Originally posted by: buck
Originally posted by: CreativeTom
Originally posted by: necine
Do not go down or get gone down on by her or any chick you hook up with until 2 days after your sore has disappeared.
I am not too sure on this cause I don't have that crap...so I can't speak from personal experience, but I don't think with the Herp it makes a bit of diference on whether or not it's visible, YOU CAN STILL SPREAD IT EITHER WAY.
If you dont know then why are you spreading misinformation.
Originally posted by: Strk
Originally posted by: buck
Originally posted by: CreativeTom
Originally posted by: necine
Do not go down or get gone down on by her or any chick you hook up with until 2 days after your sore has disappeared.
I am not too sure on this cause I don't have that crap...so I can't speak from personal experience, but I don't think with the Herp it makes a bit of diference on whether or not it's visible, YOU CAN STILL SPREAD IT EITHER WAY.
If you dont know then why are you spreading misinformation.
The commercial for that herpes medicine says you can spread it without showing symptoms.
Originally posted by: buck
Originally posted by: Mo0o
Originally posted by: buck
Fact from a childrens hospital website:
"Most people get it for the first time when they are between 6 months and 5 years old."
Um.. that's a different kind of herpes.
I'd look it up some more but i dont want coworkers seeing me doing research on herpes...
Are we talking about Oral Herpes/ Cold Sores (Mouth Herpes)?
Originally posted by: CreativeTom
Originally posted by: buck
Originally posted by: Mo0o
Originally posted by: buck
Fact from a childrens hospital website:
"Most people get it for the first time when they are between 6 months and 5 years old."
Um.. that's a different kind of herpes.
I'd look it up some more but i dont want coworkers seeing me doing research on herpes...
Are we talking about Oral Herpes/ Cold Sores (Mouth Herpes)?
LOL, you are funny. You yell at me and say that I'm spreading incorect info on it. Then I asked if you were an expert, and your response was "did I say I know about it?" The interesting thing is you are on here posting more then anyone else acting like you are an expert or something, very funny!!!!
Originally posted by: Pepsei
dude, that's the bad type of herpes, herpes simplex II....
Originally posted by: buck
Originally posted by: CreativeTom
Originally posted by: buck
Originally posted by: Mo0o
Originally posted by: buck
Fact from a childrens hospital website:
"Most people get it for the first time when they are between 6 months and 5 years old."
Um.. that's a different kind of herpes.
I'd look it up some more but i dont want coworkers seeing me doing research on herpes...
Are we talking about Oral Herpes/ Cold Sores (Mouth Herpes)?
LOL, you are funny. You yell at me and say that I'm spreading incorect info on it. Then I asked if you were an expert, and your response was "did I say I know about it?" The interesting thing is you are on here posting more then anyone else acting like you are an expert or something, very funny!!!!
You aren't very bright are you?
Originally posted by: CreativeTom
Originally posted by: buck
Originally posted by: Mo0o
Originally posted by: buck
Fact from a childrens hospital website:
"Most people get it for the first time when they are between 6 months and 5 years old."
Um.. that's a different kind of herpes.
I'd look it up some more but i dont want coworkers seeing me doing research on herpes...
Are we talking about Oral Herpes/ Cold Sores (Mouth Herpes)?
LOL, you are funny. You yell at me and say that I'm spreading incorect info on it. Then I asked if you were an expert, and your response was "did I say I know about it?" The interesting thing is you are on here posting more then anyone else acting like you are an expert or something, very funny!!!!
Originally posted by: sarotara
Originally posted by: Pepsei
dude, that's the bad type of herpes, herpes simplex II....
They're both bad. And chances are that he has herpes simplex type I. There are two types of herpes simplex virii:
HSV Type I - This virus is the one that is usually responsible for the cold sores around the mouth. It's usually spread through the saliva of an infected person.
HSV Type II - This one you get by coming into contact with a person that has a genital HSV-2 infection. It usually produces rather painful sores in the genital area.
Also, as someone mentioned earlier, it is possible to get herpes from a person who does not have an active outbreak with all the symptoms.
Originally posted by: CreativeTom
Originally posted by: CreativeTom
it could be estolomyginialsepholotus!!!!
Originally posted by: iwantanewcomputer
Originally posted by: CreativeTom
Originally posted by: CreativeTom
it could be estolomyginialsepholotus!!!!
noob quoting himself?
Originally posted by: RichUK
Originally posted by: Spike
Doesn't over 90% of the population have oral herpees?
im part of that lucky 10% then cuz i dont have that sh!t .. :beer:
Originally posted by: CreativeTom
Originally posted by: buck
Originally posted by: CreativeTom
Originally posted by: buck
Originally posted by: Mo0o
Originally posted by: buck
Fact from a childrens hospital website:
"Most people get it for the first time when they are between 6 months and 5 years old."
Um.. that's a different kind of herpes.
I'd look it up some more but i dont want coworkers seeing me doing research on herpes...
Are we talking about Oral Herpes/ Cold Sores (Mouth Herpes)?
LOL, you are funny. You yell at me and say that I'm spreading incorect info on it. Then I asked if you were an expert, and your response was "did I say I know about it?" The interesting thing is you are on here posting more then anyone else acting like you are an expert or something, very funny!!!!
You aren't very bright are you?
Hey I guess it takes one to know one then...lol assmaster.