Shouldn't you resign instead of leeching off the government?
Why should he resign because the government is an incompetent bureaucratic mess?
Shouldn't you resign instead of leeching off the government?
Conservative: Government should not be paying for healthcare
Government doesn't pay for some health care
Conservative: Why is the government not paying for healthcare like it's supposed to?
So you are happy with the government failing at its self-appointed duties. I get it now - just like you're content using illegal immigrants as slave labor because it keeps your prices low.
Why should he resign because the government is an incompetent bureaucratic mess?
I am not happy, but I recognize government not paying for healthcare as a failure that needs to be fixed, not as a policy goal to implement.
Yet that's exactly what your side has done - implemented this failure as a policy goal.
Because he's leeching off the government. If he put his money where his mouth is he would resign.
Conservative: Government should not be paying for healthcare
Government doesn't pay for some health care
Conservative: Why is the government not paying for healthcare like it's supposed to?
Government not paying for healthcare is your side's policy goal, not mine.
If you would put your money where your mouth is, you'd be down volunteering at the local soup kitchen instead of running your stupid mouth online. But you're a typical liberal. You want other people to fix the world, not you.
Conservative: Government should not be paying for healthcare
Government doesn't pay for some health care
Conservative: Why is the government not paying for healthcare like it's supposed to?
Conservative: Government should not be paying for healthcare
Government doesn't pay for some health care
Conservative: Why is the government not paying for healthcare like it's supposed to?
Conservative: Government should not be paying for healthcare
Government doesn't pay for some health care
Conservative: Why is the government not paying for healthcare like it's supposed to?
So did the free market swoop in to save those poor people who can't afford insurance and rely on government Medicaid?
Shouldn't you resign instead of leeching off the government?
Are you nuts. Didn't he say he's playing on line? People should be rewarded for having a perfect job.
If there are waves you surf.
I'm being a good citizen. Am I helping others though? That's mostly my point here. We've talked about the One Ring before and I think I'm dealing with that right now. Sensamp thinks this is about Conservative or Liberal, government healthcare or private. Actually it's about something that's deeper, being able to in fact do what one is trained to do and benefit others in the real non-internet world.
When phone lines are more important than lives, I'd say something is terribly wrong, but that's just how I view the world. I think you understand.
So the owner is paying me to do nothing, giving out some meds gratis all because some medicaid rep decided that's what he wanted. The regs are written so that the government has the ability to order just about anything it likes.
In the meantime people are going without their meds again.
Hey, I'm getting to sit back and play on line.
Wait till they start "regulating" more.
Yep, the government sure knows how to run health care.
Somebody just stuff a wad bills into Rider's pockets so he can be happy. Until then I guess we are stuck with him pretending he still gives a shit anymore. I suppose private insurance is run better when the AIDs patient died being denied coverage. Dead people don't leave the pharmacy disappointed.
Because he's leeching off the government. If he put his money where his mouth is he would resign.
Basically the mantra of conservative movement is blaming the government for not doing what they want it to not do.
What you are doing is small potatoes.
If it was 100% private business you would be ripping off everyone in addition to them going without all the meds they need.
Thank you for validating Obama care as a good thing. :thumbsup:
Conservative: Government should not be paying for healthcare
Government doesn't pay for some health care
Conservative: Why is the government not paying for healthcare like it's supposed to?