Donald Trump 2020

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Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
Excuse me I was told Trump was incorruptible to corporate interests because he's rich already.


Feb 1, 2008
I REALLY hate to disclose this, but I've taken a poll of my trumpie family members, and 2016 trumpie crossovers, and friends identified as independent but not necessarily for Trump, and of some first-time family voters that will vote in 2020.
The results were not good, not at all, not for democrats.

Naturally, my republican trumpie family is more hard core Donald Trump this time around than in 2016. They like what they have seen from Trump.
And.... the latest Iran situation has completely solidified their support of Donald Trump.
I guess people like when American presidents kill foreign terrorist leaders. And Americans like that A LOT. Go figure.

As for those 2016 Trump crossover voters, they are all 100% onboard with re-electing Donald Trump in 2020. And again to note.... this Iran thing has definitely made a major difference in their support.
I also found pretty much the very same thing with the independents, and with the first time voters, and that includes those that affiliate with the democratic party.

The bottom line....???
I have personally witnessed a major jump in support of Donald Trump within my own family and friends.
And with this Iran thing having A LOT to do with that jump.
Also, the impeachment has made no difference what-so-ever with challenging their support of Donald Trump.
They simply do not care about impeachment or about Nancy Pelosi.

I REALLY hate to say this but I definitely see a landslide coming in November for Donald Trump. Definitely a landslide.
I am so so very sorry to say this but it is what it is.
So don't blame me, I'm only the messenger.
I see a Richard Nixon-like landslide coming.
And as with Nixon and warnings of great injustice and criminal activity occurring within the Nixon administration, Richard Nixon was not only re-elected but re-elected in a huge landslide.
The voters back then did not care about Richard Nixon or hints of possible corruption, and voters will not care this time concerning Donald Trump and his corruption. Voters only care about the economy, jobs, and about sitting presidents who are willing to assassinate terrorist Iranian leaders.

So, what to do... what to do.... ???
Well, I guess to accept the enviable.
The coming great landslide re-election of Donald Trump in November, then followed by who the hell knows what will come in the next four years?
But obviously, whatever Trump has done or has been accused of having done, it does not matter to the voters.
I guess to allow any sitting president his second term is more of an deserved right in the eyes of the voters than democratic leaders had thought.
Trump, or any sitting president would need to do something really really bad to not deserve a second term, in the eyes of the voters. Something oh say like senior Bush having lost voter confidence with the economy or Jimmy Carter having disgraced himself with that Iran hostage crisis.
Not to mention the Jimmy Carter gas shortage and long lines at the gas pumps.
The economy blew it for senior Bush, and the Iran hostage crisis blew it for Jimmy Carter.
Crime was not good enough to blow it for Richard Nixon and his re-election. Nor was sex in the oval office enough to blow it for Bill Clinton.
Once you are president, getting rid of that president is not an easy thing to do.
Facts are facts and Donald Trump is on his way to a landslide re-election come November.

So, lets be realistic here.
If democrats are realistic then we can avoid the mass shell shock suffered during the last four years after Hillary Clinton lost.
Trump is going to win, absolutely no doubt about that. What democrats need to do is worry about 2024 and PRAY we retain the US house in 2020, and pray even harder that we can retake the senate in 2020 with some miracle of biblical proportions. Then, to do whatever democrats can possibly do to block that Donald Trump second-term agenda.
While the republicans have collectively lost their minds, we democrats can retain our sanity. After another term of Donald Trump, every democrat and every American citizen will need that sanity very much.....
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Diamond Member
Aug 2, 2007
No offense, but your population is self-selecting. No president with approval ratings as low as his has ever won re-election. He needs to raise it by 2% at minimum to even stand a chance.

He really needs to raise it by 5% to be even-odds. More like 10% to be a solid favorite. I'm not saying it cant happen, it's still early days, but his numbers over the last 3 years have not ever been more than briefly close to that 5% number (call it 47-48% approval). 51% of the country wants him removed from office.

When half of the country wants you gone, you're not a favorite to win anything. This election will be about turnout. If the last two elections have shown anything, its that turnout on the right will be substantial. If it models the last two elections, turnout on the left will be a tsunami.

If theres record turnout, hes toast. If he wins at all, it will be by the skin of his teeth again. Talk of a landslide in his favor is pure lunacy (unless something dramatic plays out between now and november).


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
Yeah it was in the 50's last night around here. I was walking around in a t-shirt during the day since it was in the mid 60's.

And we've had 2 snows already in the DC area this year. The most recent one was this past Tuesday, but it was wintry mix during the middle of the day. It wasn't even snowing at night or when it was dark. So that pic is either just completely fabricated or from a while ago.


Nov 4, 2004
Yeah it was in the 50's last night around here. I was walking around in a t-shirt during the day since it was in the mid 60's.

And we've had 2 snows already in the DC area this year. The most recent one was this past Tuesday, but it was wintry mix during the middle of the day. It wasn't even snowing at night or when it was dark. So that pic is either just completely fabricated or from a while ago.

just more bullshit distractions.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
It's certainly devoid of reality, par for the course.

Trump is really paranoid of Bloomberg. If Bloomberg released an ad saying that Trump didn't land on the moon Trump would tweet out that he was the first person to land on the moon. It's that bad
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Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
I think something like 20 states currently have the GOP arguing in court that pre-existing condition coverage is not constitutional. McCain is the one who saved it with his infamous thumbs down vote.

Unfortunately his supporters are so far removed from reality they will lap it up as usual.

His DOJ is in there right along side them. They're trying to avoid expedited SCOTUS review because they'd prefer to destroy healthcare for tens of millions of Americans after he secures re-election. Apparently Bloomberg is initiating a major ad campaign focused on these issues. Given 2018 and his low polling on healthcare there is a genuine vulnerability here.


Feb 15, 2002
Trump is really paranoid of Bloomberg. If Bloomberg released an ad saying that Trump didn't land on the moon Trump would tweet out that he was the first person to land on the moon. It's that bad
Trump is paranoid of Bloomberg because Bloomberg said he would spend $1Billion of his money on whomever the Dem nominee is against Trump. Trump doesn't have that big a warchest to spend.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
Trump is paranoid of Bloomberg because Bloomberg said he would spend $1Billion of his money on whomever the Dem nominee is against Trump. Trump doesn't have that big a warchest to spend.

This is a major part of it. Bloomberg has a history of putting his money where his mouth is and that's got be worrying.
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