California Woman pens powerful open letter to Trump

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Mar 5, 2001
The only thing that is clear is that trump supporters are pretty fucking stupid!

Thanks for clearing that up! I especially liked the part where you point out people who are exercising their free speech as examples of people who are trying to squelch free speech. The irony is completely lost on you;)
Yes, exercising "free speech" while demanding others free speech be squelched should be encouraged. What should really be happening is these students should get an abject lesson in free speech. There are no safe zones. There is no "violent speech". There is no "white privilege".

The last is particularly troubling. Free speech is seen as a white male privilege at this point. It is seen as the only way the patriarchy can continue, so it must be eliminated.


Mar 5, 2001
students do stupid shit while students. film at 11.
You think this is students? Look at Sandra Click. Look at the black professor in Boston. Look at mizzou as a whole and giving into demands and placing the new guy, who is not a student and is not objective, in power. Look at all over the us. They don't want free speech. They being the faculty teaching the students.

This has been brewing for decades. Some are starting to realize the mobster they have created. Others, like Sandra Click, still feed it.


Jul 2, 2005
You still don't get it. That or you are just trolling. She was addressing something that wasn't real. Her "facts" are wrong and she addressed them in the typical millenial idiotic manner.

Exactly. Worthless idiot takes to twitter to take on something that didn't exist to begin with. Fellow idiots lap it up as "powerful". The cycle of stupidity continues :D


May 15, 2000
And they have manipulated the shit out of it, taking it out of context and content.

As far as this "powerful" open letter, it was a paragraph, not a letter, it was a couple sentences, not a full paragraph, and it didn't even have much content.

It is typical of the twitterhead generation. A few hashtags, some texting type sentences, and that's it.

Your ability to fact check and criticize anyone and everyone who criticises trump is amazing and is only topped by your inability to hold trump to the same standards you hold for forum posters, Facebook users, and tweeters. I'd ask you why you think that is but hypocrites aren't capable of self reflection.


Jun 11, 2004
You have 0 facts that can be used to back up your claim as usual.

You're just spewing pure hate by a hate group.

He's the typical low information fucktard that always cries about Free Speech and still doesn't get what it actually does and does not mean...


Mar 5, 2001
He's the typical low information fucktard that always cries about Free Speech and still doesn't get what it actually does and does not mean...
Yeah, because a millenial's open "letter" addressing something that never happened is "high information".

Ham n' Eggs

Sep 22, 2015
oh look, another bit of internet content that is crapping on Trump. Thank god, I thought I was going to go into convulsive withdrawal syndrome since I hadn't seen a Trump-crapping piece of "jorunalism" or faux-outrage in the past 29 minutes. At 30 minutes of no Trump-crapping content the average human being can suffer life-threatening complications due to the pent up fauxrage that needs to be released.



Jun 11, 2004
Yeah, because a millenial's open "letter" addressing something that never happened is "high information".

About as high information as another millennial complaining about free speech while bitching about someone exercising their own...


Mar 5, 2001
About as high information as another millennial complaining about free speech while bitching about someone exercising their own...
First, I am not a millenial. Second, I don't believe in safe zones. Never have, never will. So her facts and your facts are of the same content, bullshit.


Feb 6, 2002
To be honest I do not really give a crap about anything Trump says.

Have a nice day.


Apparently a majority of Republican primary voters do.

Says a lot about them


Diamond Member
May 6, 2011
Dismantle the welfare state and you dont need to build a wall. Stop creating groups like ISIS and you wont need to worry about muslims. It is amazing the mental leaps people make in order to avoid the accepting the simplest and easiest solutions.

WWIII is approaching faster than most people realize. Did you know that 2 million people in Crimea are without power? That is a direct attack on Russia resulting from a US backed coup in Ukraine. The shoot down of a Russian plane in Syria by Turkey, a NATO country that supports ISIS with both arms and oil money. WWI was started over much less than this. Yall better wake up and stop the stupid, before the stupid stops you.


Golden Member
Jan 22, 2002
I have mystical powers.

As for a strong military, we spend as much on the military as the next ten countries combined. We have as many super carriers as all other countries combined. We have enough nuclear weapons to destroy the world. I think we are set.

As for your life goal being to see a bunch of concrete poured, then I don't know what to say. :D

The lady in the OP some how scares the man you'd vote for.

I see your mind reading skills are at work again. Let us work from the bottom up.
I'd bet the girl does not scare Trump. The wall is not my life goal, but it was promised to us in the 80s.
A strong military is one that an opponent believes will act. Lately the US has delivered ultimatums that were ignored with no consequences. We are now correctly perceived as weak. Correcting this image will be very costly if we are willing to correct it at all.



Jun 23, 2004
Ms. Balkar is an example of communicating thoughts and ideals that can bring us together.


Diamond Member
Sep 28, 2001
Dismantle the welfare state and you dont need to build a wall.

Corporates having moved and moving jobs abroad are the #1 reason that caused the "welfare state" aka: poor people, unemployed, under-employed.

Your wall, I am afraid won't do SH!T until the actual reason is addressed and a solution is found.

You want to find a solution to a problem? LOOK AT THE ACTUAL CAUSE NOT A SECONDARY RESULT (aka: "immigrants from Mexico").

If you suffer a problem like bugs and smell because someone in the neighborhood keeps dumping tons of sh!t on the don't solve the problem by blaming people in your house who keep your windows open, do you? The one who blames folks who don't shut the windows is either a total idiot...or he does it on purpose because he has an interest that the real cause is not found out.
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Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
Not a "powerful letter." More like a meaningless letter. Wrong audience. It'll have minimal affect on Trump supporters. The ones with a little empathy are not the ones who support Trump in the first place.


Moderator <br> VC&G Forum
Mar 18, 2005
Ah yes, the old "it's only a small percentage" argument. True, only a small percentage are murderous zealots willing to kill for their cause, but that's not the part that makes islam incompatible with a free society. Even amount the supposedly normal ones, even in western countries like France, the UK and so forth, a disturbingly high percentage support punishment for apostasy, punishment for insult of momammed or islam, and restrictions on free speech, restrictions on dress based on islam. The fundamental inability to accept that others not only don't have to agree with the religion but are free to mock/insult/ignore it is what makes islam followers incompatible with free society.

What percentage of Catholics do you suppose would support throwing someone in jail if they convert to another religion? What percentage of Christians do you suppose would support jailing people who say something mean about Jesus or make fun of him?

That kind of stuff is why islam is incompatible with free society. It's not that each and every follower is bad or dangerous, it's that as a collective they don't support basic freedoms needed for a free society.

All those things you list are unconstitutional in the US unless you think they could muster enough support for a constitutional convention, you don't have to worry about it. You, again, are painting with a wide brush. That is what happens when you choose not to look at the individual, but instead dwell on stereotypes. While there are backward views in other countries, there are millions that are like you or I and I'd rather not drag them through the mud for the acts of those that are completely unrelated to them.

I have no problem calling ISIS/Al Queda/etc a bunch of backward ass idiots, but when you start to see all muslims as terrorists or "incompatible with free society" then it is time for reflection.


Dec 3, 2013
I have no problem calling ISIS/Al Queda/etc a bunch of backward ass idiots, but when you start to see all muslims as terrorists or "incompatible with free society" then it is time for reflection.

Pretty much this in a nutshell.



Jun 23, 2004
Not a "powerful letter." More like a meaningless letter. Wrong audience. It'll have minimal affect on Trump supporters. The ones with a little empathy are not the ones who support Trump in the first place.

Such messages aren't about the opponent. She embodies the very thing this country, and the world, needs more of. And it's to humanize Muslims in a way almost no communication ever does.

I find it very successful at reaching people who are swayed by not knowing any better. Who only know that Muslims = ISIS or September 11th. AND THERE ARE A GREAT MANY OF THEM!
Of course it's just a single note, but it's a sort of start. Something far grander, more common, and purposefully prominent needs to be heard across the globe, and that woman's message is the blueprint for what it should be.
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Diamond Member
May 4, 2009
My desired enslavement and or elimination of people? Please reference any post of mine where I've advocated that, or kindly STFU with your bullshit.

Since you asked....
Statements such as the following you are effectively equating all Muslims as terrorists or in support of them.

Overly sensitive is a huge understatement. Sorry Rainsford, but it's been shown over and over and over again that it's not just some small minority. Poll after poll confirms it, as if all the insane riots and violence resulting from a book, a cartoon or a movie etc are not evidence enough.

As I've said before, islam and a truly free society are fundamentally incompatible, and this whole episode just reinforces that reality.

In the US they simply haven't reached sufficient numbers yet to cause serious problems, but that's starting to change in some places in Michigan and Minneapolis. Due to the higher concentration there you're starting to see friction developing between muslims and non-muslims. Not having predominantly muslim colonies and not sharing a border with a muslim country is what has somewhat insulated the US from the problems the Europeans are seeing now.

You simply can't have a long term peaceful coexistence between groups when one group doesn't believe in the right of the other group to not adhere to the same beliefs and rules.

In that you also state one can not have a "peaceful coexistence" which would equate elimination of them...
So far we can determine without a doubt you wish their elimination...

Here we show you wish to imprison terrorists, potentially indefinitely, which is effectively enslavement...

It really isn't that hard to figure out. She tried to join a terrorist organization that brutalizes civilians, and she bragged about wanting to inflict terror on innocents. I can't think of a much clearer example of someone who wants to aid the enemy. 5 years isn't nearly enough, a swift bullet to the head would be the punishment if it were up to me, she's always going to be a danger to sane people. Alas, it is not up to me, so 5 years in jail will have to do.

Anything else you wish to be proved?


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
You don't care, yet you come in the thread and associate this lady with terrorism then step away. You are no better than Glenn Beck.

The Bible is just as incompatible with a "free society" as the quran.

That is 100% correct that is why we have separation of religion from state so we don't have to be forced to follow anyone's religious dogma and freedom of speech so we can criticize those same beliefs without having to fear blasphemy laws or their modern equivalent, hate speech laws,

But the problem arises because you pretend liberals don't treat Islam by the same standards you do to other religions, and try to elevate it to the equivalent of race which is inherited instead of a belief system that is chosen which is demonstrated by the following examples below.

This is Art and can be government funded and was defended as such by the biggest pretend liberal Hillary Clinton at the time.


This according to the same pretend liberals is hate speech


To summarize



If Western society treated Islam by the same standards it uses against other religions like Christianity you wouldn't have no were near the same amount of problems today because the fanatics would know you would put them in their place just like all other religions that tried to push their agendas in the past,

instead you stick your head in the sand, look the other way, apologize, blame whitey, the christian, Israel, the jew, etc. and become enablers of their fanatics and it brings out those you call bigots because they use your hypocrisy against you and in turn it affects Muslims who are content to live and let live and want nothing to do with terrorists.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2011
Corporates having moved and moving jobs abroad are the #1 reason that caused the "welfare state" aka: poor people, unemployed, under-employed.

That is NOT true. All the things you mentioned have nothing to do with each other, except that they are all products of failed leftist government interventions. The welfare state is an abject failure. And the reason corporations move is that this government forces them to move by over-regulating and over taxing. It is next to impossible to start a business in this country. The government wants to put its damn claws into everything. Even just getting a ride from someone (I mean Uber, not prostitution), the government is trying to get its claws into that too. For christ sakes, its a frickin car ride. What business does the government have inserting itself into people's orifices like that? And where does it stop?