Doom 3 = disappointment

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Aug 14, 2000
Doom III was extremely solid but not outstanding, and the same applies to its graphics.

And yes, I think FC is the best looking game out there right now.


Sep 3, 2001
Ending could have been a lot better, that was a let down for me. And Nightmare, I wonder if anyone will waste their time and play throught it for real and beat it...lets just say there doesn't have to be enemies attacking you for you to take damage...


Jan 23, 2001
Originally posted by: syconub
well, so far from what ive heard, it sounds like i should cancel my reserve for this game...but i dont feel like missing out on a milestone game like doom, that just defines what FPS is all about. And i built a rig just so i could play d3 athon64+3000/pc3200/powerclr128mb. I dont want to see that go to waste.

If you are deciding to buy this game. Read a review like gamespys 6 page review. Or IGNS review. Do not listen to the retards here. I honestly cannot understand some of the bitching here. I mean some of it makes sense, but some of it is complete lies. Maybe if I was watching these people play, I would understand. Maybe they are playing it on easy. Maybe their sound sucks. Maybe their graphics suck. Maybe their game isn't running properly. Maybe they are blind. Maybe they are using cheats. I don't know, I can't figure it out.

The game IS solid. I havn't seen a single review dispute that outside of some folks here at atot. The worst rating I've seen is an 8.X rating out of 10. Most reviews give it around a 9.2/10. It does A LOT of things perfectly and its flaws can be counted on 1 hand.

Here they are:
1. Enemy AI can be pretty stupid.
2. Repetitive gameplay remeniscent of the old shooters (some consider this a flaw, some a blessing).
3. Requires a high end system.

Admittedly, It would be impossible for every person to love Doom3. But some of the reasons people are stating for hating it at this point do not add up.


Jan 15, 2002
I'm enjoying it more now that I've gotten a little further (midway through delta labs).

This is NOT GOTY material in my book.


Mar 1, 2000
It does A LOT of things perfectly and its flaws can be counted on 1 hand.

Here they are:
1. Enemy AI can be pretty stupid.
2. Repetitive gameplay remeniscent of the old shooters (some consider this a flaw, some a blessing).
3. Requires a high end system.

Admittedly, It would be impossible for every person to love Doom3. But some of the reasons people are stating for hating it at this point do not add up.

Since I started this thread I will chime in again....

So you're saying that its good except the AI is stupid and the gameplay repetitive? Sounds like 2 glaring problems to me. (I will concede though that, as you state, some people will find this as a blessing... however I, and apparently many many others find it annoying and hardly a move forward in the FPS genre as id, and many trade publications and websites claimed it would be).

On that note, OF COURSE magazines and website reviews will give it glowing reviews. Do you really think they are going to shoot themselves in the foot by shooting down id and their flag ship title?

I guess the long and short of it is that D3 is hardly for everybody (no game is though is it?). To me, D3 certainly has strong promise in its engine and future titles using it (the calling card of id), but D3 just did't get me going... I want some more "realistic" games and games that push the gameplay envelope. If I wanted a throw back game I could pick up and install (from floppy) the original Doom(s) or similar.

id nailed the gfx dead on (if I could see them) but game play is simply horrendous in my eye. I play games to enjoy the gameplay (see the corralation of words there?) If I wanted good gfx and eye candy exclusively and up the wazoo I'd go to the nearest art gallery. :p


Jan 23, 2001
Where did anyone claim that id would revolutionize gameplay in the FPS genre with Doom3? They have certainly revolutionized graphics again and again and again. Paste that link and I will be surprised.

And you should READ the gamespy 6 page review of Doom3 before assuming all reviewers are lying about video games or something. Do you think readers can't see through blatant lies in reviews? It ruins a reviewers credibility when a review is full of lies.

And just FYI, I do not think that Doom3's gameplay is FLAWED. I do not have any problem with the repetitiveness. Most games ARE repetive. Farcry was repetitive. Halo was ungodly repetitive. Name a game, I bet it was repetitive.


Oct 24, 2000
Originally posted by: skace
Modeps what a random bump...

wow, that was random of me... I was looking for user1234's post and found homerboy's instead, and didnt realize it. oops :D


Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2002
Mediocre at best...and ya think they played half-life a few times to get that opening sequence???

Mysterious project...something goes wrong....hell comes through an open door....

course...mebbe hl took it from somewhere else too...but its the first i remember with such an opening.

all in all...meh...

gonna wait to borrow it or till it's less than $20


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Anybody still playing this game? I went though FC my sixth time on my new graphics card this weekend..can you say the same for doom3?


Diamond Member
Apr 27, 2002
I see quite a bit of similarity between Doom 3 and Aliens Vs. Predator.

I know AvP wasnt exactly the best game going but it did its job and did it fairly imo.

Doom3.... the flash light was the most annoying thing. In AvP, you had your shoulder lamp. That ran out of energy and had to be recharged by waiting in-game.

This may seem to be that yes the series are completely different and perhaps Doom3 is more realistic to the situation but the shoulder lamp wasnt perfect. Quite a lot of the time, you'd burn most of your energy then run into a heap of aliens with only your motion tracker and your wits to aim with. In some cases, you had to know the level like the back of your hand as there were certain triggers that made aliens spawn continously.... as though you'd whacked a bees nest with a stick. With the shoulder lamp, you could see and shoot. Flashlight... was awkward.

Perhaps there should have been one or 2 guns with the mini flash lights on. It would have made it seem more realistic by way of being able to see where you are shooting. If you are scared of someone attacking you in the dark and you have a machine gun, you are going to spot an enemy with the light, put it away then blast with the gun. Surely you'd find a way to use both at the same time, perhaps even reducing the accuracy of the guns whilst using a flash light may have been better.


Sep 21, 2002
I played the Doom3 Demo and it was OK. I don't think the graphics are that great. I think Quake 3's graphics are better. And it runs like sh*t at 800x600 No AA or AF even on my incredible rig! And it's way to dark but you can change that in the config file r_gamma 1 to r_gamma 1.xor 2. When it hits the bargain bin for $9.95 Canadian next month I'll buy it.


Mar 1, 2000
Originally posted by: ScrewFace
I played the Doom3 Demo and it was OK. I don't think the graphics are that great. I think Quake 3's graphics are better. And it runs like sh*t at 800x600 No AA or AF even on my incredible rig! And it's way to dark but you can change that in the config file r_gamma 1 to r_gamma 1.xor 2. When it hits the bargain bin for $9.95 Canadian next month I'll buy it.

You have some problems if you can only get it 800x600 like sh!t on that rig... Mines less than yours (2500@3200+, 1gig, OC'ed 5900) and I can run at 1280x1040



Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
Here's my 1.5 cents wirth:

I actually looked forwqard to this game. Loved the old versions of doom, even tho they had lesser graphics. Goes to show you don't *need* a story to make a good game.

As for doom 3....I hate to say it, but I'm a little disappointed. They essentially ripped off sound effects from Half-Life, and the story? looks like that was essentially ripped off from Half-Life too. Come on.....weird scientific experiment goes awry, ka-blamo.....instant monsters lurking about trying to get you. It's shallow as far as a story goes.

You're in the why even bother to have top-notch graphics of everything is in the dark?

You can't see what you're shooting at 90% of the time. Again....why bother with the graphics.

Unless you use a cheat, you can't put the flashlight on your gun, and like a way earlier post....some places it's so dark you can see only the flashlight spot in front of you. What good is that. Sometimes that's fine, but most of the game is like this.

You have monsters that almost *never* miss hitting you, and they never seem to run out of ammo. You can't kill them with a couple shots....and you can't see them to like...actually AIM or anything. So you blow off 75 rounds trying to kill one of these lizard thingies that are blasting you with shot after shot of fireballs.

Then you have these lost souls that zing around so fast that you can't aim at them either. You have to almost wait for them to comne up and 'hit' you in order to get a shot off, and even then it takes at least 3 shots to do it....and that's just ONE. go and mix it up with a zombie marine, or regular zombie....or whatever, and then you kill it, and then you realize that you're being whacked. You turn around and there's one behind you belting away.'re being shot at across the room by one of these zombie marines that is crouched down low next to machiners, and you can't see where the shots are coming from. And no.....I don't use the HUD because I want to see as much of the screen as I can. Anyway.......the monsters never run out of ammo, they almost never miss.....everything's's a real drag.

The graphics you can see are very good. Sound effects are good, and like someone else said....I'm getting tired of being instantly surrounded by a blaze of crap just because I go to pick up some bullets or armor. WTF

I think ID let down a lot of folks. I like the game, but I'm not that crazy about it, and I won't recommend others to buy it.

It IS scary.....if you play it alone, and in the dark....if you immerse yourself in it, but I have to save the game every 2 minutes because the monsters are so fast and there are so many that I can't react' or even SEE them half the time.

There ya go.....mayeb someone at ID will see this.



Oct 24, 2000
Originally posted by: Bluto
...I actually looked forwqard to this game. Loved the old versions of doom, even tho they had lesser graphics...

and the story? looks like that was essentially ripped off from Half-Life too. Come on.....weird scientific experiment goes awry, ka-blamo.....instant monsters lurking about trying to get you. It's shallow as far as a story goes.
For someone who loved the old games, you sure dont know the storyline behind the original Doom....


Jul 18, 2000
To each his own, but I LOVE this game! I ONLY play it at night and it's scary as hell! (that is if you're not using cheats) I thought Hell was AWESOME and the sounds totally freaked me out in parts of the game. The darkness really sets the mood, and without it, it just wouldn't be that great. The deal with the flash light or gun choice is great too. It really adds to the game, although this is the MAIN thing people bitch about. If you where able to hold the flashlight AND your gun, the pace would be much faster. You'd be running and gunning. With the flashlight restriction, you have to walk around slowly and make sure everything is clear before you go any further. Like I said, I liked it, and I think it really adds to the game experience.

Great game. I'd actually rank it as one of the best games I've played!

I give it two thumbs up!


Apr 23, 2000
To each his own, but I LOVE this game! I ONLY play it at night and it's scary as hell! (that is if you're not using cheats) I thought Hell was AWESOME and the sounds totally freaked me out in parts of the game. The darkness really sets the mood, and without it, it just wouldn't be that great. The deal with the flash light or gun choice is great too. It really adds to the game, although this is the MAIN thing people bitch about. If you where able to hold the flashlight AND your gun, the pace would be much faster.

I liked the original Doom,but Doom 3 was overhyped ,just didn`t offer anything new IMHO,I`ve enjoyed other FPS games more.I found the choice between flashlight and weapon annoying,I mean they could of had head mounted flashlights which would free up your hands,I know they designed it that way but after all you`re playing a marine, hey even miners have them lol.