Had an interview at Geek Squad.... went HORRIBLE

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Aug 8, 2001
OK, I think this guy gets the picture.
Never show your transcript, especially if the grades are just decent.

Only time it can help is is you are in high school or straight out of high school with no previous work experience and have perfect or close to perfect grades.

Otherwise, you only show transcript if required.

OP, good luck to you in the future. Rejection or a bad interview isn't the end of the world, just try to improve how you market yourself on your resume and answering questions, and try elsewhere.
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Mr. Pedantic

Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2010
Why are you showing them such a crappy transcript? I kind of stopped paying half-way through because even if the second half of it had been all A's, which it isn't, then it would still be a crappy transcript overall. And how did you choose your courses, did you just throw darts at the board? I don't know about American education, but those seem like the sorts of papers unless you get A+ or A in which, you're either not trying or not very smart. And even if it were a good idea to trumpet round your transcript, which it isn't, I'm not sure it's very intelligent going around telling people you're either dumb or you don't apply yourself.

I know my job history is also kind of weak, but I am not sure what else I can do to make myself look better?
Unless it breaks some kind of law, don't say that you got laid off unless they directly ask.

OK, I think this guy gets the picture.
Never show your transcript, especially if the grades are just decent.
They're not decent, they're pretty bad. In my book no Cs would be kind of respectable. More As than Bs would be decent.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
sorry moonie, but the difference between you and guyver? Guyver has a job.

You must accept the cold harsh reality that the world is a wise and beautiful woman. With a capital C.

What you could do is invest in your resume and pay a profession to review it for you and perhaps take some job interview coaching. If you are repeatedly applying for jobs and failing, then you are doing somthing wrong.

Write off previous interviews as experience. Call them back and asked where you went wrong and how you can improve.

Get some coaching, fix your resume and you will land a job.

It is this simple.

call me and guyver dick heads, but you arent going to land a job on a silver platter.

we are just providing you with the reality check you obviously need

You aren't providing me with anything I need. There is a difference between providing somebody with sound advise and exercising your stupid worthless ego by putting them down. See if you can see the difference. I provided you with the same reality check as you thought you did and all I get from you is grief. Why don't you take my good advise and come out of Mommy's basement. You thought you'd get a silver platter?


Diamond Member
Jun 24, 2008
they care more about experience.

But why did you get laid off after only 6 months?
that can scare an employer.

Sea Moose

Diamond Member
May 12, 2009
You aren't providing me with anything I need. There is a difference between providing somebody with sound advise and exercising your stupid worthless ego by putting them down. See if you can see the difference. I provided you with the same reality check as you thought you did and all I get from you is grief. Why don't you take my good advise and come out of Mommy's basement. You thought you'd get a silver platter?


I am a business owner. I hold several contracts maintaining police stations laboratories and several other commercial interests. I dont have an ego i am simply telling you what i did before i started my business when i was deciding what to do next. I was unemployed for 6 weeks. 2 of those weeks i was away ... training and i had one week off when i got back. The 6th week i was deciding what to do with my life.

i had a shit resume, i did the same mistakes with it as you have done. I paid a professional to jazz it up and i got some coaching. Then i sent it out and i got job offers. Then i decided i could make moar money working for myself. So i am having a crack at that.

By the time i had outlaid everything i needed i had 200 dollars in my account. I would take other companies garbage away to get money from scrap metal. I am now running several lucrative contracts and doing ok, like i previously mentioned.

I am probably going to employ somone soon.

I am 25 years old. And i am working 6 days a week and often 12 - 18 hour days.

So i am not speaking from ego

I am speaking from experience.
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Senior member
Apr 1, 2010
They still hire people that speak English where you're from? Because if not, learn spanish ASAP.

I have the best story. A friend of mine got a job as a dishwasher at the casino. He was hired through a friend. He was let go after one day on the job, when he asked who to give his W4 to. He's of Mexican heritage, but was born here. NO JOB 4 U, LALWALWLAWLWL. The Walmart/Target jobs are all the same. If you need help finding something, you have to ask a cashier, because some of them speak English.

I got nothing against illegal aliens, they're smarter than our government which gives them the advantage over American workers. If I was them, I'd do what they're doing, it's opportunity for a better life.


Oct 9, 1999
dont take this the wrong way. But you are a fucking idiot if you show that transcript to all the people interviewing you. Do so if asked, and try and avoid being asked.


Golden Member
May 20, 2002
You guys are looking at this wrong.. If you want a Job at best buy, you need to be

1: INDIAN or white trash looking, being indian helps more.

2: People skills, not actually that much of it, but this is weighted far more heavily than your grades.

That's about it. Your knowledge of electronics help, but that isn't really even necessary because they'll tell you all of those things..

START hanging out with indian people, and get hooked up. LOL Thats how I would do it. :D

MANY of us are not academically motivated, that doesn't mean we suck. Getting good grades and being good at halo takes the same investment, time.

So he doesn't like school, so what, there are plenty of possibilities outside of school.

It's not a matter of better/worse, it's about what you like and enjoy.

Where did he say he was applying to work at Fry's????


May 24, 2003
I'll chime in and say the people nerd raging at the OP's grades are all people who never went to college, and possibly never went to high school either since this was math I took in grade 11.
C is the class average. B is +1 standard deviation. A is +2 standard deviations. Having a B is good. While there are many different systems for what the range is, a common range for B is +0.5 to +1.5 standard deviations (GPA range 2.5 to 3.5). Assuming your grade is right in the middle of that range, +1 standard deviation, that means you are better than 84% of the class.

On my own college transcripts, it says "honors" next to every term where my GPA was higher than 3.0. That's because a B+ is honors.

The real world, oh delusioned one... is one where a 27 year old with minimal job experience
What do you mean minimal job experience? The OP has been working nonstop since high school. He was a department manager at Target, so he clearly has some good retail experience. He was also a tech for AT&T, so he has at least some kind of technical experience. I can't comment on his clerk job since that could mean anything. My mom was basically a secretary and her official job title was "Clerk III"

I have been trying to get a job at Office Max, Best Buy, Wal Mart, other retail places as I figure that is probably the best I am going to be able to get.
Apply for every job you are capable of doing, not just the ones you think you might get easier. A couple years ago, after I was layed off from a chemistry job, I got a callback from a construction company weeks before getting any calls related to anything in my field.
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Super Moderator
Jun 20, 2006
Your resume and interviewing skills are way more important than your transcript (Which you shouldn't be showing)

Google some resumes or if you are a glutton for punishment, post it here for review (editing out personal information of course). Read up on interview tactics/skills as well


Golden Member
Oct 27, 2005
enlist at your local military recruiter. cash, job security, on the job training, GI Bill for college after... it could be a good move.


Sep 11, 2008
"And how did you choose your courses, did you just throw darts at the board?"

Um have you been to college before? I am slightly past two years of college - these are a little over 60 credits.

I am trying to get a bachelors degree - 4 years. In order to get bachelors degree (in Texas anyway) you MUST take two years of various subjects. That means 2 government classes, 2 business classes, 2 science classes, 2 english, etc. I have actually never heard of a state that doesn't require this during the first two years. These are called "CORE CLASSES".

That is why there is such a variation of the subjects. ANYONE else going for a bachelors degree in Texas has the same kind of course variation during the first two years of school... (which I have completed so far)


Apr 10, 2000
I know this hasn't been said yet but you don't want to provide your transcripts unless required to.

Oh and LOL at the "should have provided your high school transcripts too" comment!

Ignore the haters, at least you're trying.


Diamond Member
Nov 4, 2009
Perhaps the environment where I work (high school teacher) is different, but we request transcripts. If someone's transcript had that ratio of B's and C's to A's, they wouldn't even get in for an interview. If there were just a couple of C's, they'd be questioned about them during the interview.

That said, wtf are you doing showing your transcript to Best Buy?? They don't care. Ditto Geek Squad.

I mean seriously? A C would have killed my College GPA. Hell, a B+ here and there killed my College GPA.

Sea Moose

Diamond Member
May 12, 2009
Ignore the haters, at least you're trying.

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Dec 12, 2002
I am surprised BB is giving you so much shit for having your transcript...you best bet is to not use your transcript at all, you never really need to, just your GPA, if you wanted it.

Otherwise just list universality name/date like someone else mentioned.


Dec 29, 2002

I honestly think at that point I would have said

"WTF? I'm applying for a job with BEST BUY---not trying to get into Harvard! This is a job where people in black tie costumes, to portray the 15 year old stereotype of a computer nerd, fix computers by running restore disks and then overcharge old people! I don't know how prestigious a place you think this is to work, but you're judging me on my grades, and you're what....35? 40? You work in a place where you have to wear a tag with your name on it to work everyday. Me thinks your grades weren't so hot either, and, well, here you are! Now cut the intimidation crap and either give me this pathetic job or not."

omg. I'm laughing so hard, LOL!!!


Jul 11, 2000
your probably better off getting good at being a waiter, shoe shiner etc...

why don't you do construction, roofing or some real work? Learn a skill carpentry, electrician, masonry plumbing, metal work anything???? You have wasted enough of your life already in shit jobs, college isn't going to help in this economy, get a useful skill.
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Diamond Member
May 21, 2005

I honestly think at that point I would have said

"WTF? I'm applying for a job with BEST BUY---not trying to get into Harvard! This is a job where people in black tie costumes, to portray the 15 year old stereotype of a computer nerd, fix computers by running restore disks and then overcharge old people! I don't know how prestigious a place you think this is to work, but you're judging me on my grades, and you're what....35? 40? You work in a place where you have to wear a tag with your name on it to work everyday. Me thinks your grades weren't so hot either, and, well, here you are! Now cut the intimidation crap and either give me this pathetic job or not."

LOL. This made my morning.

Possessed Freak

Diamond Member
Nov 4, 1999
Pish, I got an F *every* semester in college and taught at a grade school and was offered to teach at the university level. Grades mean dick. Grade point is more important. Who you know is vastly more important.


Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2005
Transcript? You're not trying to get an internship, dude. Few companies ask for transcripts.


No Lifer
Jul 3, 2003
You guys are assholes. The guy is trying, but I have to agree that Best Buy couldn't care less about his college curriculum or grades. He sounds like a whiney little bitch who wants a job when there are 500 other applications in front of his. Most of them are likely Masters or Ph.D.'s with 4.5 gpa's and 20 years of experience.

Nobody with a Masters or Ph.D. is applying for a job at Worst Buy.