Well remember, despite your trusted media STRIDENTLY repeating over & over & over & over . . . (nonterminating process) that he was behind 911,
in reality there is NO credible evidence he nor his organization nor his money nor his influence had any SHRED of connection to 911.
The USA populace is eagerly swallowing the incessantly droned-into-your-skull spin the media reiterates in EVERY message about him, forgetting about ever showing that to be true in the first place. (it's been said a million times so it bust be true? Bull shit logic 101).
David Ray Griffin has satisfied a hypercritical me that the preponderance of evidence points at Dick Cheny & whatever PNAC secret cabal he was participant in, as THEEEEE true masterminds who
Originated the concept,
Planned the project, and
Managed execution to project completion (irregsardless of whatever external agencies (Mossad? Saudi Arabians? who the hell will ever truly know) got their hands dirty, and anyway to HELL with >3000 innocent lives, the Ends justified the Means. IN THEIR
Those mentally ill monsters! HOME GROWN, IT WAS AN INSIDE JOB!!!! They OPENLY PUBLISHED their idea for "
American "hegemony" and
"full-spectrum" dominance" of this entire planet. MONSTERS!!!!!
911 was ABSOLUTELY an inside job, Dick Chey at the helm, with the other looneys who signed onto the PNAC insanity he rabidly lived. Their names are in the 1st link in my other post below. God DAMNED monsterously evil Dick Cheny and the men in the shadows behind him hell bent years ahead of 911 who openly plotted taking the USA to war, shoving it down the USA citizens' throats with their INTENDED "
new Pearl Harbor." God DAMNED Dick CHeny & his posse. (The insane ultra righties & still MORE insane grow-government-till-we-die lefties)