusivity is a priority.

The likely story Perknose tells sound very exciting and engaging. It's a real life lessen that teaches us all that working appendages really are an important aspect to human physiology.
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No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
The likely story Perknose tells sound very exciting and engaging. It's a real life lessen that teaches us all that working appendages really are an important aspect to human physiology.
I think you're denying recognition of Bob and Skip's full humanity.


Jul 11, 2001
All of this news of people groping other people has me feeling a little left out and dejected. Am I not good enough? Are those that were groped really that much better than me? What makes them so special? My feelings matter too. Even a little sexual innuendo thrown my way can go far in brightening my day. Sadly, I get nothing.
Well, dig, as a woman I met online cannily observed:

"Men hunt. Women hide."

If you are a man and heterosexual, of course a groping (by a woman) is going to titillate you. However if you are a woman (and groped by a man) you are apt the recoil in shock and horror. It's natural. If you are homosexual (or have some other sexual preference thing going on), all bets are off, I'm not going there.
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Oct 9, 1999
Well, dig, as a woman I met online cannily observed:

"Men hunt. Women hide."

If you are a man and heterosexual, of course a groping (by a woman) is going to titillate you. However if you are a woman (and groped by a man) you are apt the recoil in shock and horror. It's natural. If you are homosexual (or have some other sexual preference thing going on), all bets are off, I'm not going there.

In my mind, the world is full of female serial gropers. Always in hiding. Always waiting for that perfect grope where perhaps I can be the lucky recipient. I have to cling on to this idea. I need to in order to keep going on. Without it, why bother living?


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
Do not besmirch my virtue.



is that what you're calling it these days?


Oct 9, 1999
I'll have to politely decline the offer. I question the intentions of your groping advance. Besides, I still have a tiny sliver of standards I'd like to maintain.


Oct 9, 1999
Then why did you create the thread? :rolleyes:

You can beg and whine about it all you want. I just can't let you grope me.

Although unlikely, there may be someone out there with standards low enough that will allow for at least some of your groping. Perhaps a slight "accidental" brush against them as you try to get around them in a hallway. I don't see it advancing much beyond that though. Sorry.


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
You can beg and whine about it all you want. I just can't let you grope me.

Although unlikely, there may be someone out there with standards low enough that will allow for at least some of your groping. Perhaps a slight "accidental" brush against them as you try to get around them in a hallway. I don't see it advancing much beyond that though. Sorry.

So...you're just a tease?
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