Hamas Targeted Israeli Nuclear Facility With Rockets

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Platinum Member
Nov 1, 2013
I completely agree. The real human suffering here is due to the closed borders of Egypt and Jordan. Gaza and West Bank could be opened up and integrated into more peaceful societies, but those people do not want the violence of Hamas.


The democratically elected President of Egypt, Morsi, did open more borders. His overthrow by a military guy was cheered by Israel. Probably Mossad had a part in it as well. Now there is this another dictator in Egypt, another lap dog of Israel, just like Mubarak was.

There is a reason why democracy is the last thing Israel wants in the Arab world. Apartheid states don't like that, obviously.


Platinum Member
Nov 1, 2013
We have folks in this thread who are among the most extremist elements of society, advocating the collective extermination of a targetted population in favour of militarily expansionist Zionism.

Yes there are some utterly vile people in this thread.

But there are amongst supporters of Israel who are decent people. Even in this thread I can sense some who are disturbed at least somewhat by what the innocent Palestinian people are being subjected to... even if they don't say so openly


Dec 11, 2006
Imagine that 4 or 5 towns in Mexico started lobbing rockets into California and Texas. Do you have any doubt that we would fucking level those towns to the ground? I sure as hell don't. We wouldn't be talking about "restraint" or any bullshit like that, we would be cheering as the bombers took off live on CNN.

Moral of the story is don't go busting up wasps nests unless you want to get the ever loving shit stung out of you. What really boggles my mind is what the hell are they shooting the rockets for? The only real damage that I see the rockets doing is getting Palestinians killed, not Israeli's just like the last time and the time before that. Personally, I am starting to doubt that their true agenda is to physically hurt Israel with the rockets but damn if I can think of a sane political reason to get your own ass blown up.


Dec 11, 2006
Of course, i know where the racists are hanging.

There s a lot of them in a lot of site, including this one of course.

But what is your point?.

None, because your former 1999-2001 prime minister aknowledged that the palestinian are right and the israelis are wrong by saying that he would have been a resistant if born palestinian, so all you can say is forcibly futile and will be forever lies because you will be forever contradicted by your very leaders that are expressely saying that they are the terrorists and that your legitimacy is exactly the same as a thief that would enter a house and take the legal owner at gun point.

Even if true, its still just a horrible idea to pick up a plastic bottle of ketchup and throw it at said armed intruder in "defiance" and then be shocked that he shot you.

The ONLY thing that I can see these rockets are good at is getting Palestinians killed. If I am missing something please fill me in.


Platinum Member
Nov 1, 2013
Imagine that 4 or 5 towns in Mexico started lobbing rockets into California and Texas. Do you have any doubt that we would fucking level those towns to the ground? I sure as hell don't. We wouldn't be talking about "restraint" or any bullshit like that, we would be cheering as the bombers took off live on CNN.

blown up.

Mexico is a sovereign country, not occupied by USA. No analogy found

In any case, lobbing crude rockets does not make any sense. But then as I said, Hamas is a cynical organization.


Jan 12, 2005
Did you not read cabri's post or my links? The graph you posted represents a very small slice of time...it distorts the fact that these rocket attacks have been going on for a long, long time (since 2001). Hell, there were 65 attacks during last March alone which was well before the teenager killings. These killings were the last straw.


Apr 2, 2011
Mexico is a sovereign country, not occupied by USA. No analogy found

In any case, lobbing crude rockets does not make any sense. But then as I said, Hamas is a cynical organization.

Cynism, as can be seen in the graph posted by Welshbloke, is to murder people as a mean to make electoral gains, i told you, they are doing ritual sacrifices, i guess that their current god prefer human beings blood than sheeps s...


Platinum Member
Nov 1, 2013
Cynism, as can be seen in the graph posted by Welshbloke, is to murder people as a mean to make electoral gains, i told you, they are doing ritual sacrifices, i guess that their current god prefer human beings blood than sheeps s...
Yes what the Israel apologists don't admit is that the regular brutality is part of the domestic Israeli politics. That it plays out very well politically. After all the only thing politicians care about is money and power.


Apr 2, 2011
Even if true, its still just a horrible idea to pick up a plastic bottle of ketchup and throw it at said armed intruder in "defiance" and then be shocked that he shot you.

The ONLY thing that I can see these rockets are good at is getting Palestinians killed. If I am missing something please fill me in.

They get killed anyway...

The israelis are purpotedly fueling a state of war as a mean to confiscate more land, and most, if not all, of the zionists know it very well, just look at this forum, they go as far as ignoring publicly that their very leaders expressed this will publicly , but be sure that they fully support this nazi policy and they go as far as denying all evidences.

They dont mind lying because it s the behaviour of any thief, they dont care about human values, for them only the results matter even if it means being murderers, whatever , they feel entitled to kill and trial others while they negate to everybody the right to only criticise them as they are actualy supremacists with no respect for the rest of humanity :

"Israel may have the right to put others on trial, but certainly no one has the right to put the Jewish people and the State of Israel on trial." -- Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, 25 March, 2001 quoted in BBC News Online

Yes what the Israel apologists don't admit is that the regular brutality is part of the domestic Israeli politics. That it plays out very well politically. After all the only thing politicians care about is money and power.

These are nihilists, they are acting as if the world will die with them, and it is indeed their will, such are these people, generaly old people, and it is said that youth is hated by people who have no more a future to live.

It doesnt matter to the zionists leaders that their youth will constantly inherit a threatened future because they know very well that they will be no more here and that they wont have to pay for the bill the day the tables will be turned, and they will be turned sooner or later despite all their conspiracies , even the roman empire was destroyed and israel is not as powerfull as this empire contrary to the US, hence the never ending propaganda to keep the US opinion mentaly enslaved.
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Golden Member
Nov 3, 2009
Oh, you re swedish, that s good as exemple...

Did you know that 100 000 scandinavians, the vandals, emigrated in north africa where they founded a kingdom that was later destroyed by the byzantines.??.

What if north africans living in the vicinity of Bejaia , the capital of this past kingdom ,claimed sweden as their in the name of this very old and very partial ancestry and invaded your country while expelling you as much as possible.?..

Sorry dude, I'm not going to get into ridiculous hypotheticals, especially not when they're that far fetched. Reaching, much?

I suspect, but s it s only my opinion, that you re some kind of Breivnik, of course only intellectualy but still, someone who think that rights are a function of skin color or some other kind of genetical trait or even religion.

Because I respect a nations right to defend themselves I am a racist and, intellectually, on the same level as a mass murderer? Kindly go fuck yourself.

There is nothing racist in defending a nations right to defend herself. My disdain for Hamas and their tactics has nothing to do with the religion or skin colour of it's members. Hamas uses Palestinians as human shields when they fire their rockets from within highly populated areas, doing this because they know that Israel can't retaliate with full force.

You are as much of a useful idiot to a terrorist organisation as they come.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 2005
The democratically elected President of Egypt, Morsi, did open more borders. His overthrow by a military guy was cheered by Israel. Probably Mossad had a part in it as well. Now there is this another dictator in Egypt, another lap dog of Israel, just like Mubarak was.

There is a reason why democracy is the last thing Israel wants in the Arab world. Apartheid states don't like that, obviously.

What kind of weirdo conspiracy theory planet are you from? Thank you for the daily dose of nonsense. Yeah we're the REAL rulers of Egypt, bow before us. Hah!


No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001
CNN Breaking News ‏@cnnbrk 2h
Israeli Cabinet accepted Egyptian proposal for cease-fire in conflict with Hamas, the Prime Minister's office said. http://cnn.it/1n582p2

CNN Breaking News ‏@cnnbrk 16m
The military wing of Hamas said it rejects the cease-fire proposal offered by Egypt and accepted by Israel. http://cnn.it/1n582p2


can't wait to see the spin on this one.


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
No. I was talking about Hamas...not Palestinians. Is my point really that difficult for you to understand? The majority of Palestinians don't want Hamas launching rockets into Israel because they are decent human beings.

You are soo fucking high. Absolutely ridiculous claim without a single shred of factual reality to back it. Christ dude, educate youself, embarrassing lack of knowledge on your part.

Here is an information dump for you to cure some of that ignorance....

WASHINGTON — The Middle East is the most anti-Semitic region on earth, with 93% of Palestinians holding anti-Semitic beliefs, a global survey of anti-Semitism revealed Tuesday morning. The survey conducted by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) across 100 nations and territories....


In one question, those interviewed were asked whether they believed that suicide bombings can ever be justified, and were asked to select from one of the following options: "Never," "Rarely," "Sometimes," "Often" and "Don't Know."

A sizable majority (62%) of respondents from the "Palestinian Territories" (referring to Palestinian Authority-controlled Judea and Samaria, and Hamas-run Gaza) answered that suicide bombings were at least sometimes justified - nearly double that of the second-largest body of support (Lebanon, 33%).


Israel is universally loathed in the Middle East with the vast majority of Muslims supporting its complete annihilation.
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Apr 2, 2011
There is nothing racist in defending a nations right to defend herself. My disdain for Hamas and their tactics has nothing to do with the religion or skin colour of it's members. Hamas uses Palestinians as human shields when they fire their rockets from within highly populated areas, doing this because they know that Israel can't retaliate with full force.

You are as much of a useful idiot to a terrorist organisation as they come.

Great, you grab land from another people and then you feel entitled to "defend" it whatever the means..?.

Funny that when israel use settlers to colonize a piece of land you fail to see that they re using those people as human shield for their land theft but still you re supporting this strategy when it comes to israelis.

Should the palestinians accept to see their land confiscated everyday?
According to you they are wrong to refuse this injustice while you grant israel the "right" to confiscate these landS and kill palestinians if they do not agree, that s why you are a racist, and it is obvious since you re applying a double standard and assuming as legitimate what is expressely not allowed by international laws.

Btw, using insults only show that you re of bad faith since this add nothing to your arguments, if ever there is some..
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Apr 2, 2011
CNN Breaking News ‏@cnnbrk 16m
The military wing of Hamas said it rejects the cease-fire proposal offered by Egypt and accepted by Israel. http://cnn.it/1n582p2


What is the proposal, exactly, what are the terms.?.

You dont know and are automaticaly assuming that the hamas is wrong.

Good exemple of bias from the start since you re completely ignorant of the proposals.


Feb 6, 2002
Israel and the occupied territories are very weird. For instance in the occupied territories the military don't keep the peace they only protect Jews from the Jewish state of Israel. When the Jews attack the Palestinians they don't protect them. This is a very weird stance to take that promotes hatred.
Nov 30, 2006
You are soo fucking high. Absolutely ridiculous claim without a single shred of factual reality to back it. Christ dude, educate youself, embarrassing lack of knowledge on your part.

Here is an information dump for you to cure some of that ignorance....



Israel is universally loathed in the Middle East with the vast majority of Muslims supporting its complete annihilation.
You are "soo fucking" brain dead. None of your links refute my statement that a majority of Palestinians over the past several years want the rocket attacks on Israel to stop.


Public opinion polls

Prior to the 2008–2009 Gaza War, polls conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PCPSR) showed consistently high levels of support for the rocket attacks among the Palestinian public.
  • September 2004: 75% of Palestinians support "the firing of rockets from Beit Hanoun", though 59% of the residents of Beit Hanoun reject the practice.[19]
  • July 2006 Jerusalem Media & Communication Centre poll: 60.4% of Palestinians "support the continuation of firing rockets against Israeli targets as a suitable response within the current political conditions", whereas 36% "reject them and find them harmful to the Palestinian national interests".[189]
  • September 2006: 63% of Palestinians agree "that Palestinians should emulate Hizbullah’s methods by launching rockets at Israeli cities", and 35% disagree.[20]
  • March 2008: 64% of Palestinians support "launching rockets from the Gaza Strip against Israeli towns and cities such as Sderot and Ashkelon", and 33% oppose.[18][21]
Conversely, polls conducted after the Gaza War indicated weaker support for the attacks and relatively broad support for attempts to prevent them.
  • January 2010 Palestinian Center for Public Opinion (PCPO) poll: 62.2% of Palestinians oppose "the re-firing of Al-Qassam rockets from Gaza at Israel" while 29.1% are in favor.[190]
  • July 2010 PCPSR poll: 57% of Palestinians support Hamas attempts to prevent rocket launching against Israeli towns and 38% oppose.[191]
  • July 2010 Arab World for Research and Development (AWRAD) poll: 68% of Palestinians do not want Hamas to resume its rocket attacks on Israel, while 25.5% believe the attacks should be resumed.[192]
  • October 2010 PCPO poll: 49.4% of Palestinians oppose "the re-firing of al-Qassam rockets from Gaza at Israel" while 46.2% are in favor.[193]
  • April 2011 JMCC poll: 38.6% of Palestinians say that "the locally-made rockets fired from Gaza Strip towards Israeli regions" "harm... Palestinian goals" and 25.4% say that the rockets "help... Palestinian goals".[194]
  • May 2011 PCPO poll: 69.6% of Palestinians oppose the resumption "of launching Al-Qassam missiles from Gaza into Israel" and 29.8% support it.[195]
  • November 2011 JMCC poll: 40.8% of Palestinians say that the rockets harm Palestinian goals and 27% say that they help Palestinian goals.[196]
  • December 2012 JMCC poll: 9.7% say that "locally-made rockets fired from Gaza strip towards Israeli regions" harm Palestinian goals and 74% say they help them.[197]
  • March 2013 JMCC poll: 38% support firing rockets at Israel from the Gaza Strip.[5]
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No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001
What is the proposal, exactly, what are the terms.?.

You dont know and are automaticaly assuming that the hamas is wrong.

Good exemple of bias from the start since you re completely ignorant of the proposals.

I thought the objective was peace?


Feb 6, 2002
Palestinians keep begging for more attacks. What I would want to know is who is buying the rockets and missiles and how do they get to the terrorists firing them? Israel needs to attack the supplier of these missiles. It is likely to be countries like Iran. I say Iran because in the last fight with the terrorists, they found Iranian Soldiers helping them to counter attack Israel. When that happened Israel should have bombed Iran.


No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001
lol senior HAMAS official on BBC right now

"they want to have a cease fire and then talk details, that's not possible!"


Golden Member
Oct 15, 2005
Israel and the occupied territories are very weird. For instance in the occupied territories the military don't keep the peace they only protect Jews from the Jewish state of Israel. When the Jews attack the Palestinians they don't protect them. This is a very weird stance to take that promotes hatred.

It does happen from time to time but the army is far too gentle with what are basically jewish terrorists.
There's a growing hatred towards the far right nut-jobs who attack not only palestinians but also the army protecting them and any Israeli who dares calling them out.
I'd wish for us to set the right examples of fair treatment, but that can only happen if we manage to punish our own hatred-spewing idiots.