From what I heard, she wasn’t very popular with many comic fans. (ie years back, some people would dress in as Rocket and Groot in comic conventions before GotG movies, but have you ever seen anyone wearing a Captain Marvel shirt?)Any comic book fans please tell me how strong or significant she is in comics?
I had never heard of her before. And she doesn't seem particularly strong. What's her strength? generic leadership? Female Capt America?
Why make a movie out of her out of tons more popular/interesting/cooler superheroes?Shoots energy, absorbs energy, can fly
So why is she such a big deal to dedicate a solo movie for it? She just seems boring and vanilla as fack. At least bland ass Capt America got a cool shield. Capt Marvel got... nothing.Do you remember the comic book version of Rogue where she had super strength, could fly, and kick butt? She basically killed Ms Marvel and permanently absorbed those powers from her. So, she's kind of like Super Girl but arguably less powerful. The Ms Marvel name has also been reincarnated 4 times in the Marvel universe. The last time she was a young Muslim girl.
So why is she such a big deal to dedicate a solo movie for it? She just seems boring and vanilla as fack. At least bland ass Capt America got a cool shield. Capt Marvel got... nothing.
There must be fackton of better interesting young strong woman superheroes in MCU.
Why make a movie out of her out of tons more popular/interesting/cooler superheroes?
This is the exact phrase uttered by every comic-book fan and non-fan when that loser "Iron Man" was going to get his own movie out of nowhere, from some know-nothing upstart studio called "Marvel Studios" that hadn't yet produced its own product.
I was stoked for iron man. Even I recognized him from avengers beat em up game in 90s in korea. And marvel vs capcom 3 (although it was war machine).This is the exact phrase uttered by every comic-book fan and non-fan when that loser "Iron Man" was going to get his own movie out of nowhere, from some know-nothing upstart studio called "Marvel Studios" that hadn't yet produced its own product.
I was stoked for iron man. Even I recognized him from avengers beat em up game in 90s in korea. And marvel vs capcom 3 (although it was war machine).
Iron man screams appeal to any kid who sees him at a glance- a flying mecha suit armor with rockets, lasers, and that bad ass mask.
I had never heard of Capt marvel nor saw them in any games or anywhere outside of comic books.
And her design tells nothing about her at a glance. I was like, what does she do?
Trailer release
so, you actually weren't paying attention to the public reaction when the Iron Man movie was announced?
LoL--the character was then and still is a bit of a joke. It was an after-thought in the entire Marvel universe. I understand your argument that the design appeals to certain kids in cultures that worship robot-people heroes, but he was, literally, the most garbage, tossed-aside goon of the Marvel Universe (OK, there were and are some serious garbage street heroes, but when it comes to those Avengers or whatever, Iron Man would be the first to die...especially against real badasses like Thanos. Dude wouldn't even be allowed to plan anything to any kind of shit that mattered on that scale)
Anyhoo, the only reason Iron Man exists in the MCU is business: Marvel sold all of their good properties: Spider-Man and X-Men and FF. By then, all they had was Captain America/ (lol--wtf? what a stupid-ass name) and some Iron Man dude that no one really heard of...OK, outside of your Capcom game--yes, I was familiar with this game, but only because like everyone else, I always played X-MEN characters and MAGNETO when possible. Avengers are garbage. Everyone knows that shit. Marvel had no choice and gambled hard on making their only desperate move to save and restore their identity by building around a roundly pissant loser of a no-name hero called Iron Man (consider that characters like Batman and Superman have culture presence and acceptance...a near-century of relevance in the public mind...Iron Man? lol). That is actually cool, and respect for it for Marvel, because the gamble obviously = $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. So, yeah. baller.
The fact remains that no one gave a fuck about an unknown "Iron Man" at the time, so I remain confused why you are complaining about Capt Marvel when the same business issues complicate Marvel's story (they only recently re-acquired Silver Surfer--the only hero, next to Dr Strange, really, capable of providing any real competition against Thanos...pre--IG, anyway...but regardless, too late to weave him in to the story). So: Capt Marvel, a property they have actually been working on for about 2 decades, IIRC. (the modern version, anyway)
If DCU makes their own Captain Marvel movie, I'd die laughing.When my wife first mentioned this upcoming film (maybe six months ago or more), I thought of this guy:
Probably because I had been watching the 'Young Justice' cartoon series.
As for the trailer, MCU movies (maybe just comic book movies in general) are leaving me increasingly underwhelmed, this trailer was no exception, though it was a teaser trailer really which I generally try to avoid because they're a waste of my time.
When my wife first mentioned this upcoming film (maybe six months ago or more), I thought of this guy:
Probably because I had been watching the 'Young Justice' cartoon series.
As for the trailer, MCU movies (maybe just comic book movies in general) are leaving me increasingly underwhelmed, this trailer was no exception, though it was a teaser trailer really which I generally try to avoid because they're a waste of my time.
If DCU makes their own Captain Marvel movie, I'd die laughing.
You seem pretty passionate about the comic book heroes, thanks for the input. I didn't know Iron Man was laughed at that much when the movie was announced. His design is awesome... he's a literal Inspector Gadget on steroids.