Great Ideas for games, what's yours

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Jun 19, 2004
A space opera MMO with permanent death. You get one character at a time and have to start from the bottom again.


Platinum Member
Dec 13, 2005
That sounds like a great idea! I would love a game like this. Project Dust sounds a little like this (inspired by Bullfrog games like Populous), but there has been no mention of it since announcement.

According to Wiki it has a release date of July 20th for the 360, and "mid 2011" for other platforms. Apparently, it is also digital distribution only. I'm interested in this, but disappointed to learn that it will only be digital. I'm a bit wary knowing Ubisoft is the developer. If it gets good reviews, I'll probably pick it up once it drops in price. Probably go for it on the PC as well, since I assume mouse control will be easier.


Mar 5, 2008
According to Wiki it has a release date of July 20th for the 360, and "mid 2011" for other platforms. Apparently, it is also digital distribution only. I'm interested in this, but disappointed to learn that it will only be digital. I'm a bit wary knowing Ubisoft is the developer. If it gets good reviews, I'll probably pick it up once it drops in price. Probably go for it on the PC as well, since I assume mouse control will be easier.

Ya, looking into it more, it seems like a tiny "casual" game that will have a major case of cosolitis. It might be alright though... I recently replayed populous: the beginning and loved it. I also still play Black and White on occasion.


Sep 5, 2000
a fps game where you play a player playing a walking robot assaulting some 3rd world country. The 3rd world countries armies are people who can play the game for free as a app download and they will spawn with some crap to try and kill the USA industrial military complex robot.


Oct 10, 1999
Single player, post apocalyptic (plague maybe), free roaming, FPS RPG game. No mutants, or zombies, or any crap like that. Winning simply means surviving to the end of the game. Progress would be through zones or large areas like small towns or even small cites. Realistic, impassible boundries, not just a wire fence or similar that a five year old could climb over. A fully explorable world, no buildings with locked doors that just take up space. Real world consequences, you get fatally wounded you die, you don't just heal ten gunshot wounds after or during a fight with health packs.

I could go on but I think that pretty much lays out what my ideal game would be. STALKER is still my favorite game, but what I really love about the game is seeing what could be possible if a game company really wanted to put the time into constructing a real, very large, living, game world.

Something like this would be great ....
My version would have some additional constraints.


And I'd go with more arcade style gameplay .... and rocket jumping! yay


Platinum Member
Oct 11, 2005
A decent & massively long 2D platformer with puzzles & bosses, maybe some randmo generation. It'd be nice if at some points the view changed to birds eye for some puzzles/fights depending on what you were facing. If it had the option to go mostly stealth (if you can) it would be better.

Not interested in any more Rail Shooters but another game like Red Faction: Guerilla, maybe in the Mass Effect universe with destructible environments & co-op.


Senior member
Oct 13, 1999
Hmm. I would like an open world, sandbox game. With Mechs, and also third person shooting and hand to hand combat. Sort of like Shogo, with newer graphics. And up to 8 player co-op "quests/missions" in the game. With focus on the simulation of mech combat and teamwork. It should support keyboard/mouse, joypad, joystick, whatever you wanted to use for a controller, and support 3 monitors. Middle for forward view, left for left view and so on. Missions should include a great deal of random elements so that they are not completely scripted and static. Also, you should be able to customize your mech quite a bit. Not only different parts, but also custom paint scheme, weapon loadout etc.

The second game I would like to see is a simulation of a generation space craft launched from earth, to reach a distant planet for colonization in a 500 or so years. You would manage the economics, power distribution, and all other aspects of the ship, to keep the occupants alive, generation after generation. Until you reach the destination.


Dec 18, 2010
Great Ideas for games

Doom mixed with left 4 dead.

Take Doom and mix it with the team cop-op team play of the left 4 dead series. The settings would be everywhere from military bases to hell.

Computer AI would be common demons like the imps of doom.

Human controlled demons would have special powers like in l4d.

Boss human controlled characters like the Cyberdemon. Unlike the tank in the l4d series, this new boss would need something like rocket launchers or machine guns for arms.

Give the survivors more military grade weapons like rocket launchers and grenade launchers on their M-16s and Ak-47s, night vision for total dark areas, flame throwers,,,,,, just more unique weapons and perks.


Senior member
Oct 12, 2010
A game with the ability to play as a raid boss in a MMO or something. Could be interesting to see how the raid progresses against you over time. Would be boring if you played as an end boss since it could take some time for them to get to you.
Dec 28, 2001
Alright, my idea for THE BEST GAME EVER:

Gamespace is 1 screen, that's it.
- Background is pure black, showing the futile nature of our existence
- Our in-game avatar is a white line, shedding all unnecessary facades we put up in our daily lives.
- On the other side of the gamespace is our nemesis, a carbon copy of ourself, perhaps signifying that our greatest enemy is our inner self.
- Within the gamespace we cannot cross the boundaries of our metaphorical conscious, only able to move up and down in anticipation of what's to come.
- The nemesis and I discuss the nature of our being and what it truly means to exist - our ideas and thoughts symbolized on-screen by a white dot moving back and forward.
- The endgame is inevitable as are all our inner thoughts; while we may have the illusion of progress it is only - at the endgame, or "game over" if you will - the world that is left, the only proof our our existence a random jumble of numbers.

If only a game like that existed . . ..


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
Hmm. I would like an open world, sandbox game. With Mechs, and also third person shooting and hand to hand combat. Sort of like Shogo, with newer graphics. And up to 8 player co-op "quests/missions" in the game. With focus on the simulation of mech combat and teamwork. It should support keyboard/mouse, joypad, joystick, whatever you wanted to use for a controller, and support 3 monitors. Middle for forward view, left for left view and so on. Missions should include a great deal of random elements so that they are not completely scripted and static. Also, you should be able to customize your mech quite a bit. Not only different parts, but also custom paint scheme, weapon loadout etc.

The second game I would like to see is a simulation of a generation space craft launched from earth, to reach a distant planet for colonization in a 500 or so years. You would manage the economics, power distribution, and all other aspects of the ship, to keep the occupants alive, generation after generation. Until you reach the destination.

The first part of that sounds an awful lot like Rifts.

Our community has been fantasizing about a proper Rifts game forever. Fallout 3 was darn close but is missing mechs and magic and such.
Truthfully it will probably never happen. The current trend is dumb simple shooters.


Diamond Member
Feb 4, 2003
Reply with your ideas for creating a game.. here's what I wish for in a game..

1. Cutscenes like from NFS Most Wanted
2. Racing combined with First person shooter gameplay. Racing should be kickass like in NFS Most Wanted and shooter elements should be inspired from fast paced games like Max Payne/Call of Duty, etc.
3. Should also have the option for Hand to hand combat such as in a fighting game like Street Fighter/Tekken

Wish they'd make a game combining all those elements..

Sooo, basically GTA with better gameplay?


Platinum Member
Jan 17, 2008
I want an RPG that takes place in George Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire universe. But not during the timeframe of the series, possibly earlier, like how KotOR is to the Star Wars universe.

Same here! a free to play MMO maybe? You have to pick a house (family) when you create your character.

Gods be good.....


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
The second game I would like to see is a simulation of a generation space craft launched from earth, to reach a distant planet for colonization in a 500 or so years. You would manage the economics, power distribution, and all other aspects of the ship, to keep the occupants alive, generation after generation. Until you reach the destination.

I like. :thumbsup:

I've always had a weird fascination with strange sim games that sound pretty boring but might be rather interesting, b/c the management aspects have always interested me:

sim strip mall
sim rental agency
sim Union


they sound preposterous, but if you add in some of the sordid details that tend to go along with these real-life organizations (bribery, crime, bad employees, publicity, choosing to hire Union workers vs cheap labor (sim mall) etc.)

no one would ever make these games, though.


Senior member
Apr 12, 2011
For me a GTA like MMO where you can travel across the entire world or at the very least through all 50 US states. In this game you could play as either a criminal or as one of the many authorities. You could go on solo rampages or missions or team up. All modes of travel could be used. Think Playstation Home with weapons.


Senior member
Feb 23, 2007
Hmm. I would like an open world, sandbox game. With Mechs, and also third person shooting and hand to hand combat. Sort of like Shogo, with newer graphics. And up to 8 player co-op "quests/missions" in the game. With focus on the simulation of mech combat and teamwork. It should support keyboard/mouse, joypad, joystick, whatever you wanted to use for a controller, and support 3 monitors. Middle for forward view, left for left view and so on. Missions should include a great deal of random elements so that they are not completely scripted and static. Also, you should be able to customize your mech quite a bit. Not only different parts, but also custom paint scheme, weapon loadout etc.

The second game I would like to see is a simulation of a generation space craft launched from earth, to reach a distant planet for colonization in a 500 or so years. You would manage the economics, power distribution, and all other aspects of the ship, to keep the occupants alive, generation after generation. Until you reach the destination.

I played the ever loving Hell out of Shogo. I was beyond addicted to that game. Chromehounds was pretty close, though there wasn't anything on foot unless you were destroyed, then you could run around and take pot shots.

Nowadays, I'd settle for anything Mech related. I've gotten a good fill of the usual Armored Core (oh how I wish this would come to the PC), all the MechWarriors, the HeavyGears, et al. I think the only Mech game I haven't played was the official MechWarrior simulator.

I'd also go for your second proposal. It could EASILY be marketed as a prequel to Alpha Centauri, as the game's back story had the some of potential colonists awaken early, and kinda factionalize themselves. Heck, they could do that, then do a remake of Alpha Centauri with the modern Civ engine and tie that into a "completed" saved game from the colony ship prequel.