EverQuest 2 or World of Warcraft?

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Senior member
Apr 19, 2003
Originally posted by: Bateluer
Originally posted by: Feneant2
For the 2 games and the original question. Everquest 2 is not finished at this time, I've not played, but most people say that the game has a lot of bugs. Where the games differ majorly (in my opinion) is that you cannot solo in Everquest 2, it is nearly impossible and not worth it. I also heard that it takes months and months to reach level 50. World of Warcraft is different in that you can solo easily enough and leveling up is ridiculous and you can hit 60 in 2 months.

Where did you hear that EQ2 solo play was almost impossible? I've talked to a few beta players, including one I work with, and they tell me its easily possible to solo with most classes.

I played Shadowbane, which has the fastest leveling system of any MMO I've played, and fast leveling has its advantages, but its overall detrimental. Ends up with people just power leveling until they cap then starting a new character or power leveling lower level guild members. Slower leveling has its disadvantages as well, but as long as you have good people to play with and good story line, you always feel like you have something to work for.

Well I am in beta and I can tell you that 20+ most classes cannot solo. Maybe they have the abilities but not the areas/mobs to do it. Pre-20... sure its easy to solo, but how long of the game is pre-20 especially once you've done it on one character.

That being said, EQ2 is a serious disappointment to me. The game just doesn't give the feeling I had when playing EQ1.

-Everything is segmented into too many zones
-You can't solo 20+, quests are pointless and generally quantity over quality (and don't give any hints on where to find the place to do the quest)
-Amount of bugs are unbelievable (just last week there was a few page thread of people who can't start the game without getting errors and having to restart their PC multiple times to get it to work
-Graphics are terrible performance, yes I know that the game is built to perform well in the futre. Guess what This is the biggest bullcrap statement I have ever heard. Anyone can make super realistic high texture/polycount graphics and then not be able to optimize them...and say oh they are made for future hardware. It isn't good practise to make a game with requirements so high that a great number of people who would play eq2 don't meet them. I have an A643400+, 1 gig of ram and 9800pro (all of that overclocked pretty well too) and I still get maybe 10-20 FPS in the game, which may drop to 5~ in a city.
-Sony Online Entertainment has a history of bad games, and bad service.
-All the classes are too similar, combat is boring, encounters are linked, mobs are locked, two cities isn't enough.

On the other hand, I just got into World of Warcraft beta and the game is pretty good, but not as great as everyone says it is. I am definitely not buying EQ2 but thinking of picking up WOW if the game continues to offer the same depth and satisfaction it has throughout the game (I am level 12). WOW took a great deal of what was good in EQ, and added some more. I like the ability to solo but group play needs to be worked to be more of a benefit. Quests are pretty fun and give you hints on what to do/where to go. The UI is easily modded to add a lot more functionality.

My opinion on WOW is subject to change since I have only been playing it for a week but so far :thumbsup:


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2004
Originally posted by: ShotgunSteven
Any truth to the rumor that EQ2 is just built off of the same sh!tpile that is Star Wars Galaxies?

yes same engine with zones and insances of cities and normal zones..
becasue the engine is no good for MMOs they have to break everything up into small peices...
that make it VERY annoyign to find friends and travel..
for instance.. your friends could be in Commons1 and you could be in commons4... on the same server.. and its random every time you zone...
its REALLY annoying..
there are a Million other things I could get into but why...

WoW is gonna rape SOE and EQ2 it is 500X the game EQ2 is right now...
better engine.. more fun.. and it doesnt feel like work..


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2004
Originally posted by: Bateluer
Originally posted by: ShotgunSteven
Any truth to the rumor that EQ2 is just built off of the same sh!tpile that is Star Wars Galaxies?

No, to my knowledge they are built off seperate engines. EQ2 has been in development for a great deal longer than SWG ever was too.

I've already got EQ2 on preorder, as that style of fantasy RPGs appeal to me. Blizzard makes great games, and its likely I will pick up WoW as well.

Main problem I see with WoW is that a lot of Bnet Diablo 2 kiddies will be clogging up the servers. :( Minor class annoyances as well.

Funny.. Ive been in the beta for 7 months now... and the majority of peeps I have met in WoW are from EQ DAOC and AC.....

I have not met any of these battlenet kiddies as you put it...

In fact the majority of testers are from EQ.. including Afterlife and Fires of Heaven which have been in since the early days of the alpha...

In my 2 weeks in EQ2 i met a far less mature player base... lots of cursing in OOC elitest attitudes.. and noone seems to help each other...
wow is a much friendlier place...
maybe the relaxed easier to play game play of wow is really attracting more adult gamers like myself...

Zeeky Boogy Doog

Platinum Member
Mar 31, 2004
im deciding too, im thinkin WoW, but im not sure, if i get one at all, im kinda cheap and might not be willing to shell out the monthly fee...


Golden Member
May 21, 2001
im in the same boat...... thinking WoW, but EQ2 sounds enticing as well........ grrr............. needs some opinions of people in beta


May 23, 2002
I'd get WoW over EQ2. But I gave up on PC games because I don't like having to upgrade every time a new game comes out so I got an XBox and and loving all the games that I can play on the same old system.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2004
Originally posted by: Feneant2
If you want to sell items, your best bet is to sell the items in game for money and then sell it at a lower price to a vendor like those adds you see on sites like rpgexpert. You might only make 50% of what its worth but its the most secure way to do it.

For the 2 games and the original question. Everquest 2 is not finished at this time, I've not played, but most people say that the game has a lot of bugs. Where the games differ majorly (in my opinion) is that you cannot solo in Everquest 2, it is nearly impossible and not worth it. I also heard that it takes months and months to reach level 50. World of Warcraft is different in that you can solo easily enough and leveling up is ridiculous and you can hit 60 in 2 months.

In terms of the rest, both games have a lot of quests and instanced content which is aimed at a much lower amount of people than older games (no need to coordinate 72 people at the same time) so that smaller guilds can advance to see high content without having to give up everything outside the game.

ya but 50 is not even HALF way through the game..
they have said L100 is the cap..
yet there are no abilities or content to support this claim...
and noone has tested that high...


Mar 16, 2004
Originally posted by: CVSiN
I have not met any of these battlenet kiddies as you put it..

Blizzard's penchant for attracting the l33t k1dd13z is their only flaw - but on the other hand, these kidiots played a big part in my decision to quit EQ, so don't think for a minute that the problem is limited to Blizzard/WoW. At least Blizzard makes a quality product and doesn't rape paying customers. Further, the monthly fee will discourage probably 80-90% of them from joining.


Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2000
What's always funny is anyone who likes WoW jumps at the chance to bash EQ2, their BOTH good games plain and simple. I've beta tested both and their both good, EQ2 is what I liked.

EQ2 is very graphics intensive. Everyone likes different things, but I enjoy it more then WoW. WoW and EQ2 overall are very different games.

Overall both have alot of quests, I think EQ2 has the slight edge here.

Graphics... EQ2 hands down, fantastic graphics, IF you have a good video card, this game can even punish a 6800 Ultra at the higher settings.

Overall gameplay mechanics I'd have to give EQ2 the edge, it has some fantastic ideas... playing my cleric in beta.... assumed targeting is awsome. You can have the main tank targetted for heals, but if you want to toss a smite into the mix, you dont have to switch targets, just hit the spell and it will cast it on whoever the main tank has targeted. Heroic Opportunities is pretty cool also.

PvP obviously WoW has the crown, as there is none currently in EQ2, however the whole freeport/qyenos fued sets the stage for some PvP servers.

Community, I'd have to go with EQ2, WoW has alot of l33t people who drive me nuts, but there are lots of mature respectful gamers also like cairdeas people who will be playing WoW.

Immersion... well this is kind of a tie, EQ2 gains points for NPCs around town etc... randomly talking to you as you walk by, interacting with each other etc... but it loses a little with the zoning. Now I actually don't mind zoning, I think it really helps the diversity of the different areas.

WoW is a bit easier to play and learn, EQ2 has a bit more depth to it.

WoW has alot of solo play, EQ2 is more group oriented. Many of the quests you can not complete while their your level without a group.

EQ2 is LOADED with content, I could barely finish the quests I had just from my starting area, it's LOADED with them.

I also really like instancing with EQ2, it is nice to have copies of zones so areas don't get overloaded especially at first release.

Overall both games look to be great games, I just feel like EQ2 is the game for me this time around.


Mar 16, 2004
Originally posted by: Dulanic
What's always funny is anyone who likes WoW jumps at the chance to bash EQ2, their BOTH good games plain and simple. I've beta tested both and their both good, EQ2 is what I liked.

If you're referring to me, note that I played EQ1 for about four years and saw Sony ruin it firsthand with greed and incompetence. Liking WoW and "bashing" (really, just telling the truth about) Sony/EQ aren't mutually exclusive. If Sony was decent I'd say so readily.


Senior member
Jun 25, 2004
Personally, I won't find a game fun without PvP. The player vs player conflict is what I find attractive. I think I'd prefer EQ2, but since it doesn't offer PvP, I'd be stuck with WoW. It's true, though, Blizzard has never made a bad game. I'm sure WoW will be a complete success.


Diamond Member
Sep 18, 2003
Originally posted by: Zugzwang152
my god, i was totally addicted to FFXI for like 3 months... i'm looking to try WoW, but with my Halo 2 clan, and HL2, and possibly Halo 2 PC, where will school fit in? :(

If you play.............Say goodbye to your grades and future job prospects.

If you don't play, you'll get the grades/job, but NO time for good gaming.

Catch 22 scenario. :beer:


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
Originally posted by: Gurck
Originally posted by: CVSiN
I have not met any of these battlenet kiddies as you put it..

Blizzard's penchant for attracting the l33t k1dd13z is their only flaw - but on the other hand, these kidiots played a big part in my decision to quit EQ, so don't think for a minute that the problem is limited to Blizzard/WoW. At least Blizzard makes a quality product and doesn't rape paying customers. Further, the monthly fee will discourage probably 80-90% of them from joining.

Some bnet kid was whining about the monthly fee on the forums yesterday, it was pretty funny (he wanted to only pay 5 dollars since his parents wouldn't pay the full price lol). Hopefully this will keep out some of the immature kids, but who knows


Mar 16, 2004
Originally posted by: Chronoshock
Originally posted by: Gurck
Originally posted by: CVSiN
I have not met any of these battlenet kiddies as you put it..

Blizzard's penchant for attracting the l33t k1dd13z is their only flaw - but on the other hand, these kidiots played a big part in my decision to quit EQ, so don't think for a minute that the problem is limited to Blizzard/WoW. At least Blizzard makes a quality product and doesn't rape paying customers. Further, the monthly fee will discourage probably 80-90% of them from joining.

Some bnet kid was whining about the monthly fee on the forums yesterday, it was pretty funny (he wanted to only pay 5 dollars since his parents wouldn't pay the full price lol). Hopefully this will keep out some of the immature kids, but who knows

Literally lol :D


Platinum Member
Jan 8, 2004
haha i realize this is a late reponse to this thread but i havent checked up on Anand for a long time after i built my computer.

I am also looking at WoW.and EQ. Right now I am in the open beta for WoW and it is fun. Graphics are awesome adn that opening video..wow that was awesome. The only complaints i can see with WoW is depth and ease. I played EQ1 for a few years..I got totally addicted. I wasnt power hungry liek vl 60 and such. I just loved the interaction with other people andplay for hours na dhours having multiiple players. Infact all this talk bout EQ2 and WoW has got me thinking of just making a new EQ1 accoutn and rocking out(althought the new expansions seems to have made EQ1 not the world i use to know..so big..newbie zones empty..its all high levels now adays)

Anyway...i am lvl 15 druid in WoW and it was really really easy to get there. I fear that this game is dumbed down a bit to make it easier for players. I read on another board that someone made it to lvl 60 the cap in like 55 hours of play. which really inst that much.

I also dont lke the fact that there arnt a lot of classes. EQ1 had a lot...now i realize that it is a WC theme so they cant add a mon ( :( ) But it does still seem like the classes are limited.

I am really looking for more information about EQ2 before i go into that. I want to know if it will have the same feel as EQ1 when i started. The feeling of adventure..the uknown..people grouping together and just having a good time...I honesty miss the days where i was in black burrow and yelling train while i was getitng mauled to death and laughing.

long post..sooo..the end


Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2003
Originally posted by: RadioHead84
haha i realize this is a late reponse to this thread but i havent checked up on Anand for a long time after i built my computer.

I am also looking at WoW.and EQ. Right now I am in the open beta for WoW and it is fun. Graphics are awesome adn that opening video..wow that was awesome. The only complaints i can see with WoW is depth and ease. I played EQ1 for a few years..I got totally addicted. I wasnt power hungry liek vl 60 and such. I just loved the interaction with other people andplay for hours na dhours having multiiple players. Infact all this talk bout EQ2 and WoW has got me thinking of just making a new EQ1 accoutn and rocking out(althought the new expansions seems to have made EQ1 not the world i use to know..so big..newbie zones empty..its all high levels now adays)

Anyway...i am lvl 15 druid in WoW and it was really really easy to get there. I fear that this game is dumbed down a bit to make it easier for players. I read on another board that someone made it to lvl 60 the cap in like 55 hours of play. which really inst that much.

I also dont lke the fact that there arnt a lot of classes. EQ1 had a lot...now i realize that it is a WC theme so they cant add a mon ( :( ) But it does still seem like the classes are limited.

I am really looking for more information about EQ2 before i go into that. I want to know if it will have the same feel as EQ1 when i started. The feeling of adventure..the uknown..people grouping together and just having a good time...I honesty miss the days where i was in black burrow and yelling train while i was getitng mauled to death and laughing.

long post..sooo..the end

Yeah me too. Except I wouldn't yell train. I would just drag the train onto the newbies. And kiting. As a druid I loved kiting. Ahhh...those were the days. But now I have a life. Damn.


Golden Member
Sep 14, 2000
Like a moron I bought EQ2 on Tuesday. It is one of the worst MMO's I've had the displeasure of playing. All the timesinks of the original + more inane FedEx quests than you can ever imagine + HORRIBLE crafting system + nasty graphics (they still have the worst textures I've ever seen). The last straw was when I hit level 10 and got my intermediate class (Druid) and the only thing I got was a freaking damage shield spell.

Cancelling the account tonight.

Back to WoW OB and waiting for release.


Diamond Member
May 28, 2003
I don't like to pay more than $50 for a video game. So no to both for me.