Christopher Reeve is an asshole

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Nov 20, 2000
Originally posted by: Angrymarshmello
Um, you can't call Reeves selfish. I don't think there's a damn person who gives a rats ass about parapalegics before they get paralyzed. How many people can you name that care about them anyway?



Diamond Member
Jun 17, 2000
Originally posted by: crab
Reeve is pretty damn low on my list of 'people I like'. I beleive he IS selfish.

<---C5-C6 quadriplegic for exactly 4 years, 1 day, and about 3 hours.

I have known about this for almost as long as you have been here on AT, and all I can say is "God Bless you, man!"



Senior member
Apr 13, 2002
That guy is an a$$.

I never gave money or even much thought (other than a moment of sympathy) when I'd see those commercials for The March Of Dimes Foundation showing all those premature babies.

Until my wife gave birth to a baby boy five months premature and managed to survive in an incubator for three months before he died. Only then, did the Foundation's efforts have personal meaning to me.

So, I ask this of this guy: Do you give money to The March of Dimes, and to every other thousands of Foundations supporting some cause or disease that hasn't touched your life in a personal way?


Super Moderator | Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Stratum9
That guy is an a$$.

I never gave money or even much thought (other than a moment of sympathy) when I'd see those commercials for The March Of Dimes Foundation showing all those premature babies.

Until my wife gave birth to a baby boy five months premature and managed to survive in an incubator for three months before he died. Only then, did the Foundation's efforts have personal meaning to me.

So, I ask this of this guy: Do you give money to The March of Dimes, and to every other thousands of Foundations supporting some cause or disease that hasn't touched your life in a personal way?
That is horrible! :(

Mann, what a rollercoaster that would be.. So terrible that he didn't make it after 3 months. My condolances. :(


Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Originally posted by: Eli
Originally posted by: Stratum9
That guy is an a$$.

I never gave money or even much thought (other than a moment of sympathy) when I'd see those commercials for The March Of Dimes Foundation showing all those premature babies.

Until my wife gave birth to a baby boy five months premature and managed to survive in an incubator for three months before he died. Only then, did the Foundation's efforts have personal meaning to me.

So, I ask this of this guy: Do you give money to The March of Dimes, and to every other thousands of Foundations supporting some cause or disease that hasn't touched your life in a personal way?
That is horrible! :(

Mann, what a rollercoaster that would be.. So terrible that he didn't make it after 3 months. My condolances. :(

Many of the people who I know who make a tiny fraction of what Reeves did give quite a lot to charity without personal tradgedy. Say you love to hate the man, but Gates has given billions when he had no health reasons to. He can't write if off (not that much), so he is doing good.


Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: hawkeye81x
Stem-cells anyone?
Delicious stem-cells...

Oh, you're so silly. Bush and the rest of the conservative god-fearing bible-thumping delegation would NEVER allow stem-cell research if they got their way. Never mind the fact that products of stem-cell research has the potential to provide rejection-free heart, lung, and kidney transplants...or regenerate spinal cords in people who are paralyzed...The fact is, conducting research on stem-cells that would have been discarded anyway is messing with god's plan!!! The Church absolutely disapproves of this line of research with great vengeance and fuuuuuuurious anger! But I guess it's okay to deprive millions of Americans of life-saving therapies because a bunch of high-holy religious authorities think it's not consistent with the bible. So forget it. You need a new heart..a new spinal cord? You'd better pray for one because you ain't getting it through stem-cell research.



Apr 12, 2001
Originally posted by: ValsalvaYourHeartOut
Originally posted by: hawkeye81x
Stem-cells anyone?
Delicious stem-cells...

Oh, you're so silly. Bush and the rest of the conservative god-fearing bible-thumping delegation would NEVER allow stem-cell research if they got their way. Never mind the fact that products of stem-cell research has the potential to provide rejection-free heart, lung, and kidney transplants...or regenerate spinal cords in people who are paralyzed...The fact is, conducting research on stem-cells that would have been discarded anyway is messing with god's plan!!! The Church absolutely disapproves of this line of research with great vengeance and fuuuuuuurious anger! But I guess it's okay to deprive millions of Americans of life-saving therapies because a bunch of high-holy religious authorities think it's not consistent with the bible. So forget it. You need a new heart..a new spinal cord? You'd better pray for one because you ain't getting it through stem-cell research.


er, he's making a reference to south park...


Sep 7, 2001
The guy must be a bitter cripple or something. I kinda agree with the basis of a couple gripes of his, but I see no need to take it out on Christopher Reeves.

One of his points is, that your disease or condition isn't important or worthy of attention or research funding until some dumb celebrity has a teary-eyed press conference to publicize they suffer from it. Then it suddenly becomes a "real" disease or condition, whereas before it was like you were just a hypochondriac or just wanted attention, or maybe it was a "real" condition, but it wasn't really as bad as you said it was, until some stupid celebrity confirms it.

But that's not Christopher Reeve's fault, he didn't 'create' celebrity worship, and he didn't 'create' a vastly uninformed public. Ever since the founders took away our ability to worship Royalty, the American public has been longing for a replacement...and celebrities are as close as it gets to Royalty.

Even when a celebrity figure does raise awareness among the public, it doesn't always result in positive awareness. Ronald Reagan's battle with Parkinsons and Alzheimer's has lead to as much ridicule of those diseases than empathy....until a more 'squeezable' Michael J. Fox publicized his battle with Parkinsons. Then all of a sudden it was no laughing matter.

Alzheimer's patients and their families can only hope someone as 'squeezable' goes public with Alzheimer's in the near future. Charlton Heston missed the window of 'squeezability', since he's not so much of a beloved celebrity anymore as he is that 'racist gun-nut'. Timing is everything, apparently.

Another point I'm not sure he addressed is that celebrities do not represent the true face of the hardships and devastation which many diseases or disabilities wreak not only on their victims but their families.

Its one thing to be wealthy enough to pay for a battery of professional care-takers around the clock and have access to the finest medical care money can buy, spare no expense, and not have to worry about how you're going to pay for it or support your family, so that your spouse, or worse, your children, don't have to take on full-time jobs to make ends meet. Its quite another to be a middle-class family breadwinner who is diagnosed with MS or Parkinsons or suffers a permanently disabling injury.

Although I don't want to trivialize anyone's battle with quadriplegia or any other serious incapacitating condition, including Christopher Reeves', the difference in hardship is night and day. So Christopher Reeves can afford like $50,000 a month on therapists and round-the-clock care, needn't ever worry about his house being foreclosed on, or sending his kids to college. Hey great for him. But that is not the face of the other 99.9% of quadriplegics and its important for people to understand that without Reeves' money he would have long been dead by now.

And how many quadriplegics thought twice about quadriplegics before becoming quadriplegic? Not many. That is not the same as 'not giving a damn' about quadriplegics.


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2000

One way or another, Christopher Reeves is getting shizu done. Who cares if people think he's a philanthorpist or not; why does it bother a person so much to know that someone totally unrelated to his own life is being given credit for something. The end result is the same, and that's all I care about.


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2003
Originally posted by: ValsalvaYourHeartOut
Originally posted by: hawkeye81x
Stem-cells anyone?
Delicious stem-cells...

Oh, you're so silly. Bush and the rest of the conservative god-fearing bible-thumping delegation would NEVER allow stem-cell research if they got their way. Never mind the fact that products of stem-cell research has the potential to provide rejection-free heart, lung, and kidney transplants...or regenerate spinal cords in people who are paralyzed...The fact is, conducting research on stem-cells that would have been discarded anyway is messing with god's plan!!! The Church absolutely disapproves of this line of research with great vengeance and fuuuuuuurious anger! But I guess it's okay to deprive millions of Americans of life-saving therapies because a bunch of high-holy religious authorities think it's not consistent with the bible. So forget it. You need a new heart..a new spinal cord? You'd better pray for one because you ain't getting it through stem-cell research.


You're getting quite adept at being able to smoothly slip a religious rant into all threads. Let me take a wild guess here; You were sexually abused by a priest at some point?


May 28, 2001
Originally posted by: Angrymarshmello
Um, you can't call Reeves selfish. I don't think there's a damn person who gives a rats ass about parapalegics before they get paralyzed. How many people can you name that care about them anyway?
Because nobody cares about causes like this before they effect them personaly does not mean that Reaves isn't selfish, it means that we are all selfish, self centered chimp...humans.


May 7, 2001
0 the matrix one

Even if you disagree with everything bad I've said about this movie, there's one point I think everyone can agree on: Keanu Reeves' ass does not need to be seen, ever. Not only do they show you his pasty white a$$, they do it in the most contemptible way possible: right after a titty scene. They try to trick you into popping a boner, then WHAM. Keanu's corn hole. There's an acceptable degree to how many times his ass can be shown in a movie, and that degree is either 0, or negative (negative means that Keanu Reeves' ass gets cut off, which would rule). On a side note, in case you get in an argument with a Matrix nerd cult member, the "Keanu's a$$" argument always wins. It's like playing rock, paper, scissors and sucker punch to the throat. The sucker punch always wins. Don't believe me? Try it: next time a Matrix nerd starts rambling on about "Christological symbolism" and other geeky sh!t that nobody cares about, just say the magic words. I guarantee you'll either win the argument, or give the impression that you're an acute homophobe. Either way you win.. sort of.


Golden Member
Oct 5, 2002
Originally posted by: ValsalvaYourHeartOut
Originally posted by: hawkeye81x
Stem-cells anyone?
Delicious stem-cells...

Oh, you're so silly. Bush and the rest of the conservative god-fearing bible-thumping delegation would NEVER allow stem-cell research if they got their way. Never mind the fact that products of stem-cell research has the potential to provide rejection-free heart, lung, and kidney transplants...or regenerate spinal cords in people who are paralyzed...The fact is, conducting research on stem-cells that would have been discarded anyway is messing with god's plan!!! The Church absolutely disapproves of this line of research with great vengeance and fuuuuuuurious anger! But I guess it's okay to deprive millions of Americans of life-saving therapies because a bunch of high-holy religious authorities think it's not consistent with the bible. So forget it. You need a new heart..a new spinal cord? You'd better pray for one because you ain't getting it through stem-cell research.


Hey, why does this have to be turned into a "conservative god-fearing bible-thumping" argument. I for one, call me an even conservative if you'd like, fear that scientists, who are mainly amoral, will eventually try to get rid of all "defects" and try create a "perfect" or "master" race.


Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: flxnimprtmscl
Originally posted by: ValsalvaYourHeartOut
Originally posted by: hawkeye81x
Stem-cells anyone?
Delicious stem-cells...

Oh, you're so silly. Bush and the rest of the conservative god-fearing bible-thumping delegation would NEVER allow stem-cell research if they got their way. Never mind the fact that products of stem-cell research has the potential to provide rejection-free heart, lung, and kidney transplants...or regenerate spinal cords in people who are paralyzed...The fact is, conducting research on stem-cells that would have been discarded anyway is messing with god's plan!!! The Church absolutely disapproves of this line of research with great vengeance and fuuuuuuurious anger! But I guess it's okay to deprive millions of Americans of life-saving therapies because a bunch of high-holy religious authorities think it's not consistent with the bible. So forget it. You need a new heart..a new spinal cord? You'd better pray for one because you ain't getting it through stem-cell research.


You're getting quite adept at being able to smoothly slip a religious rant into all threads. Let me take a wild guess here; You were sexually abused by a priest at some point?

I'm glad you bring that up. I wasn't personally sexually abused by priests, but I know hundreds of children have. Now this uncovers another serious question: if God is so omnipotent, then how could he ALLOW his own representatives, his priests, to conduct such a heinous act of child molestation? And it's not like there were a few of them...there were hundreds of cases of Catholic priests molesting multiple children. How could God so unjustly allow his own children..young sexually abused in such a disgusting manner? Perhaps he was punishing the children for misbehaving? Perhaps these children didn't pray as hard as, they did, because I recall hearing that the priests selected the most succulent choir boys... Everybody trusted these could your God allow this to happen? I tell me.



Golden Member
Oct 5, 2002
Valsalva, I'm not sure that you understand the concept of God, he/she/it doesn't allow or prevent free will, but it will be accounted for and judged in the afterlife. God oversees all, not controls all


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2003
Originally posted by: ValsalvaYourHeartOut
Originally posted by: flxnimprtmscl
Originally posted by: ValsalvaYourHeartOut
Originally posted by: hawkeye81x
Stem-cells anyone?
Delicious stem-cells...

Oh, you're so silly. Bush and the rest of the conservative god-fearing bible-thumping delegation would NEVER allow stem-cell research if they got their way. Never mind the fact that products of stem-cell research has the potential to provide rejection-free heart, lung, and kidney transplants...or regenerate spinal cords in people who are paralyzed...The fact is, conducting research on stem-cells that would have been discarded anyway is messing with god's plan!!! The Church absolutely disapproves of this line of research with great vengeance and fuuuuuuurious anger! But I guess it's okay to deprive millions of Americans of life-saving therapies because a bunch of high-holy religious authorities think it's not consistent with the bible. So forget it. You need a new heart..a new spinal cord? You'd better pray for one because you ain't getting it through stem-cell research.


You're getting quite adept at being able to smoothly slip a religious rant into all threads. Let me take a wild guess here; You were sexually abused by a priest at some point?

I'm glad you bring that up. I wasn't personally sexually abused by priests, but I know hundreds of children have. Now this uncovers another serious question: if God is so omnipotent, then how could he ALLOW his own representatives, his priests, to conduct such a heinous act of child molestation? And it's not like there were a few of them...there were hundreds of cases of Catholic priests molesting multiple children. How could God so unjustly allow his own children..young sexually abused in such a disgusting manner? Perhaps he was punishing the children for misbehaving? Perhaps these children didn't pray as hard as, they did, because I recall hearing that the priests selected the most succulent choir boys... Everybody trusted these could your God allow this to happen? I tell me.


I see your point. That line of reasoning raises all sorts of questions though. Such as; If God loves us why does he allow a waste of oxygen like you to exist? Sadly, we'll never know the answer to these sorts of questions. Interesting point though.

Now, I'm dropping this in the hopes that this thread won't get bastardized anymore. Feel free to take your shot at me and then just let it go if you would. I think people are getting tired of your religious ranting. I know I am.


Senior member
Sep 14, 2002
Originally posted by: tbates757
Valsalva, I'm not sure that you understand the concept of God, he/she/it doesn't allow or prevent free will, but it will be accounted for and judged in the afterlife. God oversees all, not controls all

Say what?


Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: flxnimprtmscl
I'm glad you bring that up. I wasn't personally sexually abused by priests, but I know hundreds of children have. Now this uncovers another serious question: if God is so omnipotent, then how could he ALLOW his own representatives, his priests, to conduct such a heinous act of child molestation? And it's not like there were a few of them...there were hundreds of cases of Catholic priests molesting multiple children. How could God so unjustly allow his own children..young sexually abused in such a disgusting manner? Perhaps he was punishing the children for misbehaving? Perhaps these children didn't pray as hard as, they did, because I recall hearing that the priests selected the most succulent choir boys... Everybody trusted these could your God allow this to happen? I tell me.


I see your point. That line of reasoning raises all sorts of questions though. Such as; If God loves us why does he allow a waste of oxygen like you to exist? Sadly, we'll never know the answer to these sorts of questions. Interesting point though.

Interesting point? I have hundreds of them like that...points that directly challenge the basis of the Christian belief system and reveal gross inconsistencies in Christian thinking. As usual, you fail to address the matter that I bring up and instead resort to half-witted ad hominems out of frustration. These are obvious questions that stem from the priest molestation scandal...yet you sound as though you have never thought of them. Why don't you take some time and see your belief system attempts to explain how your supposedly omnipotent God allowed his religious representatives to molest young choir boys. Put up or shut up.



Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: tbates757
Valsalva, I'm not sure that you understand the concept of God, he/she/it doesn't allow or prevent free will, but it will be accounted for and judged in the afterlife. God oversees all, not controls all

Could you please try and make a little less sense. What you wrote probably makes sense to you and you alone.



Aug 14, 2000
Originally posted by: flxnimprtmscl
Originally posted by: ValsalvaYourHeartOut
Originally posted by: flxnimprtmscl
Originally posted by: ValsalvaYourHeartOut
Originally posted by: hawkeye81x
Stem-cells anyone?
Delicious stem-cells...

Oh, you're so silly. Bush and the rest of the conservative god-fearing bible-thumping delegation would NEVER allow stem-cell research if they got their way. Never mind the fact that products of stem-cell research has the potential to provide rejection-free heart, lung, and kidney transplants...or regenerate spinal cords in people who are paralyzed...The fact is, conducting research on stem-cells that would have been discarded anyway is messing with god's plan!!! The Church absolutely disapproves of this line of research with great vengeance and fuuuuuuurious anger! But I guess it's okay to deprive millions of Americans of life-saving therapies because a bunch of high-holy religious authorities think it's not consistent with the bible. So forget it. You need a new heart..a new spinal cord? You'd better pray for one because you ain't getting it through stem-cell research.


You're getting quite adept at being able to smoothly slip a religious rant into all threads. Let me take a wild guess here; You were sexually abused by a priest at some point?

I'm glad you bring that up. I wasn't personally sexually abused by priests, but I know hundreds of children have. Now this uncovers another serious question: if God is so omnipotent, then how could he ALLOW his own representatives, his priests, to conduct such a heinous act of child molestation? And it's not like there were a few of them...there were hundreds of cases of Catholic priests molesting multiple children. How could God so unjustly allow his own children..young sexually abused in such a disgusting manner? Perhaps he was punishing the children for misbehaving? Perhaps these children didn't pray as hard as, they did, because I recall hearing that the priests selected the most succulent choir boys... Everybody trusted these could your God allow this to happen? I tell me.


I see your point. That line of reasoning raises all sorts of questions though. Such as; If God loves us why does he allow a waste of oxygen like you to exist? Sadly, we'll never know the answer to these sorts of questions. Interesting point though.

Now, I'm dropping this in the hopes that this thread won't get bastardized anymore. Feel free to take your shot at me and then just let it go if you would. I think people are getting tired of your religious ranting. I know I am.

i can't believe this debate was spawned by someone quoting a quite hilarious south park episode involving the evil that is christopher reeve


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2003
Originally posted by: ValsalvaYourHeartOut
Originally posted by: flxnimprtmscl
I'm glad you bring that up. I wasn't personally sexually abused by priests, but I know hundreds of children have. Now this uncovers another serious question: if God is so omnipotent, then how could he ALLOW his own representatives, his priests, to conduct such a heinous act of child molestation? And it's not like there were a few of them...there were hundreds of cases of Catholic priests molesting multiple children. How could God so unjustly allow his own children..young sexually abused in such a disgusting manner? Perhaps he was punishing the children for misbehaving? Perhaps these children didn't pray as hard as, they did, because I recall hearing that the priests selected the most succulent choir boys... Everybody trusted these could your God allow this to happen? I tell me.


I see your point. That line of reasoning raises all sorts of questions though. Such as; If God loves us why does he allow a waste of oxygen like you to exist? Sadly, we'll never know the answer to these sorts of questions. Interesting point though.

Interesting point? I have hundreds of them like that...points that directly challenge the basis of the Christian belief system and reveal gross inconsistencies in Christian thinking. As usual, you fail to address the matter that I bring up and instead resort to half-witted ad hominems out of frustration. These are obvious questions that stem from the priest molestation scandal...yet you sound as though you have never thought of them. Why don't you take some time and see your belief system attempts to explain how your supposedly omnipotent God allowed his religious representatives to molest young choir boys. Put up or shut up.


"Failure to address the matter and instead resort to half-witted ad hominems"? You must be joking. Read over the pm's you've sent in response to my pm's. You're quite good at doing the same which makes you nothing but a hypocrite for criticizing me. Besides, how do you really expect me to take such stupidity seriously?


Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: flxnimprtmscl
Originally posted by: ValsalvaYourHeartOut
Originally posted by: flxnimprtmscl
I'm glad you bring that up. I wasn't personally sexually abused by priests, but I know hundreds of children have. Now this uncovers another serious question: if God is so omnipotent, then how could he ALLOW his own representatives, his priests, to conduct such a heinous act of child molestation? And it's not like there were a few of them...there were hundreds of cases of Catholic priests molesting multiple children. How could God so unjustly allow his own children..young sexually abused in such a disgusting manner? Perhaps he was punishing the children for misbehaving? Perhaps these children didn't pray as hard as, they did, because I recall hearing that the priests selected the most succulent choir boys... Everybody trusted these could your God allow this to happen? I tell me.


I see your point. That line of reasoning raises all sorts of questions though. Such as; If God loves us why does he allow a waste of oxygen like you to exist? Sadly, we'll never know the answer to these sorts of questions. Interesting point though.

Interesting point? I have hundreds of them like that...points that directly challenge the basis of the Christian belief system and reveal gross inconsistencies in Christian thinking. As usual, you fail to address the matter that I bring up and instead resort to half-witted ad hominems out of frustration. These are obvious questions that stem from the priest molestation scandal...yet you sound as though you have never thought of them. Why don't you take some time and see your belief system attempts to explain how your supposedly omnipotent God allowed his religious representatives to molest young choir boys. Put up or shut up.


"Failure to address the matter and instead resort to half-witted ad hominems"? You must be joking. Read over the pm's you've sent in response to my pm's. You're quite good at doing the same which makes you nothing but a hypocrite for criticizing me. Besides, how do you really expect me to take such stupidity seriously?

Woh, man. The pm's you received were in direct response to the offensive and snide remarks you initiated...However, irrespective of our PM conversation, I brought up some valid points and you can either address them directly or you can shutup. Your whining about this and that is a waste of my time.



Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2003
Originally posted by: ValsalvaYourHeartOut
Originally posted by: flxnimprtmscl
Originally posted by: ValsalvaYourHeartOut
Originally posted by: flxnimprtmscl
I'm glad you bring that up. I wasn't personally sexually abused by priests, but I know hundreds of children have. Now this uncovers another serious question: if God is so omnipotent, then how could he ALLOW his own representatives, his priests, to conduct such a heinous act of child molestation? And it's not like there were a few of them...there were hundreds of cases of Catholic priests molesting multiple children. How could God so unjustly allow his own children..young sexually abused in such a disgusting manner? Perhaps he was punishing the children for misbehaving? Perhaps these children didn't pray as hard as, they did, because I recall hearing that the priests selected the most succulent choir boys... Everybody trusted these could your God allow this to happen? I tell me.


I see your point. That line of reasoning raises all sorts of questions though. Such as; If God loves us why does he allow a waste of oxygen like you to exist? Sadly, we'll never know the answer to these sorts of questions. Interesting point though.

Interesting point? I have hundreds of them like that...points that directly challenge the basis of the Christian belief system and reveal gross inconsistencies in Christian thinking. As usual, you fail to address the matter that I bring up and instead resort to half-witted ad hominems out of frustration. These are obvious questions that stem from the priest molestation scandal...yet you sound as though you have never thought of them. Why don't you take some time and see your belief system attempts to explain how your supposedly omnipotent God allowed his religious representatives to molest young choir boys. Put up or shut up.


"Failure to address the matter and instead resort to half-witted ad hominems"? You must be joking. Read over the pm's you've sent in response to my pm's. You're quite good at doing the same which makes you nothing but a hypocrite for criticizing me. Besides, how do you really expect me to take such stupidity seriously?

Woh, man. The pm's you received were in direct response to the offensive and snide remarks you initiated...However, irrespective of our PM conversation, I brought up some valid points and you can either address them directly or you can shutup. Your whining about this and that is a waste of my time.


Actually, this entire conversation was spawned by your whining about "Bush and the rest of the conservative god-fearing bible-thumping delegation " so your latest comments about my whining sound more than a little foolish