I Miss Republicans

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Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2003
Originally posted by: Mursilis
Originally posted by: Todd33
I do not support any organized religion (have I said that enough yet?).

Except gov't - you seem to be a big fan of that. If ever there was a belief that defied reason and history, it's the idea that gov't should have the prominent role espoused by the Modern Left.

Yes, I support a government. I suppose you want to overthrow ours? Are you an Anarchist? Since when is a government a religion?

re·li·gion (ri-lij'?n)
Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.

I wasn't aware only the left was for government, how come we have a Republican majority now that has only increased both government spending, agency sizes and employees numbers?


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Funny, I miss Democrats. Both parties have changed for the worse IMO.

A side note: I find this talk of disenfranchising certain people based on their personal belief systems to be quite disturbing. Legislating morality is far more than just abortion and religion. It also includes notions like whether or not it is moral to make a profit in business (when providing a legitimate product/service), or whether people should smoke, or be allowed to get fat and unhealthy, or whether able-bodied people have an obligation to work in order to reap the benefits of society, etc.

Authoritarianism is more than most people would think. When people begin to have irrational fears that the harmless thoughts and deeds of their neighbors are somehow harmful, and then decide to outlaw and/or otherwise punish those thoughts and deeds, then that society is authoritarian. Ironically enough, people get these irrational fears because they worry for the future security of their society, but it is the hatred, grievance, and distrust of society that authoritarianism generates that does more to undermine any society than anything else.


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2004
Originally posted by: db
"I Miss Republicans.

"No, seriously. Remember Republicans? Sober men in suits, pipes, who'd nod thoughtfully over their latest tract on market-driven fiscal conservatism while grinding out the numbers on rocket science. Remember those serious-looking 1950's-1960's science guys in the movies -- Republican to a one.

"They were the grown-ups. They were the realists. Sure they were a bummer, maaaaan, but on the way to La Revolution you need somebody to remember where you parked the car. I was never one (nor a Democrat, really, more an agnostic libertarian big on the social contract, but we don't have a party ...), but I genuinely liked them.

"How did they become the party of fairy dust and make believe? How did they become the anti-science guys? The anti-fact guys? The anti-logic guys?

"I'm not talking McCain, Hagel, Snowe, or Lugar, here, the cool hard-ass Republicans who still operate in the real world. I'm talking specifically about the guys running the party right now."

...the rest
(posted in 2004 and still a good read!)

im going to agree, I bnelive the party is kind of split in two right now.... even though they stil lstick together and vote together to stay in power (the one thing dems will NEVER FIGURE OUT) there are 2 different factions i nthe republican party, the non reglisou wacko moderate conservatives, and the ultra right wingers, unfortunanetly, the ultra right wingers are in control....

this is something, I believe, most republicans realize, but would like to see fixed from within the party, not by voting against it...


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Fingolfin269
I miss old Republicans as much as I miss old Democrats. Everyone is crazy now.

If everyone understood this, 90% of the posts in this forum would be null and void.... oh well too bad....


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2004
Originally posted by: International Machine Consortium
Originally posted by: daveymark
If McCain, Hagel, Snowe, and Lugar are hard ass republicans, then Leibermann and Zell Miller are hard ass democrats.

Perhaps not in name, but in deed Zell Miller and Lieberman ARE hard assed Republicans.

hahah what? please, they are moderates, something I wish we had more of, cared for social and domestic issues, but arent afraid to put a boot in someones a$$ when needed, IE, a MILSPEC issued boot....


Dec 6, 1999
Um, to the folks who drip with hate: you don't have to talk like your heros (such as Rush) when you post here, using ad hominems. You give yourself away as someone who does not think for himself and just repeats what his heros have said. Really, you probably have a good mind, if only you would use it. I know it' a lot of hard work to figure things out for yourself, but the alternative--following blindly--is dangerous.

"Ad hominem attacks on one's opponent are a tried-and-true strategy for people who have a case that is weak." -dictionary.com


Sep 3, 2004
Originally posted by: daniel49
Originally posted by: miketheidiot
Originally posted by: daniel49
Originally posted by: Frackal
This country needs to expunge the (IMO) cancer known as neo-conservatism

In classical mechanics, Newton's third law states that forces occur in pairs, one called the action and the other the reaction. Both forces are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. The distinction between action and reaction is purely arbitrary: anyone of the two forces can be considered an action, in which case the other (corresponding) force automatically becomes its associated reaction.

The reaction (neocons) you see is a direct result of the action that had already taken place (ie...left wing wackos).

im not sure that such rules can be applied in such a direct fashion, and anyways, the neocons came first.

read the last part slowly:

anyone of the two forces can be considered an action, in which case the other (corresponding) force automatically becomes its associated reaction.

what your attempting is a which came first the chicken or the egg argument.

Scientifically there is an answer to that. It was the egg.


Sep 3, 2004
Originally posted by: Mursilis
Originally posted by: Todd33
I do not support any organized religion (have I said that enough yet?).

Except gov't - you seem to be a big fan of that. If ever there was a belief that defied reason and history, it's the idea that gov't should have the prominent role espoused by the Modern Left.

So many dirrection i can go here. I'll say this: history shows that governemnt had have a tremendous impact in improving the lives of ordinary people, look at the scandinavian and the low countries.